
The end of an era...

After a 980 year war of ponies and dragons comes to an end, Celestia finds herself the victor.

And yet, as Celestia pulls her sword from the head of the final dragon, she cries.

An entire species is extinct by her hooves. She ponders if she would ever forgive herself for her actions.

And yet, as she began to lower the sun on this war something catches her eyes...

Inspired by Winter Quill’s story “Sparkles and Scales; https://www.fimfiction.net/story/418748/sparkles-and-scales

Chapters (1)

In Big Mac's dreams, he can fly: not with butterfly wings or those provided by magical means, but with huge, majestic, powerful pinions that match his body in strength and size. In his dreams, too, he has the courage to approach Fluttershy and ask if she'll spend time with him. One dozing daydream takes him on a wild adventure involving both secret wishes, and waking finds one has come true!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dragons of Hourglass

Book 3 of the Keeper Trilogy:
At the Twilight of Harmony

A creature of unimaginable evil and power has escaped its prison, the drums of war have sounded, and only death and destruction are guaranteed as the forces of harmony magic fight against the rising tide of dark magic.

With the overwhelming odds against them the forces of Equestria, Hourglass, and the Griffin Allied Eyries are still confident in winning. But will the victory be Pyrrhic?

Chapters (78)

It’s been a couple of months since Opaline was defeated, and the ponies are getting ready for Hearts and Hooves Day which is right around the corner, but when the dragons don’t know what Hearts and Hooves Day is, it’s up to the ponies and Spike to show them the spirit of the holiday, and are the ponies missing something important when it comes to not panicking about new arrivals, especially on Hearts and Hooves Day?

Takes place in an alternate universe where the dragons visit the ponies on special occasions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Between Midnight and Dawn

Chronological Sequel [2/5]

Map : https://imgur.com/b4mf641

Chapters (7)

Now with a little over sixty years as an alicorn under her belt, Twilight thought that she was prepared for anything. However, when she discovers a secret long-kept by Celestia, she is torn. Forced to choose between politics and justice, Twilight will be making waves in the harmonious power structure of Equestria that she never dreamt of making. Ones that could start wars and change life as she knows it for years to come.

Chapters (5)

The Mane 6 take Sparky to the Isle of Scaly so that the dragons can watch over him for the night while they spend their night at Zephyr Heights for a royal dinner.

Chapters (1)

A prank ton wrong leaves Barry with spectral powers and confined to his new location. Will he be able to adjust to his new life?

A free commission/ co-op story for/with: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/322554/damiranc1

Inspired by Danny Phantom

Chapters (2)

It's the year by the pony calendar of course. It's the year 1990 ponies rule the earth. But there is more to this story than an invasion from an alien race in the universe. There is so much more of how this came to be.

Some don't even remember the true story of what happened to earth.

Chapters (13)

The Dragon Lands have always been a very turbulent nation, with dragon lords constantly having to watch out for usurpers. Ember is no exception, as many dragons doubt the validity of her rise to power. One dragon will rise from the shade, to fan the flames of doubt and turn the nation against her. And most surprisingly, they'll be using the power of friendship to put an end to her controversial leadership.

Note: This fanfic works on the assumption, that the last three seasons never happened.

Chapters (1)