
Twilight is assassinated. Repeatedly. If only anypony knew what the word "immortal" meant...

Now with a reading by Skijarama!
Now available in Spanish!

Originally written for the Writeoff Association's February contest, "The Twilight Zone."
Thanks to Not_A_Hat, Masked Ferret, Floydien, Chryssi, and ChappedPenguinLips for prereading.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Twilight Sparkle is embarking on a new path in her life, and Luna is there to guide her to the right one. At long last, it is time for the Stars to come home.

Twilight Sparkle's story, and sequel to A Tale of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

Cover art by AeronJVL.

Chapters (2)

Rarity is good at making dresses. In fact, she's the best. But even she didn't know that her latest dress would be more than the fashion sensation of the season.

Now she was going to have to add wing-holes to all her outfits, and everypony seems worried about her latest creation.

Chapters (1)

Twilight needs help researching flight dynamics to improve her wing-granting spell. She seeks out Rainbow Dash's help. Dash has other reasons for helping Twilight...

If you're a Twidash fan, thanks for giving this old thing a read. When I wrote it, I did ship Twidash myself. Alas, no longer. I will not be writing a follow up, I will not write another Twidash story unrelated to this one. Between some kind of artistic integrity and a desire not to remove a story no matter how little I care for it, this story will stay here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight, feeling a little out of place in this new home of hers, attends a winter get together with her friends. Between talk of this and that, she learns a bit about the traditions that helped shape her friends and the place they all call home.

Commission with apologies for tardiness to Multicruiseverse.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis wakes from her exile to find that Princess Twilight has crashed in the forest around her new home. What will the once proud Changeling Queen do?

Artwork by Jazzi_Mae, or Jazzi the Pegasus as I know her.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has a guilty pleasure and for many, especially the single, that pleasure can be found in the adult novel section of the library. For every shipment in recent memory, Twilight Sparkle has looked forward to the newest novel from the up-and-coming Saucy Tale. For every shipment in recent memory, she hasn’t been disappointed.

So when Twilight discovers that the source of these stories is none other than the subconscious hyper-awareness of Rainbow Dash, can her brain cope with the implications or will her friends face yet another purple-coloured meltdown?

((Now featured on Equestria Daily.))

((This is not an explicit story, but does touch on some suggestive themes.))

Beta Reader Special Thanks:


Chapters (1)

Spike has finally saved up his allowance, and on a beautiful winter's day he buys his first material possession, a sled!

When a technical difficulty causes him to doubt his purchase Twilight quietly uses her magic to solve the problem. But what awaits the dragon whelp as her magic turns an average sled into the Super Amazing Rocket Sled of Awesome?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Absense of Chaos

Empress Twilight Sparkle abdicates.

19/02/2022 Featured! I'm so happy!

Now with an audiobook from this awesome guy!

Chapters (1)