"Twilight and her friends are invited to the Grand Galloping Gala." Pinkie sighed. 'We have to do that story again?' she thought. "Ugh, I don't know how much longer I can take these summer repeats! Well better get this over and done with. It sure is a better option than... the alternative."

Pinkie Pie is in charge of the show, and it's her responsibility to make sure every episode goes off without a hitch. However, performing an endless cycle of repeats over the summer has left everypony very frustrated. Despite that, it is up to Pinkie to guide her friends through the repeat, less they face the unthinkable if things go wrong.

The first story of my "Tales From Behind the Scenes" series! Read the other parts here:
1. The Best Night Ever! (repeat)
2. Magical Mystery Drama
3. Lyra's Big Idea
4. The Crusader Crisis

Chapters (6)

Dragons are something of an enigma to Equestria. Those who do live within the borders are largely reclusive, either building their hoards or sleeping away the decades. So far as dragons who are active in everyday life in Ponyville go, Smolder represents a 100% increase in the population.

Twilight cannot let this opportunity slip her by. Enough time has passed for it to not be a diplomatic faux pas to sit Smolder down and grill her for much needed details on her species, not only for the sake of science, but for the benefit of the young dragon in her personal care. Naturally, the topic of death comes up.

Twilight handles that about as well as you might expect.

Discussion of death is largely academic and intended to be comedic but I've tagged it teen to be safe. No actual death or scenes of violence are shown so I didn't think the death tag itself was needed. It's also tagged for comedy as that was my intent, but only you can tell me if it's actually funny or not.

Now with sequel: Growing Up Dragon

Chapters (1)

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Equestria has known its longest period of peace! Except for the reoccurring existential threats. And if you ignore that thousand years when the Elements of Harmony weren't needed.

Well, that time is over. A new villain has come to tame the mythical land of magical horses. Or, well, he's there at least. Equestria has a way of taming itself.

Chapters (3)

Working for the boss was one of the easiest jobs going. Gargoyles didn't need to eat or drink, and, most of the time, he just sat and brooded quietly. But every so often, like every villain, he felt he had to justify his villainy with some grand scheme to conquer or destroy. After all, that's what evil villains were supposed to do wasn't it? But evil villains were also supposed to be defeated, and that wasn't conducive to long-term employment. And sometimes—the last time the boss had planned to conquer the diamond dogs for instance—Rogi had to work very hard indeed. Luckily though, tonight he'd picked Equestria again.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle is facing a crisis greater than Tirek, the Changelings, and King Sombra combined.

She's read every single book in existence.

So it is that she has nothing new to read.

She does not take it well.

Pre-read by The Albinocorn and MythrilMoth.

Review by Gear Tech the Living Robot

Dramatic reading by DRWolf
Reading by Wing T. Spears

Chapters (1)

At last, Twilight has finished everything. The web is finally online.

But it seems some other ponies have gotten to her first. Somehow.

Chapters (1)

Each pony in Ponyville is different, but some are more different than others.

Everyone knows that Pinkie Pie is unique. But not how unique...

Chapters (1)

When the final exams get submitted from the foals at Ponyville Schoolhouse, Cheerilee has a good feeling that her students payed attention all year long. She's almost looking forward to grading the papers, because she's sure most of the kids aced the test!

...boy, was she wrong.

Chapters (3)

Despite being a brony, I have never met the main cast of the show, despite having lived in Equestria for a decent amount of time. Instead, I'm working as a janitor in Manehattan, keeping my distance from the main characters of Friendship is Magic.

I blame EternityFlame for making me write this, direct all hate towards him.

Chapters (1)

A collection of some of my shorter or more experimental pieces of fanfic that don't really merit standalone status. Updated at random as I write additional bits and pieces that I can't do anything else with. Rated teen for bathroom humor, drug use, and sad ponies.

Chapters (7)