Featured on 1/31/2017
This is the story of two criminals by the name of Snatch and Ransack. They were petty thieves with a list of equally petty crimes to their names. It was on this day however that they decided to aim a little higher on their criminal escapades and upgrade from basic thievery to kidnapping. They planned it all out; they had chloroform, they had the windowless van, they had the ransom demands, they had the location they would hold their captive, it was perfect.

The only mistake they made was the target they chose. She looked like a harmless pink haired girl with a family that would pay through the nose to get her back. What they didn't realize is that every single animal, bird, and insect in within a ten mile radius was going to take umbrage with her getting kidnapped.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer presents Sunset with an ethics question while they spend time at the mall.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is facing a crisis greater than Tirek, the Changelings, and King Sombra combined.

She's read every single book in existence.

So it is that she has nothing new to read.

She does not take it well.

Pre-read by The Albinocorn and MythrilMoth.

Review by Gear Tech the Living Robot

Dramatic reading by DRWolf
Reading by Wing T. Spears

Chapters (1)

Caught in a life or death situation, with all her friends turned against her and feeling completely trapped, Twilight recounts the series of unfortunate events which led to this devastating situation from her secret hideout.Not for the faint-hearted.

You have been warned.

Chapters (1)

After accidentally learning that each Princess has their very own secret rooms to retreat inside whenever they wish, Twilight Sparkle makes it her mission to uncover just what could be inside Princess Celestia's.

Perhaps Twilight should have knocked first.

Artwork by Hawk9mm.

Chapters (1)

Meeting herself was not really something Sunset had ever planned to do. But once she does, she insists that they’re different people. What that leads to is something she was not expecting to enjoy.

Second place finalist for the Sunset Shimmer X Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest! Proof read by Sunlight Rays

Sex tag is only for suggestive jokes and comments. This is not as serious as the title and cover art makes it seem.

Chapters (1)

You'll find a rampaging army of Rainbow Dash's, a chaos dealing Fancy Pants, cute coughs resulting in cuddling, and more, all in the same place. It's no mad house, it's Mad Libs.

A collection of short, ~1,000 word self-contained snippets that are generated from submissions to the mad-lib event(s) I've held here on FimFiction. There is going to be little rhyme and reason between the individual snippets, but hopefully there is a little something for everyone to enjoy. Snippets will never be worse than a teen rating. Each snippet will also have one or more tags to help readers find ones they're interested in.

So far, this collection contains the results from one mad-lib event(s).

Chapters (4)

We all know what happened during Lesson Zero. Twilight Sparkle screwed up big time. But she got off the hook. Nothing bad happened. No dire consequences to speak of. Nothing in her life changed for the worse.

But what if something did? After all, that’s how all fanfictions start. Just changing one detail, no matter how small. Just one minor detail. In this case, it concerns something being born inside the head our little Twilight that day.

Look out Twilight, because you’ve got a new roommate in your psyche. She’s everything you aren’t. She’s sporadic. She’s unconventional. She’s absolutely insane. She hates your guts.

Her name is Screwball.

Chapters (4)

In every world, era, and species, adolescents think they're the first to invent or discover whatever they come across. It's not hard to see why. In the flower of youth, every experience is new and fresh and exciting, especially the ones previous generations won't discuss. Not in polite company, anyway. Certainly not with their children.

Well, "exciting" isn't always the best word to describe those discoveries. Sometimes it's "horrifying." Especially when it involves certain alicorn princesses.

Rated Teen for discussion of topics that would be rated Mature. Also rated C for Crackfic. Graciously preread by Comma Typer.

Chapters (1)