• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


Starlight Glimmer presents Sunset with an ethics question while they spend time at the mall.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 92 )

“Starlight, calm down, you’re attracting attention.” Sunset rubbed her wrist. “But what is real, anyway?”

“W-what do you mean?” Starlight asked like a suddenly naked person.

“I mean, who knows if any of this is real?” Sunset asked as she leaned onto the table. “Who’s to say that some outside force isn’t feeding signals into our brains as we’re strapped into―”

“Arcane brain-massaging devices?”

I actually understood that reference. And I may as well say this since no one else has yet: Goddammit, Syeekoh.

Anyway, another fun read as usual. :twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

I’m glad you enjoyed it.

And I suppose someone had to say it.

Sunset should be grateful there isn't a relish fork nearby..l

Glimglam may be crazy, but so are most mares.

Majin Syeekoh

Most likely, yeah.

I like to think that everyone would be crazy to everyone else if we could read minds.

SciTwi is absolutely retarded.
Starlight is absolutely bonkers.


I'll accept it.

Majin Syeekoh

Oh my god I didn’t even make that connection.

That’s great.

As far as I'm concerned, this is part of the Beanisverse. Startlight might not like that part of the simulation.

Majin Syeekoh

I mean if you can work this into accepted Beanis canon, that’s fine with me.

Would you mind clueing me in on the joke? I want to experience the greatness of that as well.

Majin Syeekoh

I can’t show you because it’d link to M rated content, but if you go through my stories, you’ll find a story with ‘Beanis’ in the title. Your journey starts there.

It's a completely reasonable conclusion to reach.

If you're a bicycle.

Majin Syeekoh

I mean Starlight’s a bicycle, right?


Goddamnit, Syeekoh.

You know,i got here via related stories somewhere else. Didn't even think about the author or what i was getting into.

And here i am, again at the end of another Majinsterpiece

Majin Syeekoh

Just keep it coming.:ajsmug:

Imma go check it out.

Also, we are not allowed to link to M rated content in the comments? I might have to read the rules for this website again, I don't remember that one at all.

Majin Syeekoh


I like the sound of that.

Goddamnit, Syeekoh. Now I'm thinking about things.

Needs comedy tag. Pretty Damn funny


beanis canon

fucking lol

Majin Syeekoh

Not in the comments of a story that’s not M rated, no. That would be against site rules.

Comments should obey the rating of the thing they are a comment on, this means comments must be SFW on SFW stories.

And this is technically SFW.

heh. this reminds me of something...
I recently read that popular fic about the diamond dogs digging up gems for their human masters, and I wondered how equestria girls would factor into the sci-fi world the author had created. one of the things I thought up was that whenever a pony entered the portal they went into a matrix-type simulated reality where they learned what it meant to be human.

the other thing I thought up was that it was time-travel + shape-shifting and that the ponies who went were trying to prevent the bad future from getting worse.

Majin Syeekoh

Huh. That’s interesting. We must be on the same wavelength, then.:twilightsmile:

Good story!

Past a certain point, it's quicker just to explain why killing is bad and forbidden than to ascertain if Starlight's serious or not.

I am afraid you may be missing a speech mark at the start of this line:

And… and…” Starlight raised a finger. “If I disrupt the simulation, we wouldn’t get to hang out!”

This explains so much about Starlight's time in the human world. Brevity was definitely the soul of wit here. Thank you for the new headcanon.

“I thought this was some kind of Funtime Fantasy Land! I mean, there’s analogues to everyone I know! How is this real!”

Um...this thing called the mulitverse theory, Starlight. That most people know. Infinite realities with infinite possibilites. Example: a reality where Hitler cured cancer. Don't think about it.

Majin Syeekoh

It probably is, yeah, but I think Sunset was just flabbergasted when Starlight started diving murder and killing.

I didn’t expect to create new headcanons with this story. That’s always an unexpected surprise.

Most people, sure.:moustache:

At least a bicycle.

I know this has probably been said already in the comments but, Goddammit, Syeekoh. :facehoof:

Majin Syeekoh

It’s fine, keep ‘em coming.:rainbowlaugh:

Majin Syeekoh


They gave me the position at 4:30 PM Saturday when I was on my way to the liquor store for rum.

Majin Syeekoh

I can’t really write when I’m intoxicated because I need a clear head to organize my thoughts.

…nicotine, maybe? But I don’t think you want a smoking habit.

i need to know what went through your head when you wrote this

Majin Syeekoh

…it seemed like a good idea, honestly.

Huh, well alright then.

Majin Syeekoh

Think like the wind.

Also yeah I’m a little surprised as how often the phrase “Beanis canon” has been coming up as of late.


Also yeah I’m a little surprised as how often the phrase “Beanis canon” has been coming up as of late.

Hey, you write two internally coherent stories, you create canonicity. It's all your own, damn fault.

Carry on, please.

As for this one, I somehow see Sunset storm the liquor store the instant she comes of age. That, or she goes on a rampage the when she realises you need better paperwork to get bourbon than to go to Canterlot High.

Entertaining story, as usual. You are spoiling us, and I'm OK with this.


I have no other words.

My head hurts.

Good thing Sunset brought her down from that idea. Just imagine what Starlight would do to a simulated Sunburst, where she thinks she can perform any fantasy without consequences...

It's real, Glimglam. You're just a psychopath.


she has trixie for that

And it’s not like I haven’t done it yet.

So... she already did it?

Still, an astute observation at the end there, Sunset. Way to go. Try not to shatter her world view any more, else she might show you how bonkers she can really go :rainbowlaugh:

no no no its a good story honestly but its one of those that left me asking wth have I just reed :D

Majin Syeekoh

I seem to get that reaction a lot, honestly xD

I can easily see Trixie walking in on this conversation and walking away scared out of concern for the insane girl. LOL. Sunset has learned well from Pinkie. Just roll with it and don’t question it.

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