People have asked, but not many know, the story behind the Pegasi who lives in the Everfree... now everyone will. This is the story of great heroics, the story of romance, and great perils....... wait, this doesn't have any of that in it? Oh... well then this is just a regular OC backstory for a very un-ordinary Pegasi, the one they call Dead Ink.... ME. I hope you all enjoy this: My mate Allie and I decided to write it together... you could say she's my co-author, as she is the one who pestered me to hand this out. So, enjoy.

Does contain light diapers, but no usage, as that's not what this story is about. Dead Ink's and Allie Astra's personalities are this way, so this is what we write.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Therapy With Doodle Noodle

This story was written by Leon XIII. It is a genuine part of the "Follow The Twinkles" series of stories I developed as I have personally adapted to having lost all of my physical eyesight.

Yosh, assistant to Dawnbreak Horizon and close friends to Twilight Sparkle and Spike, is so caught up in all he can't do that he forgets all he can do. Fortunately his pals have plans to help him realize he's able to do more than he thinks despite his condition.


Story rated "Teen" for diaper wearing and involuntary usage. (Yosh being magically hatched along with being a hybrid has caused his bladder to not develop as quickly as Spike)


www.furaffinity.net/ user/leonXIII

Chapters (1)

A collection of short stories, including those written for various prompts. See below for the descriptions of each entry.

The first three were written for Equestria Daily's 2015 Writer's Training Grounds:

1. Racing Shadows {Adventure/Drama}
“Rainbow Dash sets out to find Spitfire, but finds more is at stake than she thought. An old enemy is there to meet her.”
This story was written for the Rarity Investigates WTG, for the third prompt, about Rainbow Dash's trip to retrieve Spitfire. I spent some more time and effort on this one than I did on the other two.

2. Tactical Retreat {Adventure}
“Starlight Glimmer reflects upon her recent defeat.”
This story was written for week 2. It doesn't even reach the minimum length requirements… but it's still something. I think. It doesn't exactly fit any of the prompts, either.

3. Clydesdale's Mark {Sad/Drama}
“When ‘Troubleshoes’ Clydesdale tried out for the Rope-n-Rodeo rodeo school, he didn't expect to get his cutie mark. But when he did get it, he really wished he hadn't. His friend tries to comfort him in his darkest hour.”
This was written for week 1. I'm not even sure if it technically fits any of the prompts, but… I guess it's closest to prompt 1?

4. Changing Your Baby {Dark/Drama}
“The royal baby's diaper is changed. So is the rest of her.”
There be Changelings ahead. I needed to write this after the Season 6 opener. Partially so that I could say ‘I told you so’ in the event that this is actually what happened.

Chapters (4)

(Originally published on Fanfiction.net and Deviant Art. Inspired by and loosely based on Baby Growth by Solar-Slash on Deviant Art. Takes place in an AU during "Baby Cakes". Warning!: This story has been rated Teen as a precaution due to it involving baby ponies being flushed down the toilet.)

Pinkie Pie gets fed up with having to change the diapers of Pound and Pumpkin Cake, so she decides there's only one thing to do: She'll have to potty train them. It doesn't matter to her that the twins may not be ready yet.

At first, it seems to go well. But when Pinkie decides she needs to leave the twins alone to go potty, she unintentionally sets things up to go horribly wrong.

How wrong, you ask? Well, wrong enough for the twins to accidentally flush themselves down the drain! A horrified Pinkie must now find a way to rescue the baby Cakes before anypony finds out what's happened!

Chapters (1)

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains diaper changing scenes, which is why I rated this story Teen.
Poor, timid Fluttershy is afraid to give up her diaper in favor of learning to use the potty. The rest of the Mane Six tease her for her fear while Princess Celestia supports her in a kind and loving manner. This story is one source of inspiration for this one.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Pottyshy

CONTENT WARNING: This story contains diaper changing scenes, which is why I rated this story Teen.
No longer afraid to give up her diaper, Fluttershy goes to the potty every day. Now, her only obstacle is her shyness; she must try and try again to speak up in order to be excused to go to the potty.

Chapters (2)