Twilight has been working nonstop for the past couple days. She could really use some time to relax. When a certain orange stallion come to visit, she may finally be able to get the rest she so desperately desires.

I know, I know. I am taking a HUGE risk writing this. Flashlight might possible be the most hated shipping out there. I'm one of the few who actually does ship it. This is just a cute little short story.
On that note, if you do not like Flashlight, please do not downvote this story simply because you dislike the shipping. I'd sincerely appreciate it if you'd at least read it. It would mean a lot to me if you would read it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: Rainbow Rocks

Flash, Twilight and friends have beaten the Sirens. All seemed well as they returned to Equestria, but true peace never lasts. Now, the Elements of Harmony find themselves in a place that will reveal a truth that was thought to be all but forgotten. And as a darkness rises from these depths, will they survive this revelation, or is it all over?

Written by KingJoltik

Now on TVtropes

Chapters (7)

It all seemed to be finished, Sunset Shimmer had been defeated by a magic rainbow laser, and she tearfully apologized and said she wanted to learn a new way through friendship and Twilight asked her new friends to help the defeated bully to learn while she and Spike returned with the crown to Equestria, after celebrating the formal of course. When the formal ended Twilight said goodbye to her friends and she and Spike stepped through the portal to return home, only to walk into the statue. They missed their chance and were trapped in the human world.

With no known way home and unable to communicate with their friends the two Equestrians have to adjust to earth life while searching for a way to reopen the portal while dealing with a repentant Sunset Shimmer.

(Hiatus Note: I currently have Four projects on A03 Archive and have not had the time to write here lately. Will return to this once one of those projects is more complete)

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Order

Despite receiving a harsh reprimand from Captain Ironhoof for his "little stunt," Flash Sentry still struggles with his forbidden feelings for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Maintaining a professional stance while adhering to the law of the land proves an even more difficult task, especially when his one act of defiance only seems to awaken the seething rebellion within him.

When Flash is assigned to escort Twilight to the Crystal Empire at Princess Celestia's insistence, tensions on all sides only seem to escalate.

Full list of character tags: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Shining Armor, Discord, Prince Blueblood, OC, Other.

Thanks to Sir Rustbucket and Holo for editing.

Now with a TVTropes page! A huge thanks and tons of Doge GIFs to Poptard for creating it!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Teen for some language, mild violence, and thematic elements. Sex tag is for sexual references in dialogue and implied sexual situations.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Yugioh EQG

They thought getting to the finals was the hard part, but Flash and his friends will soon learn the the true competition will soon begin. Meanwhile, dark and mysterious forces are working to destroy everything they love. Can Flash fulfil his destiny or does our world's fate belong to the darkness?

Side Story
Now on TVtropes

Chapters (50)

The problem with scheduling a date first thing in the morning is that there's no time to get ready beforehand. This means that one must prepare everything the night before. This includes picking a wardrobe, planning the itinerary, and grooming oneself. Grooming oneself involves, among other things, getting a haircut.

There are not many places that offer haircuts late into the night.

Flash Sentry has a date first thing in the morning tomorrow. Flash Sentry needs a haircut.

Lucky for him, someone is willing to give one to him.

I would like to thank Celestias_Disciple and AsiagoUnicorn for prereading this work.

I would like to thank Nomad_Sigma for editing this work.

I would like to thank adgerelli, creator of SciSetDaily, for the cover image of this work.

7/21/2017 - This work has been entirely re-edited, and readers are encouraged to reread the work.

9/16/2017 - Cover image uploaded.

Chapters (3)

18 years ago, a strange, celestial body crashed just on the outskirts of Canterlot. A mysterious box was found and studied in the Canterlot Research Facility. Despite the time and effort, its secrets have yet to be unearthed....until now.

6 months had passed since the disappearance of Micro Chips' brother, Gizmo. But upon a mysterious delivery, he and his friends Flash and Sandalwood work to crack the mystery surrounding the incident.

Now, rampaging monsters run amok in Canterlot City, emitting a strange gas that turns others into the same creatures. What's worse, Equestrian Magic seems to have no effect. Fortunately, Gizmo had left something behind. A particular system needed to combat these creatures and uncover the truth.

Flash Sentry now takes up the mantle, to build the winning formula.

In collaboration with Banshee531

Kamen Rider Build Crossover.

Edit 6/24/2020: This story had been featured. I am surprised and grateful. I didn't expect it to happen.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: The Legend of Everfree

With magic now a part of their day to day lives, Flash Sentry and his friends are entering a time in their lives that they'll never forget. Be it hanging out, attending school, part-time work and other things, there'll never be a dull moment waiting for them.

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (23)

Upon seeing Timber Spruce and Twilight hit it up so well, Flash begins to realize that the likelihood of him being with either Twilight was becoming slim to none. Though it pains him, he's ready to give up on her. But, when a certain someone comes and surprises him, he may reconsider.

Set during the ending of Legend of Everfree. Minor spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Six years ago, Flash Sentry met Wallflower Blush, the awkward new girl moving to a room almost opposite his own, for the first time.

Today, Flash Sentry is meeting Wallflower Blush, a mournful, broken soul reeling from the aftereffects of a year of causing so much hurt to others, for the first time.

He doesn't remember her. Wallflower remembers him.

Yet she wonders if he understands her better than she does herself.

Written for Bicyclette's Flash Sentry Contest. See the other entries here! Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder and FanOfMostEverything.

Cover art edited by myself using a still from the first Equestria Girls movie.

Depending on the time period, some sections are written in first-person present-tense, others in second-person past tense. In all cases, the POV is that of Wallflower. Not in continuity with any of my other stories.

Featured on 1/25/23-1/26/23!

Chapters (1)