• Published 6th May 2019
  • 4,720 Views, 407 Comments

To Build the Winning Formula - Snow Fire

18 years ago, a strange, celestial body crashed just on the outskirts of Canterlot. A mysterious box was found and studied in the Canterlot Research Facility. Despite the time and effort, its secrets have yet to be unearthed....until now.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Research Center Showdown Part 1

Night had fallen over the fair city of Canterlot. Streets have quieted and stores had closed for the day. Almost a week had passed since the attack by the Hazard Strong Smash, and things have been quiet since. There had been no further attacks by Smash or Guardians, leaving the populace to rebuild and repair the damage in peace.

In the Canterlot Research and Development Center, Night Light and Twilight Velvet continued to work. Ever since Misty Veil had been rescued and hospitalized due to her abduction and mutation, Velvet took charge of her task to finish preparations for the school field trip. Her husband had finished approving the plans and they were all prepared for the students to come in tomorrow.

“This is so exciting!” Velvet smiled. “We’ve never had a student overnight trip to the Research Center before. Plus a lecture and workshops on top of it!”

“I know!” Night Light said in equal excitement. “The kids will definitely love it. After all, this center is a big place. So much going on and so much to do that I’d be surprised if anyone was bored at any point during the trip.”

The eagerness of husband and wife were extremely apparent. As scientists, they pursued knowledge to understand how the natural world works and discover various means of innovation to further human progress. Yet as scientists, they also had a duty to bestow and pass on their knowledge to others, especially the next generation, to continue where they may have left off. They both loved to educate fellow knowledge seekers.

As they continued their discussion regarding the field trip, Dusk Walker stepped inside the room. “Pardon me, sir. But I came to remind you about the meeting for the new Guardians?”

“Oh, that’s right!” The Director stood. “I completely forgot about it. Thank you, Dusk.” He then turned to his wife and gave her the stack of papers he had. “Think you can handle the distribution of these forms for me? I’ll catch up shortly.”

“Of course, dear.” The two shared a kiss before they walked out in unison. The assistant was left alone in the room. He glanced around to see if anyone else was nearby. He was alone. He pulled out his phone and dialed up a number. He pressed the device to his ear as the receiver picked up. “Yes, it’s me. Dusk Walker…Yes, everything is set.”

The next day couldn’t have come sooner for Flash Sentry. He had been looking forward to this field trip since the beginning of the semester. An Overnight trip to the Canterlot Research and Development Center; what bigger way to celebrate the half point of the Spring Semester? He wasn’t sure why and how exactly the Research Center could organize an overnight stay, but figured it could be a nice change of pace from prior circumstances.

A full week had passed since he rescued his mom. She woke up a few days after her hospitalization, and was expected to make a full recovery soon enough. Unfortunately, she was unable to recall anything prior to her abduction aside from having dinner with her children. Flash was disappointed, but also relieved that his mother did not recall such traumatic events.

He pulled up in the school parking lot in his car and rushed into the building. He got a text from Micro to meet up earlier than the assigned meeting time to talk about their plans for the trip.

He entered an empty classroom that was their designated meeting place. Sandalwood and Micro were already present while Sol had yet to join. “Morning guys. Sol here yet?”

“He said he’s on his way.”

“I’m here!” Sol appeared behind Flash.

“And there he is.” Micro added. “So now we can start the meeting.”

“You mean about Pandora’s Box, right?” Flash asked. That was another main reason why the four were excited for this trip.

“Indeed. Thanks to this field trip, we’ll be able to get a closer look at Pandora’s Box. While we’re there, we may be able to find some answers to what Faust is planning.”

“And because we’re students on this trip, no one would be suspicious of us wanting to get a closer look.” Sandalwood added.


“Finally…” Sol sighed in relief. “Finally we can get some answers…”

“It’s still too soon to say how much we’ll learn though.” The musician pointed out. “We still have to be wary for whatever Faust might throw at us. Knowing Blood Stalk, he’d probably find a way to sneak a Smash into the Building or something.”

“That’s true. But that also reminds me.” Micro reached into his pocket and tossed an item to Flash. “Here.”

The blue haired guitarist caught it and saw that it was a new Fullbottle. It had a golden hue with a lock motif. “I take it that this new Bottle is called Lock?”

“Yes. But so far, we haven’t been able to find its Best Match.”

“It’s fine. Hopefully we won’t have to use it so soon…” Flash pocked the bottle with the rest he had on hand. The meeting continued until the appointed meeting time arrived. The group of four made their way to the auditorium where all students were meant to gather.

They sat themselves at the left side of the bleachers. They noticed that the Rainbooms sat further up further to their right. They seemed to be preoccupied by their own conversations and didn’t pay much mind to them. Hopefully this meant their suspicious of them were dispelled.

Any further speculations were quelled when two women stood on the main auditorium stage. The first was principal Celestia. The woman next to her was of shorter stature, yet equally as beautiful. She had light blue skin and long, wavy hair that was in two different shades of blue. Her green eyes appeared strict, yet kind. She wore a pair of dark blue slacks and a light purple blouse with a white collar. On said collar was a black crescent moon. This was Vice Principal Luna.

“May I have your attention, everyone?” Principal Celestia called out. The clamor drew to a close as all eyes focused on the two. “Thank you. Now I know you’re excited for Canterlot High’s first ever over night field trip. But please be aware that we will be going to the Research and Development Center, the city’s institute for innovation of science and technology. Please be mindful of the workers and the projects being developed. Furthermore, as you all are aware, this is also a joint field trip with Crystal Prep Academy. Principal Cadence and we wish to have this as a pilot test opportunity for our two schools to intermingle outside of the Friendship Games. So please be on your best behavior. Other than that, please enjoy yourselves during this trip.”

The students erupted into cheers and applause. It eventually died down as Vice Principal Luna stepped up for her own announcement. “Hello. For this field trip, your Principal and I have decided to implement a buddy system to better keep track of you all.” She held up two plastic bowls. “The pairings will be one boy and one girl. Each bowl I hold has a set of numbers. The two people who pull the same number will be partnered up. Any one left over will be free to pick their partner from the remaining students. We encourage you to keep track of your partner in case of an emergency. Any other questions?” No hands were raised. “…Very well. Ladies, please pick a number from the red bowl. Gentlemen, a number from the blue bowl.”

The students approached the stage and lined up to obtain their pairings. One by one students picked up a number sought out their partner. Once Team Build and the Rainbooms picked their numbers, they wandered until they found their match.

After a few minutes, all the pairs were formed. Flash Sentry had been partnered up with Twilight Sparkle. Sol Burner had been paired with Sunset Shimmer. Sandalwood Forests was with Fluttershy Breeze. Micro Chips was partnered with Rarity Belle. Rainbow Dash’s partner was a fellow, blue skinned athlete named Soarin Skies. Pinkie Pie had been paired with a blue skinned, black haired member of the theater club named Wild Smile. And finally, Applejack was partnered with Bulk Biceps.

With everyone paired off, they boarded the buses and drove toward their destination.


In a narrow alleyway, two figures were in a meeting. One of them was a man in his late twenties to early thirties with neatly combed, brown hair and pale skin. He was dressed in a white buttoned shirt, slacks, loafers, and a lab coat.

The one opposite of him….was Blood Stalk. He places a small briefcase in the man’s hands. “As you may already know, today is a big field trip for the kiddies at Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. While security is distracted in getting them all checked in, sneak this in to the designated spot. Also…” He holds up a bottle filled with Smash essence and placed it on top of the case. “If things start to get dicey, don’t hesitate to use it. Don’t let anyone stop you.”

“…Alright…” The man agreed, pocketing the bottle in his coat. “…Can I really use Pandora’s Box to cure my son’s illness?”

“Of course you can!” Stalk answered passionately. “The Box is a unique object filled with otherworldly energy! Applied correctly, it has the capability of enacting the incomprehensible! Curing your son is simply child’s play! That….I can promise you, once you give it to us, your son will be right as rain.”

“...Okay.” He nodded gratefully before he set out to perform his aforementioned assignment, leaving Stalk alone in the alley.

The Cobra folded his hands behind his head and leaned back against the wall. “…After all…it’s so easy curing a disease I gave someone in the first place.”

During the drive to their destination, the students of Canterlot High took the time to strike up conversations with their partners to get to know them better and/or discuss what their planned topics would be for their reports. Another part of the field trip was to write up and turn in a paper discussing a project or topic of interest from the field trip.

Such a topic of interest applied to sets of partners in particular. “So…what part of the research center are you looking forward to?” Twilight asked Flash.

“Well, I’m kinda interested in their aviation division.” The musician admitted. “I heard they’re trying to design new types of aircraft and composite materials to make them. Speaking of, do you have any idea what they may be?”

“Sorry.” The bespectacled girl apologized. “My parents might run the facility, but that doesn’t mean I know everything going on there. Some of these projects are classified due to sensitive information. Well, that and I didn’t have enough time to study everything available.”

“Knowing you, I’m surprised you didn’t make time to learn everything.” The two shared a laugh as the others kicked off their own inquiries.

“This trip is gonna be awesome!” Sandalwood cheered.

“You seem excited.” Fluttershy noted. “Is there any reason why?”

The eco-teen nodded in agreement. “Well, the Research Center is known for all sorts of innovative stuff, right?” The animal lover replied with a nod of her own. “It just so happens that some of their projects are meant to improve sustainability. Stuff like improved renewable energy, improved recycling, new building materials, better ways to clean up the oceans, all kinds of stuff. I know what I’m gonna write about.”

“Sounds exciting.” The quiet girl smiled. “I wish you good luck.”

“Thanks. So what about you? Anything you’re interested in?”

“Well…I’m curious to see their wildlife biology research. I would like to know their findings on how to properly preserve endangered species…”

“Sounds cool. And sounds so you, Flutters.” While the two nature friendly teens spoke, a certain fighter and fiery haired girl were equally excited.

“I can’t believe this is happening!” Sunset smiled.

“You seem happy.” Sol commented.

“How could I not? I’ve always wanted to see what goes on in the research center, but never got the opportunity for a proper tour or visit due to school and work. Now’s a great opportunity.”

“Know what you’re gonna write about?”

“Not yet. There’s just so much there…I think I’ll know it when I see it. But what about you?”

“Easy.” Sol smiled as he folded his arms. “I’m gonna see if they have any exosuits there.”

“Exosuits? You mean like the ones they use for industry or medical rehab?”

“Yeah. But I’m gonna go see if they have anything that can make you fly like in the comics!” He shook with childish excitement.

Sunset giggled at his behavior. “Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I doubt they have ones that let you fly with only your hands and feet.”

“You don’t know that.”

As the two discussed/argued about exosuits, another pair had another exchange.

“So what are you interested in, Rarity?” Micro asked his partner.

“Hm…it’s hard to say for now. There are so many grand projects the Research Center has that it can be hard to choose. Personally, I’m curious about their wearable robotics designs.”

“Really? Why?”

“It’s quite simple. When I learned of them, I was impressed to see such devices being used for rehabilitation treatments. On top of that, they are improving the designs to be much more form fitting and practical. Now it’s your turn. What interests you the most on this trip?”

“Me?” The bespectacled teen repeated. “Well…if I had a choice…I kinda want to know about Pandora’s Box.”

“Pandora’s Box?” She asked with a raised brow. “What is that?”

“Are you aware of the object from space that crashed near the city two decades ago?” She responded with a nod. “Well, believe it or not, instead of a meteorite, it was actually a box-shaped object. I heard from Flash that his mother called it Pandora’s Box because of all the mysteries it held. Even now, they haven’t come close to cracking what it can do. All they know is that it radiates a mysterious form of energy. Flash told me that his mom is researching how to properly harness it as a renewable source of power.”

“That sounds amazing…” Rarity said with awe. “But are you sure you want to write about such an obscure topic? If it’s as you say, then they might not have enough information to write about.”

“Well, I was hoping to learn more about it anyway. This is a good opportunity to do so.”

Soon enough, the row of buses pulled up in front of the Canterlot Research and Development Center, or CRDC for short. The students from CHS noticed that they weren’t the first ones to arrive. Ahead of them was another line of buses that were labeled belonging to Crystal Prep Academy.

Once they got off the buses and took their belongings, they grouped up by their respective schools. Most students brought a duffle bag with their belongings. However, in Rarity’s case, she brought an assortment of suitcases. After Sandalwood and Micro unloaded the first of her luggage from the bus, the Rainbooms and Team Build noticed five familiar faces in the Crystal Prep crowd.

The first girl had pale yellow skin with freckled dotting her cheeks. She had purple eyes highlighted by blue eye shadow. Her long, pink hair had teal streaks and was tied up in a ponytail with a berry hair tie. She wore the Crystal Prep uniform forgoing the burgundy blazer. She was named Sour Sweet.

The second had light blue skin and long, whitish blue hair tied into pigtails with a red hairclip in the shape of a spoon. She wore a pair of orange rimmed glasses and a pair of leggings under her Crystal Prep uniform. Her name is Sugarcoat.

The third had a pale complexion with shoulder length blue hair in three different shades. She had orange eyes and a pair of orange goggles on her head. Her left ear was adorned in golden piercings, a lightning bolt on her lobe and rings on her ear. She was Indigo Zap.

The fourth had light teal skin and reddish eyes. Her purple hair was cut to chin length and had pink streaks with a sun hair clip in it. She was dressed in the complete ensemble of the Crystal Prep female uniform consisting of a white shirt, burgundy blazer, blue ribbon tie, purple plaid skirt, blue socks and shoes. Her name was Sunny Flare.

The final girl had a reddish complexion with yellow eyes. Her long hair fell down to her waist and resembled lemon-lime soda due to it green and yellow coloring. Like Sour Sweet, her eyes were highlighted by light blue eye shadow. Like Sunny Flare, she wore the complete uniform with the exception of keeping her sleeves rolled up. Her most noticeable trait was the pair of headphones covering her ears. Her name was Lemon Zest, and she was the first to notice the Rainbooms and waved.

“Hi you guys!” Her exclamation prompted her friends to glance in her direction.

“Hi Lemon Zest!” Pinkie Pie greeted with equal fervor.

“Why, it’s been ages! Why, we haven’t seen you all since the music video!” Rarity joined up with them.

“I know. It’s been a while.” Sunny Flare greeted.

“Well, I wouldn’t know since you guys didn’t let me join you!” Indigo complained.

“Right, and get the rest of us sick since you had a cold at the time? No thanks.” Sugarcoat rebutted.

“We would’ve called you all sooner, if it wasn’t for….you know….those robot and monster attacks.” Sour added.

“So you all know?” Sunset questioned.

“Of course we do.” The pigtailed girl said. “It’s been all over the news. You’d have to live under a rock to not know what’s going on.

“By the way, how’s Camp Everfree doing?” Sunny asked. “Were you able to get them the money in time.”

“We did.” Twilight answered. “It’s thanks to you all that we were able to save the camp.”

“That’s great!” Lemon cheered. “I’d hate for all that hard work to have gone to waste because of…y’know…”

As the Rainbooms and Shadowbolt Five caught up, Sandalwood and Micro finished heaving the last of Rarity’s luggage from the bus.

“Holy cow…” Sandalwood panted as he dropped the suitcase to the ground. “Just what does Rarity carry in these things? Rocks?”

“C’mon, I think you guys are exaggerating…” Sol said as he hefted up one of the cases with one arm. “See? Nothing to it.”

“But…but how…?”

“Could…could his hazard level be influencing his strength? Maybe it explains his durability…” Micro quietly mused.

“No way…It really is him!” A sudden exclamation cause Team Build’s heads turn to the approaching source. Indigo Zap ran up to Sol Burner with an excited look in her eyes. “I can’t believe it! It really is you! Sol Burner!”

“Yep.” The fighter said. “I take it you follow my matches?”

“Of course I do! You’re like, the youngest to ever compete in an MMA league qualifiers! If you hadn’t dropped out, you would’ve been a shoe in for the pro leagues!” Her head snapped over to her approaching friends and focused on the Rainbooms. “Why didn’t you tell me he goes to your school?!”

Before any of them could answer, a loud clap cut through the conversation.

“I’m so glad to see everyone made it here.” Twilight Velvet smiled. Beside her were Principals Celestia and Cadence and Vice Principal Luna. Behind the four were several staff members as part of the welcoming committee. “Everyone, welcome to the Canterlot Research and Development Center, or CRDC for short. We are honored to have such wonderful, aspiring minds with us today. We hope that this will truly be a memorable experience that will teach you valuable information.”

“If said info is about the box, I sure hope so.” Micro whispered to Flash.

“Everyone, please gather your belongings and meet us in the main hall. We shall begin our tour throughout the facility once everyone has gotten situated.” Celestia added.

“We will have two sectors within the building reserved for everyone. These will be the sleeping quarters once the day has ended. One will be for girls and the other for boys. In addition, please keep in mind the schedule, as meal times are included.” Principal Cadence continued.

“If you have any further questions, please consult one of us or a member of the staff.” Luna added.

Without any further questions, the students gathered their belongings and entered the building. However, as everyone moved, none of them noticed the scientist with the briefcase slip into the building’s side entrance.

After dropping off their belongings in their night quarters, the teams of two gathered and toured through the massive facility. Due to the fact that the CRDC is the city’s number one facility for research and development, it received a plethora of government funding and property space to rival the size of the National Museum. Even then it was still due to expansions due to the constant new discoveries.

The students had a lot of ground to cover before they were allowed to freely roam the building. The tour took would take a few hours before their scheduled lunch break. Velvet and Misty Veil truly thought of everything as the mess hall within the building was open for the students and even catered to dietary restrictions.

During the tour, the students each got a chance to learn about their topics of interest. The members of Team Build thought it would be best if they took notes for their reports now so they could study Pandora’s Box later during their free time.

Rarity was absolutely amazed by the wearable robotics in the CRDC’s Robotics Wing. There were simple so many to see. Some were designed for physical therapy while others were assistive for industry. The fashionista took notes on their designs and functions and thought up of ways and sketches of how the designs could be improved.

In the Natural Sciences and Sustainability sectors, the nature-loving pair had their share of knowledge. Sandalwood had been awestruck to see the different research projects to clean up trash in the oceans. He was also pleased to see how much solar and wind power cells had been improved.

Fluttershy had been absolutely delighted upon learning that the CRDC has devised of means of providing a stable and sustainable food source for Giant Pandas in the form of accelerated grown bamboo shoots. Granted, such a project is still in the testing stages, but she was pleased regarding its progress.

After that, the large group of students found themselves in the building’s aviation wing. Flash was awed to see so many different plane models throughout history hanging above their heads.

“This here is CRDC’s Aviation and Aeronautical facility. Here we have models and statistics of all aircraft made throughout history. If you look to your right, you can see some of our very own prototypes and information on them. And to your left, we have flight simulators for any of you aspiring pilots want to try out.” Velvet announced.

Flash was intrigued by the latter prospect. Since his father had been an Air Force Pilot, he always wanted to know what it was like top fly a plane. This could be his chance to do so.

Evidently, Twilight noticed his eye drawn to the machine. A smile crossed her lips as a plot formed. She realized it was devious, especially for her, but given the circumstances her friend went through the past week, she figured this could be a way to help him.

“Now, who would like to try the simulators first?”

“We do!” Twilight announced as she raised both her and Flash’s arms into the air.

“Wait, huh?” The musician questioned in surprise.

A moment later, the two found themselves in the simulator cockpit. Flash was the pilot while Twilight was the navigator. The former blinked at how this even happened while the latter simply smiled excitedly.

“Alright, kids.” Vevlet announced over the intercom. This simulator is meant to train pilots to stay focused during their flights. No matter what happens, the objective is to properly take off, fly the designated route, and land properly. Understood?”

Both teens replied in affirmation.

“Very well. Then let’s begin!” Flash and Twilight waited as the simulator booted up, the screen ran through a tutorial of how to operate the controls. They both followed the instructions and took off from the runway without complications.

Both continued the simulated flight for a few minutes. “How much further, Twilight?”

“About halfway.” The navigator answered. “After that we’re due to land on an empty runway marked by red lights and-.” But she was cut off as a bird flew into them and bounced off the windshield.

“Whoa! Didn’t see that coming.” The pilot said as he reoriented his disturbed flight path. The bird definitely surprised him. “Guess this is what your mom meant by training pilot focus. The SIM must be programmed with distractions like that.”

“I’m thinking distractions like that as well.” Twilight pointed above their heads, noting the flaming object rapidly closing in on their right.

Surprised by the appearance of the meteor and quickly dove the plane down to avoid the piece of space debris. “Okay, that was a close one….but what the heck are the odds of getting hit by a meteor like that?”

“Extremely miniscule.” The bespectacled girl looked at the pilot before back onto the map.” But if that is all the Simulator’s capable of, this will be child’s play. We’re about three quarters of the way there. The next stretch should…be…” She trailed off once she lifted her gaze.

Staring right back at her through the windshield was the malformed, decomposed face of a zombie. She blinked once. Twice. Yet her eyes did not play tricks on her. Then, without warning, the zombie lunged at her with a ravenous roar.

“AAAAAAUGHHHHHH!!!!!” Twilight screamed in terror as she jumped and latched onto the closest person to her: Flash. She jumped into his arms and hid her face into the crook of his neck while she wrapped her arms tightly around his head and neck.

“Wh-what the?!” The musician gasped from the sudden crushing hug and the appearance of a zombie on the plane’s nose.

However, the sudden jump scare caused them to lose their hold on the plane’s controls. Alarms blared as they rapidly lost altitude. The simulator then took a comedic ally steep dive towards the earth. Both genius girl and musician then screamed in terror in unison from the approaching crash. The moment they hit the earth….everything was still.

The simulator stopped as the words: Flight Failed flashed across the screen in bright red letters. Over the intercom, both teens could hear Velvet’s laughter.

“Hahaha…sorry, kids. But that was honestly really funny. Oh, and Twilight? I thought you said that the flight would be easy. And yet you believed a zombie was attacking the nose of the plane, undeterred by the altitude and flight speeds? Don’t you know how unrealistic such a scenario would be?”

Upon realizing the truth of her mother’s words, the bespectacled teen laughed sheepishly.

“Now…just how long will you two hold each other like that?” Her mother continued.

Flash and Twilight were confused by what she was talking about until they looked at one another. The girl was still in his arms as she held onto his neck. Both faces became a healthy shade of red as the two scrambled away from each other, finding the current situation completely awkward.

The simulation pod reoriented itself into its rest position as the door opened. Both Flash and Twilight dreaded the copious amounts of teasing they will be subjected to as the simulation feed was viewed live.

After enduring the numerous teasing from their friends and classmates, the two teens sat quietly away from each other as the rest of their classmates took turns through the simulator.

They took some solace in the fact that most groups didn’t even come as close to the objective as they did.

Applejack and Bulk had no idea how to operate the controls. They got off the ground…but then crashed a minute later due to keeping the plane at an incline and stalling. Ironically enough, they crashed into a barn.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin did much better than they did, the latter the pilot and the former the navigator. They completed the course with ease, barely flinching when they were suddenly caught in a freak lightning storm.

Rarity and Micro got pretty far, but flopped when the plane jerked from a satellite crashing through a wing. They lost control and promptly crashed.

Pinkie and Wild Smile got caught up in a fireworks show midflight. Both were so distracted by the bright lights and pretty colors that they didn’t notice their dropping altitude until it was too late.

Sandalwood and Fluttershy did fairly well in the beginning. But the moment a large bird smacked against the windshield, and a falcon swopped in and ate said bird right before their eyes caused both of them to blanch. Fluttershy was so disturbed by the act, not even realizing that such a feat would be impossible due to their high altitude, that she lost control of the plane and crashed soon after. Sandalwood was green in the face from watching nature at work.

Sol and Sunset was another team that completed the course. The fighter actually nearly made them crash seven times. They were pulled out of each one thanks to Sunset taking control of the situation, reprimanding him for wanting to do something crazy like doing a divebomb, and properly advised him how to fly.

After each group had a turn, it was time for lunch. The students were surprised that the mess hall had a quite a few cooks specializing in a variety of cuisine.

“Man…that hit the spot.” Flash patted his stomach as he and Twilight exited the mess hall and thought about what to do in their free time.

“You said it. The mess hall always has good food.” She agreed. “So…what do you wanna do for free time?”

“Hm…” Flash pretended to think. In truth, he already knew where to go. “How about…the Pandora’s Box area? I heard my mom talk about it, and I’m pretty curious about it myself.”

“Sounds good.” Twilight pulled up her map and saw that it was on the ground floor. Given that the mess hall was located on the third floor of the building, they made their way downstairs. While they walked, the female genius decided to make some small talk.

“…Have you ever wondered how crazy our lives turned out?”

“You’re gonna have to be more specific.” Flash answered. “Crazy in what way? Because of the magic? Smash attacks? Or awkward teen moments?”

“You know what I’m talking about.” She swatted his arm. “I’m serious, Flash. While our lives were crazy enough with Equestrian Magic, everything became worse when Faust appeared with the Smash. People are getting hurt and experimented on, and we don’t have any further leads on them.”

“Isn’t your brother leading the investigation? Hasn’t he found anything yet?” A shake of her head was her reply.

“He hasn’t told me or my family anything. Any and all information is classified.”

“Bummer. Well, I’m sure he’s doing everything he can. Same with Build and Cross-Z.”

“But can we really trust them?” She refuted. “We still don’t know what their motives are. And there’s what Mrs. Chrysalis said that-“

“I don’t care whatever flak they’re getting. Chrysalis can bash them all she wants, but those two are good people. If they weren’t then they wouldn’t have saved my mom.” He replied passionately. While technically it was himself who saved his mother, his words weren’t exactly false either. He needed to put a convincing display to dispel any further suspicions on their identity. But he never once faked his emotions.

“Alright…” She let go of the argument, realizing she may have crossed a line. “I’m just glad your mother’s doing better. She should be getting out soon, right?”

“Right. She should be out and about tomorrow or so. And you know…you do have a point, Twilight. This past year’s been an adventure just from the magic alone.”

"It's only been six months for me," Twilight told him, "The first six was with my pony counterpart. I bet you’re still thinking about her.”

"Oh yeah," Flash said blushing, "Sorry."

"It's fine," Twilight said, "I guess it is hard to tell us apart."

"Maybe it was at first," Flash said, "But once I got to know you better, telling you apart is easy."

"Really?" Twilight asked, "I thought we were supposed to be perfectly alike."

"Maybe on the surface," Flash said, "But past that, it’s obvious how you're two different people."

"How so?"

"Well," The musician said as his face flushed in embarrassment, "It's your eyes."

Twilight blinked at the statement, totally confused. "My eyes?"

"Princess Twilight had a look in her eyes that was more confused than anything," Flash explained, "Probably just because of her unfamiliarity with this world. But when she saw something magical, she had this air around her that said she'd seen worse."

"And me?"

"You've always got this look of wonder in your eyes," Flash explained, "When you see something new, even though you don't know what it is you want to learn more about it. Just like, and I know it’s a poor example and I apologize, back at the Friendship Games when you wanted to learn about magic."

Twilight wasn't sure how to answer that.

"Sounds silly I know," Flash said, "But it's just something I noticed."

Twilight's unsure face changed to that of a smile. "Thanks," she said, "I never really thought about it that way." She then looked up at him, "So how are things between you and her?"

Flash was a little taken aback by that question and stopped walking. "Well to be honest, considering she lives in another universe I realized nothing was ever really going to happen between us. Well, that and Sunset giving it to me straight. If she hadn’t…then I probably would’ve kept trying to keep something that never would’ve worked."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Her expression grew nervous as she finally asked a question that had plagued her since Camp. “Say Flash…before Sunset talked to you back at camp…did you honestly see me as just a replacement to the Princess?”

“What?!” The musician was shocked by the question. Partly because deep in his heart, he felt like her words struck home. “That…I mean….well…I’m sorry. But before I got to know you, I mean, really get to know who you are as a person….I couldn’t help but see the Princess in your place.” He admitted shamefully. “It was insensitive and selfish, I know. Sunset really tore into me on that. I guess I was pretty desperate at that point. I superimposed someone else over you because you look alike, despite you being two different people.”

“Flash…” The bespectacled girl said, taken aback by his brutally honest admission.

He leaned back against the wall. “I’m really sorry, Twilight. I just…I was just hopeless. I have Sunset to thank for helping me get my act together.” He raised his head and looked her in the eye. “You’re a great person, Twilight. Whoever you date, I can wholeheartedly say, is lucky to be with you. You deserve to be happy.”

“Flash, I….thank you….” She gave him a smile before it turned sheepish. “Ehe…sorry for making this whole exchange awkward with relationship and crush talk.”

"It's fine," Flash replied, "Besides, I have more important things in my life right now other then pursuing a relationship."

"Right," Twilight said, "We only have one more year until we graduate.”

"Yeah," Flash said really wanting to change the subject, "What about you?"


"You and Timber," Flash said, "how are things going between you two?"

"Oh," Twilight said, "Things are quite well. We text each other. But…to be honest, I haven’t heard from him lately. Not since we raised the money to save Camp Everfree.”

“Really?” The blue haired teen questioned. From what he knew about Timber, he seemed pretty serious about pursuing a relationship with Twilight. It seemed pretty strange to cease all contact.

“Yeah, I hope he’s okay. Especially with everything going on right now."

"Well, I’m sure he and Gloriosa are okay.” He tried to reassure her. “They probably learned about the Smash and left town to get away, like Applebloom and Big Mac.”

“But wouldn’t he let me know, though?”

“Well…yeah, that is true…”

“I just hope they’re doing okay…” He said in worry.

“Me too.” Flash agreed.

Yet neither of them could deny the sense of foreboding in their chests.

While Flash and Twilight had their little discussion, another pair made their way downstairs to Pandora’s Box as well.

Sol and Sunset Shimmer took the stairs, much to the former’s insistence in getting some exercise while he was away from home.

“You really take your training seriously, don’t you?” Sunset asked him.

“Of course I do.” Sol jumped off last few stairs onto the next floor. “I’m training for the professional circuit, which means I gotta stay in top form; eating right and training hard.”

“You say that, yet you practically inhaled that mega meat noodle bowl. You know those things are packed with sodium and lack veggies, right?” She gave him an inquisitive look.

“…That was my moment of weakness, okay.” He looked away and rested his head against the wall. “It just looked too good to pass up!”

“Easy, easy, I’m not accusing you of anything.” She giggled at his guilty admission. “There’s nothing wrong with eating what you like…even though I think you should be eating more vegetables if you’re gonna be a fighter.”

“I know, I know…but I just can’t stand certain veggies. Broccoli, kale, and spinach are okay, but some others….blegh…”

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Vegetables aren't that bad. Though I guess I'm a little biased since I come from a place where you don't eat meat."

“Oh, right. I keep forgetting you’re from a universe where everyone are ponies.” Sol recalled. After thanking her for his help, he told Sunset that he learned the truth about her and magic from Flash and the others. She was a bit miffed that the musician told him so easily, but she relented upon realizing it would’ve been best to learn sooner rather than later. “By the way, how were things back then?”

“You mean Equestria?” He answered her with a nod. “All things considered, it was pretty peaceful.”

“But I thought there were several disasters, problems, or major villain attacks every Tuesday. Pinkie Pie told me that was the case.”

“Well…she’s not exactly wrong. But personally, I’ve never been through that. Back when I was Princess Celestia’s student, all I had to endure were boring meetings with Nobles and my lessons. According to Princess Twilight, nothing notable happened until Nightmare Moon returned on the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration.”

“You know, I still can’t believe that there are actually pony versions of everyone we know in Equestria. I mean, four people we know here are Royalty in the other world, and you were a student to one of them. It’s kinda like the multiverse theory found in comics.” Sol mused as he landed on the first floor. “And the fact that your friends on the other side, who are actually counterparts to the friends we know, make it all the more mind-blowing. Kinda wish I could see it for myself.”

Of course…the real reason why Sol wanted to go was to see all the cute ponies, but he was never going to tell her his ulterior motives.

“I’m afraid that won’t be happening anytime soon, not with Faust still at large.” The fiery haired girl pointed out. “As long as they’re around, no one is safe. Can you just imagine what they could do if they invaded Equestria?”

“Oh, right. But wait, don’t you ponies have magic? If they invaded, why not just zap them? Didn’t you say that Princesses Celestia and Luna can move the Sun and Moon? If they could move them, then why shouldn’t have problem in taking out Faust.” The fighter rebutted.

“That’s what I thought too. But there are two issues with that.” Sunset countered. “First is that the Princesses would rather seek peace first than escalate into conflict unless necessary. From what we’ve seen of Faust, by the time that happens, it would’ve already been too late.”

“Oh…wait, what’s the second then?”

“Well...my friends and I used our magic to protect people when Faust first attacked. We were able to stop the Guardians, but we were absolutely useless against the Smash. Our magic barely did a thing.”

“Whoa, seriously?” Sol acted. “Why doesn’t your magic work? I mean, didn’t you guys go all Rainbow laser like in Everfree? The guys told me that’s practically a one hit K.O.”

“We did, and the Smash wasn’t even fazed.” She replied morbidly. “We don’t exactly what make the Smash or people like Build immune to Equestrian magic. But it just makes them more dangerous.”

“But Build and Cross-Z help people. They stop the Smash and protect people.”

“I know they do. But they’re still hiding something. If they know what the Smash are and how to fight them, then why are they keeping it to themselves?” Sunset rebutted. “Why are they playing hero instead of informing people like the police how to fight back?”

Sol didn’t know what to say at first. He knew that Team Build’s actions had mixed reception, especially after Chrysalis’ public statement. Sunset Shimmer’s words and argument were rather sound. “…If you ask me, I think they’re doing something right.”

Sunset looked at him oddly. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s just what I think. But the way they’re going about things, helping and saving people, is right. Maybe there’s a reason why they fight alone. Maybe the stuff they have is supposed to be a secret so that Faust can’t get it or something like that.”

“But wouldn’t they put it at risk by using it every time?”

“Possibly. Like I said, I don’t know everything.” Sol shrugged as they gradually neared their destination, noting the amount of people congregating. “I’m just hoping we can get more answers.”

“So do I…” The fiery haired guitarist nodded in agreement.

Multiple pairs of students flowed into the room that housed the mysterious artifact known as Pandora’s Box. The room itself was extremely spacious. Aligning the walls were various images and documentations of up to date information on the artifact. At the center of it all was Pandora’s Box…contained in a large metal box with a window on each side to allow observation. Standing on either side of the container was an armed guard.

Most of the students crowded around the center, wanting to get a closer look. Someone even had their face pressed up against the glass. Most of the Rainbooms and their partners were situated toward the back of the mass of people as they tried to squeeze through.

Meanwhile, Flash and Twilight had moved over to a part of the wall showing multiple pictures documenting the Pandora's Box. "Look at all these," he told her.

"Yeah," Twilight agreed. She smiled as she spotted one with her mother and father, along with Flash's mother and what looked like an older version of Flash with a beard. She was starting to wonder how the two of them hadn't met before the Friendship Games, considering their parents were coworkers. Oh well, better late than never.

Flash stepped over to her and also saw the picture, frowning at the sight of his dad. Why'd he have a feeling his mother rarely looked at these photos? As he read the plaque, he was surprised to learn that his dad was a tester for the CRDC’s aviation craft and simulators.

He stepped over to another of the photos and saw it was similar to the last one, only this time Twilight's mom was carrying who he assumed was a very young version of Shining Armor. He also noticed his mom had a noticeably round stomach, obviously in the later stages of pregnancy with him. It must’ve been taken before her maternity leave.

He continued to glance over the many pictures decorating the wall, none of which caught his eye, until he found one at the very end of the wall. This picture showed Night Light standing next to the box alongside a man in his late twenties, with red skin and fiery red and orange hair in a buzz cut.

The title of the picture read 'Discovery of the Pandora's Box.'

This peaked Flash's interest, as he stared at the red skinned man. So he was the one who'd discovered the box. He couldn’t help but find the man familiar, as if he’s seen him somewhere before.

He then looked below the picture, at the plaque showing the names of the people in the photo. And one such name caught his eye. "No way." Twilight looked at her partner in confusion, but he ignored it. He glanced around the room and saw who he was looking for, then rushed over.

This surprised Twilight, who followed, until they reached Sol and Sunset.

Before the semi-professional fighter could notice him, Flash grabbed him by the back of the shirt and began pulling him. "Hey!" He looked around and saw it was Flash, "What gives?"

Flash didn't answer, continuing to pull him across the room while gathering quite a lot of attention from the surrounding students, Micro and Sandalwood included. The two rushed over, Flash finally let Sol go before pointing at the picture.

Sol raised an eyebrow at this before finally turning his focus towards the picture, his eyes going wide as he saw who it was. "What?"

Micro and Sandalwood finally reached them and stared at the picture, then looked down at the plaque and gasped when they caught on. "No way," Sandal said.

Micro turned to Sol, "Why didn't you tell us your dad was the one who found the box?"

Sol's eyes didn't leave the picture as he answered, "I...didn't know."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the facility, a familiar, brunette scientist entered a previously secured room. Lying at his feet were the guards stationed to watch the door. They were both unconscious with darts sticking into their skin.

The scientist, Chemistry Set, holstered his tranquilizer gun as he set the brief case on the table. He didn’t fear the risk of being seen on the surveillance cameras. He made sure to knock out the guards and disable the cameras.

“I’m sorry, everyone…” Each word was filled with remorse, as he knew each of the people he shot. “…but I need to do this for my son…” He opened up the case and pulled out a gas canister labeled ZZZ. He stared at head at the large machine by the wall. It was the ventilation regulator that controlled all of the air vents and air flow in the facility. It is typically used to help regulate the building’s climate control and air quality.

But now, it would be put to another purpose. With hardened resolve and guilt, he hooked the canister up to the machine and got to work. The gas housed inside the canister then flowed into the air system, leaking it into every room in the building.

“You mean your dad never told you about this?” Sandalwood asked.

“No. He never said anything about this.” Sol shook his head. His eyes were locked onto the image of his father.

“Well, at least we now have a lead.” Micro said. “Now we know that there’s a definite connection between Knuckle Blaze and Pandora’s Box.”

“But didn’t he just find it though? It says here that he contacted the CRDC to collect the box and it’s been in their jurisdiction ever since. Plus, he was a MMA fighter. I doubt he had the credentials to research it like my mom.” Flash pointed out.

“That may be true, but look at this.” He led them to another photo labeled Pandora’s Box Research Team. Within the frame was a group photo of various men and women in lab coats. There were two figures that stood out from the rest:

Flash’s mother, Misty Veil.

And Micro’s brother, Gizmo Poindexter.

“Wait, so he was on the team as well?” Flash asked.

“I’m surprised you didn’t know already.”

“My mom doesn’t really talk about her work around the house. So this is all news to me.”

“Nevertheless, we now have an idea of the connection between Knuckle Blaze and my brother.”

“We do?” Sol questioned.

“Yes. Your father found Pandora’s Box to begin with, while my brother was placed onto the research team studying it years later. And about seven months ago, they met up at my brother’s apartment and brought you along. Then you know the rest.”

“But what does that mean?”

“It means that everything we’ve learned and encountered so far is all connected.” Micro adjusted his glasses. “And the focal point of it all, most certainly, is Pandora’s Box.”

The members of Team Build stood in silence as the words sank in. based on Micro’s reasoning, it became imperative to learn more about the artifact now more than ever.

But that silence was soon broken.

“Hey, uh…doesn’t anyone else feel kinda sleepy?” Sandalwood yawned. The musician tried to reply, but he too, felt a sense of drowsiness wash over him. The same was said for Sol and Micro.

“Flash?” Twilight called out, prompting the boys to turn to her and her approaching friends from the crowd. But they noted that their movements seemed sluggish. “Why did…why are you…” With heavy eyelids and limbs, she and the girls collapsed on the floor completely unconscious.

“Twilight!” Flash yelled before he noticed that everyone else in the room succumbed the same way.

Micro got his attention as he pointed something out. “Flash the vents!....they’re….they’re leaking…” Like the others, he and Sandalwood were the next to fall, leaving Flash and Sol the only ones awake, yet gradually feeling lethargic.

“Sol! Cover your mouth!” The fighter did as told. The two pressed their shirts over their mouths to filter out the air. “It’s some sort of knock out gas. Everyone’s out cold. Someone must’ve messed with the vents.”

“Think it’s Faust?”

“I have a good idea. Suit up!” The two activated their watches and donned their disguises. They felt at ease as their masks properly filtered out the gas. They still felt a tad groggy. But overall, it seemed their condition improved. Flash idly wondered if it had to do with their Hazard Levels, but chose to dwell on it later. They needed to reach the ventilation room and shut down the gas.

But before they could even move, Chemistry Set barged into the room with a gas mask strapped to his face. When he saw the sleeping bodies on the ground, he felt relief. But it soon turned to dread and gasped upon seeing the conscious forms of the two disguised teens. “What the-?! You all should be asleep!” The man stammered in a panic. Why was the Masked Rider and his friend here?!

Flash was the first to see him and noticed his mask. Given his apparent, jittery behavior, his mind connected the dots. “Did you do this?!” He demanded with a step forward.

“Y-Yes!” The scientist admitted, much to their surprise. “I’m sorry, but I have to! I need the Box! Please! I need it to help my son! Please understand, I had to do it!”

“You knocked out everyone in the Building!” Sol countered.

“I had to do it to get the Box!” He snapped back.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t let you have it.” Flash stood in front of the containment unit. “I don’t know what Faust or Stalk told you, but we can’t let you have Pandora’s Box. If they really are using your son, we can help. It may take time but-“

“No! I’m sorry…” The man interrupted and apologized. He pulled out the Smash Bottle. “But my son doesn’t have time.” He twisted the cap and sprinkled the essence all over his body.

“No don’t!” But it was too late. Chemistry’s body glowed as it warped into a familiar shape. The Smash that stood in his place was a copy of the Flying Smash Flash and Sol fought before. But its coloring was off. Instead of red and silver, its body was black and dark blue. It also had light blue lining on its head and limbs.

The Smash roared as it flew up and dove towards them. They jumped to the side to avoid it. Flash quickly donned the Driver and shook his signature Best match.









Now as Masked Rider Build, Flash jumped up using Rabbit’s legs and punched the Smash with Tank’s power. The Hazard Flying Smash crashed into the wall, but shook off the impact and took to the air once more.

While Flash engaged the Smash, Sol took the liberty of pulling the unconscious bodies away from the battlefield.

Build had to keep dodging the Flight Smash’s dive attacks as he couldn’t use his weapons with so many civilians so close. He endured the attacks and noted that his damage readout was steadily reaching its limit. He needed to get someplace void of people and take this Smash down!

He then saw an opening.

The Hazard Flying Smash tried to swoop down and strike again, but this time, Flash did something different. Using Rabbit’s speed, he charged at the Smash and tackled it through the room’s exit. The two tumbled across the ground before Flash kicked it up in the air.

Once the Smash got back on its feet, it roared at the Rider before it flew up and fled from his opponent.

“Oh no you don’t!” Build then took out a new pair of Fullbottles before he called out to Sol. “I’ll keep flyboy distracted! You go find whatever’s causing the gas to spread and shut it down!”

“Got it!” Sol manifested the Beat Cross-Zer and ran down the halls.

Flash twisted the caps of the new Best match.





“Build up!” Rabbit-Tank became replaced by a new form suited for aerial combat.




Spreading his wings, Flash took to the skies and gave chase to the augmented Smash, HawkGatlinger in hand.

Sol Burner dashed through the halls, carefully avoiding any unconscious bodies that littered them. As he ran through the building trying to find the source, he noted how there was a substantial lack of Guardians patrolling.

While it was good that there was a lack of opposition, the fighter thought it was simply too quiet.

After a few more turns, he came across the ventilation room he found on the directory. Given that the gas was spread through the vents, he figured it would be a good place to start.

His intuition was right as he saw what looked to be a suspicious canister hooked up to the air regulator.

Sol tried to find some way to remove the canister to stop the gas….but he had absolutely no clue how to operate a machine like this, much less disconnect the suspicious container.

So he went with Plan B: Smash it.

Using the Beat Cross-Zer, Sol severed the tube that connected the can to the machine. Once it fell off, he destroyed it with a Smash Hit.

“Yes, got it!” But his celebratory mood was cut short as the machine started to spark. “…uh oh…” Taking it as a bad sign, Sol dashed out of the room, hoping to reach his classmates in time and try to move them someplace safe.

While Sol tried to get the unconscious civilians to safety, Flash flew around the building in pursuit of the Hazard Flying Smash.

Much like the Hazard Strong Smash, this one was superior to its predecessor. Not only was it faster and stronger, but it reacted quicker. The Rider learned this when it weaved through the rapid gunfire from his weapon without so much as a graze. He realized he needed to kick things up a notch.

As the Flying Smash crashed through a window and flew outside, he spun the magazine of his gun…multiple times.

Sol made it back into the Pandora’s Box room, quickly thinking about how to move everyone outside without hurting them. But his planning ceased as many bodies stirred awake. Mumbles of confusion were exchanged. Confusion transformed into surprise upon seeing Cross-Z by the door.

“Is everyone okay?!” He called out. No one answered, yet he continued. “Listen! We don’t have much time, but everyone needs to get out of here! Right now!”

“At least tell us why first!” Sour Sweet demanded.

Then suddenly, the lights overhead flickered as red lights flashed in the room. Alarms blared in the students and teacher’s ears. Twilight Velvet paled in realization.

“Oh no!” She then signaled everyone else. “Everyone! Please listen! The Building is going into lockdown! We must leave now!” The students became panicked by what was going on, but their teachers managed to keep them calm enough to follow their guide’s instructions and headed out the building. Cross-Z followed the group and covered the rear. He was still wary of any potential attackers courtesy of Faust.

His actions produced mixed feelings from the group. Some were relieved that he was here to help while others were curious why he was even here and what he knew of the situation.



“Time to ground this turkey!” Flash pulled the trigger as energy hawks shot out of the Hawk Gatlinger at a rapid rate. The Hazard Flying Smash tried to avoid them again, but was unable to properly shake them off. The hawks impacted its wings, causing enough explosions to damage them and sent it careening to the ground. They had flown pretty far from the CRDC, and were now located in a rocky terrain of sorts. The Smash tumbled before it hit a giant boulder.

Flash landed before it as it stood back up. “I have no idea why you gassed everyone and tried to steal the Box, but I’m gonna put a stop to this.” He took out a new pair of Bottles and shook them, watching the math equations fly around him. “Let’s begin the experiment.”He twisted the caps and inserted the bottles.




Ignoring the fact he got another Best Match out of the blue, Flash turned the crank as a set of yellow and light blue armor pieces materialized.


“Build up!” The armor panels converged on his body, engulfing him in a burst of steam. While his Inorganic pieces were that of the Cleaner, his Organic armor pieces were yellow and resembled that of a Lion. He had a tail-like shoulder guard on his right and a lion-shaped eyepiece on the left of his helmet. On his right arm was a gauntlet that resembled a lion’s head.




Like before, Flash slid a finger along his eyepiece in before flicking his wrist into an open hand. “And now I have the Winning Formula.” The Hazard Smash growled as it charged at him on foot. Flash leaned away from its swing before countering with a right hook of his own. With strength matching that of the King of the Jungle, his punch delivered noticeable damage to the Smash.

He ducked underneath a swipe of its wing and returned its assult by smashing his Vaccum-like arm into its body twice. Before the Smash could return the hits, Flash quickly followed up with a right straight into its chest. The Hazard Smash was sent flying before it crashed to the ground.

It tried to run and hide behind a large Boulder, but the Rider refused to let it flee. Flash gathered energy into his right hand as he reared it back. The energy condensed into the shape of a lion’s head. He threw it forward and it smashed the Boulder into tiny pieces. The force of the resulting explosion knocked the Smash on its back.

It scrambled up, spread its wings, and took to the skies. The Rider responded by turning the crank on his driver. Yellow and green flashed back and forth as the wheel on the driver spun. He raised his Cleaner arm at the retreating foe. In the next moment, it sucked up everything within its vicinity with extreme force. The pull was so great that the Smash was unable to advance any further. It tried to fly away, but Flash would not let it escape.



Like before, his fist radiated golden energy as he flung it forward. A burst of power in the shape of a lion shot out and clamped its jaws on the disabled Smash as it became swallowed in an explosion.


The Hazard Flying Smash dropped onto the ground in an explosion of green gas. Its essence was extracted by Build as Chemistry Set returned to normal. Unlike the previous Smashes, Chemistry was conscious upon reversion. The scientist was distraught as tears leaked through his eyes.

Flash stepped up, wanting answers. “Why? Why did you do it? People could’ve gotten seriously hurt!”

“I’m sorry! I...I had to do it! Pandora’s Box was my only hope…” He sobbed.

“For your son, right?”

“Yes…I was told that the Box…the box could cure his illness. I tried everything….it was the only chance we had…”

“Who told you that? Who told you that Pandora’s Box could cure something like that?”

“A….A man named….S-Stalk….”

Flash felt dread within the pit of his stomach upon piecing together the entire picture. They had been set up! He immediately tried to contact Sol, and was grateful that he got to him just as quickly.

“Cross-Z! Whatever you’re doing, stop! You need to get back into the CRDC, fast!”

“What? Why?! What’s going on?!” Sol demanded. He and everyone had evacuated the building as soon. Murmurs of confusion filled the air from both students and staff alike.

“It was a trap! The Smash was only a distraction! Faust and Stalk are going after Pandora’s Box!”

“What?!” His exclamation drew the attention of the crowd. “Faust is after the Box?!” The rest of his statement drew further unease and panic from the group.

“Yes! You gotta get back in there and stop them! I’ll catch up!”

“Got it! I’ll stop them!” Without any further instruction, Sol dashed back towards the CRDC.

“Wait!” Velvet yelled out to warn him. While she had no idea what was going on, hearing Sol’s statement of the mysterious organization after Pandora’s Box made her realize the situation was extremely dire and only the Masked Rider and his friend could stop it. “The building’s going into lock-down! You won’t make it before the barricade falls!” True to her word, metal shutters descended to cover the main entrance.

Yet Sol remained undeterred. The fighter ran faster and closed the distance to the shutting entrance in a matter of seconds. Just as it was about to be sealed completely, he dropped and slid across the ground and through the closing gap. He made it inside the building as it became sealed off.

All the students who watched him couldn’t help but compare it to a Daring Do style close call.

Blood Stalk waltzed inside the Canterlot Research and Development Center, leaving the crumbled remains of what used to be guards scattered by the wind.

He had a noticeable spring in his step as everything had proceeded according to plan. He whistled and a platoon of Guardians marched in after him.

Underneath his helmet, he grinned from ear to ear. At last, their prize was just a few broken walls away. “Showtime, baby.”

To Be Continued…

Author's Note:

Hi Everyone. So here we have the Research Center Field trip.....the first half anyway. The next chapter will conclude this little two parter and provide some startling revelations.

And for those familiar with Banshee531's work, yes, there are little easter eggs to his stories here. particularly Wild Smile from his Flash Sentry Chronicles, and Flash and Twilight's little heart to heart from his Power Ranger's story.

Hope you all enjoyed. Please leave your thoughts in a review.

Bottles Possessed:




Fire Engine