
The gilded life of a noble, with all of its riches, pomp and circumstance, and eternal restraint was simply not for him, yet it was all he knew. But when the princess murmurs a warning in his ear, this colt takes it upon himself to discover its true meaning and hopefully challenge the gathering tempest head on.

Part II!

Rewritten 04/2019

Chapters (13)

So, Luna finds two colts in the streets of Canterlot. They've had a hard beginning to life and Luna hopes to make it better for them. Read as the two brothers have an adventure as royalty.

This story is to honor Peanut Butter Brony's story "The Life and Adventures of Peanut Butter."

And yes, it is about Night Mist and Peanut Butter, since he was kind enough to have my OC in his story, I'm putting his in my story. Have fun reading.

Chapters (5)

A singing contest has just rolled around in Canterlot so what happens when our favourite timid pegasus and lovable librarian assistant join?

What would happen if the judges are the two princesses and our favourite douche bag prince?

What happens when a certain cross eyed mare joins the bearers in watching the event?

Would it also change anything if they were friends? What if they were in love with one another?

One thing's for sure it is going to be an amazing night.

AN- Hope you guys enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

Spike is tired of how the Mane Six are treating him, and after learning some devastating news, he finally snaps and runs away. Unbeknownst to him, his leaving home will start a chain of events that will forever change his life. And it all starts . . . with heavy metal.

Plot inspired by Brutal Legend. Title inspired by Manowar song "Die For Metal".
Special thanks to DiabloGuapo, whose "Legend of Spike" series inspired me to start my own.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony

Chapters (12)

It is common knowledge within Canterlot Castle that Princess Celestia is rather fond of her tea, and is particularly amicable after having her first cup. Upon waking up and finding that there's no tea to be found within the castle, how does Princess Celestia react?

Not well, not well at all.

Rated T for dark humor, harsh language and false death threats.
Proof-read and edited by ChappedPenguinLips.
Cover art by LateCustomer on Deviantart.

Chapters (1)

It has been a terrible week, in Craig’s very educational opinion. Firstly, he woke up in a cave covered in dust, and he doesn’t really like dust. Secondly, he can’t remember when Equestrian became so advanced. So many cities! Thirdly, the lands are so different, he can barely tell his way around. Fourthly, critters from every forest he’s wandered keep jumping him. Fifthly, nearly everypony that sees him either faint, stare, or just run away screaming; it’s actually kind of amusing. It’s like they’ve never seen an Alicorn before, or is there something on his face? Let him just... Sixthly, everypony he’s been able to eavesdrop on seems like they speak Ponish but... don’t? Seventhly, why are Marks called ‘Cutie Marks’ now? When did this happen? When he gets back to his throne, he will fix this insulting problem. No pride is involved or anything...

Lastly, and the worst, his own daughters don’t even remember him! This is something he must repair. “How?” you ask? Why, snuggling of course!

[Currently Undergoing Editing]

Art by Mornings Dew (ヾ(´・ω・`) I kinda just created my own ‘Pony Craig’ as a doodle born from this idea or scenario that has been at the back of my head for quite some time. Kinda saddens me that there aren’t many fan made things with Pony Craig and Lauren together, or Craig at all. So, ta~da! :}
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro respectively!
Original Characters made by yours truly, Mornings Dew

Featured on:
March 23, 2020
August 5, 2020
October 20, 2020
Goodness! Thank you guys so much for the support! Love you all! :heart:

I had this neat idea that I am certain others had that I want to share! Basically, as you can already tell, Craig McCracken in Equestria, but a very confused version of him and with a story to tell. I really love this old man and the shows he has made, along with the cast for each show, but I guess I’m being biased, since most of his creations were most of my childhood. I feel I at least know or predict him enough to be comfortable with dialogue and personality traits in this Pony character I’ve imagined. Most of the time, he is confused but with purpose; I feel it's the cutest side of him. I can say with certainty that it will not be perfect, nothing is, and I will not hit the right notes most of the time, but I have you guys here! Feel free to add constructive criticism, I’ll appreciate every last bit! If you can’t, that’s alright, just reading my crazy stuff is more than enough. Thank you! :heart:

My ‘Old Ponish’ isn’t the best, but I hope you enjoy! Oh, and remember, just because the show has ended, doesn’t mean its “ended”. The fandom will live for a very long time.:pinkiehappy:

October, 2019

Chapters (8)

A most heinous crime has been committed in Canterlot.

Justice will be...


Cover art by Granzon on Derpibooru! https://www.derpibooru.org/216170?q=safe

Chapters (1)

While helping Twilight Sparkle with her genealogical research, Pinkie discovers another surprising familial connection. Pinkie heads out to investigate. Written for EQD's Writer's Training Grounds #003.

Chapters (1)

Blueblood is fed up with with everypony wrongly assuming he’s an air-headed spoiled brat who’s never had to work for what he has and had no idea what it means to suffer. He’s going to show them they couldn’t be more wrong about that.

Chapters (1)

I used to love the idea of a human getting to visit Equestria. It sounded like a good way to set up so many shenanigans, except it's plagued with boring characters or really cliché ones or... the dreaded Sue.
I never expected it to happen. For real.
No, that's not real. What am I saying? Tom's... missing. Yes, and I will find him. He's not in the show... that's ridiculous. Don't say such things! My little brother can't be part of the show! It's just a coincidence that this little alicorn showed up, spoke with his voice, has the exact same personality and is based on his personal design for his alicorn OC!

What am I supposed to do now?

Chapters (59)