• Published 11th Mar 2013
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How my Little Brother Became an Alicorn - WiseFireCracker

I used to love that premise. I thought it made for a fun debate of nature vs nurture and all that. I just never expected it to happen. Now Tom's gone and I don't know what to do!

  • ...


Breakfast passed uneventfully. No great disturbance came to break the calm and relaxed atmosphere that had taken over the dining hall. I suspected this was the norm rather than the exception.

I, for one, found it hard to remain on my guards while everypony else made small talk and exchanged gossips. Even the close proximity to Blueblood did not disturb me all that much, as the prince had chosen to ignore me the best he could, essentially forgetting I existed until one personally reminded him of me.

On my other side though, that old stallion from the other day was still patiently trying to get Calx to mind his manners more. More surprisingly, the old noble certainly did not seem very bothered by his lack of progress nor by the blatant unwillingness he should have expected from my little brother.

Really, at most he was sending endearing looks to Calx and ruffling his mane when he said something particularly memorable.

I decided I liked that old guy.

Still, there had been an endeavor I wished to pursue, if only to clear my mind of guilt. To achieve that goal, however, required at least one course of action.

And judging by the unusually silent and formal attitude of the Ruler of the Day... I might not succeed in such matters. Twice before, I had stopped myself at the last second, judging the moment inappropriate, rightly so at least in one occurrence.

However, I could hear the clock ticking; with each passing moment I hesitated, a greater pressure befell me. Soon enough, it had turned into a boiling pit of confused emotions, tearing me apart with desire to speak and fear of incurring my cousin’s anger or disapproval.

Somepony had to have noticed the dozen times I glanced at Celestia. That slight show of paranoia did not deter me, though, and as such, I was the first to notice the Princess standing up to take her leave.

“It is time for me to begin the morning audience.” She rose to her hooves, her splendid figure almost shining under the daylight filtering through the windows. “I wish to all of you a pleasant day.”

Following a little nod of acknowledgement, the white alicorn turned around, intent on quickly taking her place on her throne and start another day of service for her little ponies. That sight, the one of Celestia walking away, her back facing us… it sent a jolt of distress through me.

I couldn’t let my anxiety stop me!

“Princess Celestia!” I called, scrambling to my hooves. “I have a request to make!”

Every pony in the room paused in their previous activity, be it gossiping, eating or carrying plates, even, or rather especially, the Alicorn of the Day.

Slowly, she turned toward me, while I ran up to her.

“…Yes, Ventus?” She asked as soon as I had stopped close to her.

At this distance, the bigger subtleties of her tone and her traits were noticeable to me. Her expression was carefully guarded, not unlike the one I showed them every day, if only much more perfected. While I couldn’t tell what she was thinking, I knew her benevolent smile wasn’t quite sincere.

My voice wavered slightly in the face of this fact. Hopefully, not too much… “I would like permission to access a certain section of your archives today.”

She raised one delicate eyebrow at that. “Might I ask for which purpose such an access should be granted to you?”

A cold mass of ice seemed to form inside my guts at her question. This… I knew was an impulse, a whim mostly, to offer myself some measure of comfort. Calx and I… were trapped here, for as long as the Elders deemed fit.

And the Sam part of me really hates it. “In essence, it would be most purely a gratification of my curiosity, though one our relatives might find useful. I wish to find out how deep the understanding of magic is among your subjects, Princess.”

The mentions of our common relatives triggered something within her; that much was evident, seeing as her lips had clasped into a thin line instantly.

“I see…” She replied slowly.

I fought back the urge to gulp audibly.

“Had you already chosen a field of study to focus your efforts on?” Celestia asked, sounding far more casual than I felt her to be.

“My… intentions were toward the… Anathema section of your royal library.” I looked away, feeling uneasy under that evaluating gaze. “Princess Sparkle mentioned the subject in passing yesterday and I found myself intrigued.”

Glancing back to her, I saw her lips move, silently mouthing the name of the section again.

Please… I mentally begged, a part of me dying to seek the answer to my questions.

A few seconds passed, during which a debate seemed to take place within the Princess’ mind. Quickly though, a tacit understanding of my intentions passed between us. From the moment I had mentioned the name of the pony I would seek knowledge from, it had been crystal clear to Celestia.

Her posture appeared slightly more relaxed following this exchange, although it had not become void of caution.

“What of your little brother? I do not believe his character suitable for an access to our archives to be granted, not unless I wish some destruction to take place.”

Sad but true. “I understand.” I nodded. “My intentions were to find Miss Pinkie Pie and ask her the favor of watching him for the duration of my studying. Her previous interactions with him were positive, greatly if I might say so.”

“Very well, shall you manage to ensure your brother’s caretaking elsewhere, then you might enter the Anathema’s archives for the purpose of studying.”

“Thank you.” I bowed, feeling a disproportionate wave of relief crash down on me.

My emotions… weren’t quite as weakened as I had first estimated…

As Celestia left, for real this time, I noticed a shaking in my shoulders and a twitch in my tail. Had I really been so nervous? Or was this anticipation as to what I might discover?

As if a remainder of the stakes, Twilight’s words echoed in my mind.

“Anathema: the fourth Archmage and the second female one, born in the seventh century following the start of the Solar Monarchy, contributed to ponykind’s knowledge by scientifically dissecting four entire branches of magic.”

But at the moment, I was truly concerned about only one.


The aroma of tea filled her nostrils, comforting and reminiscent of her most cherished sessions with her mentor. Such memories were an excellent way for her to start a new day, as it filled her with a new energy.

The warm vapors rising from her cup simply enticed her appetite furthermore. Giving in, the purple mare dug in her hearty breakfast with a smile.

At her sides, Fluttershy and Applejack were both enjoying their own meal, conversing on minor subjects and inquiring about the other's previous day. It appeared that no matter where they went, some form of troubles followed them, even in the Capital of Equestria.

“Ah’m telling you, gal, Rainbow just up and went there to pick a fight with this huge stallion, something about him bumpin’ into her!”

“Oh no… that sounds dangerous.” The shier mare placed her hooves in front of her mouth, trying to hide a fond smile rather than the horrified grimace the other two expected.

“Ye mean for that other guy, don’t yeh?” Applejack’s eyes shone with amusement.

Unfortunately, Twilight had chosen that moment to take another sip of her tea and the remark had made her snort into her cup.

“Whoa there, girl. Careful not to choke,” the farmer replied, grinning.

“Yes, it is definitely too early for us to save somepony’s life,” Fluttershy added, in an unusual display of playfulness toward their roles.

“I-I’ll do my best not to-”

The doors to their private dining room were slammed open, almost brutally, revealing a white figure poised to attack. “Twilight!”

“Huh?” The alicorn turned around, blinking in surprise at her friend’s shrilled call. “What is it, Rarity?”

“My, I am shocked and appalled that you would use my absence to advance your own nefarious plot!” The white unicorn ran into the room, a hoof over her chest, almost ready to faint on her special couch.

“You had a nefarious plot?” Fluttershy asked, blinking in surprise.

“W-what? No, I didn’t!”

“Oh yes, you DID!” Rarity interjected, voice losing all sense of refinement and tainting itself with indignation and ham-tastic drama. “See the proof of your betrayal!”

From… somewhere, a scrunched up magazine floated up to their levels, surrounded by a beautiful blue magic.

Applejack’s eyes narrowed as soon as she got a better look of it. “Wait, isn’t that the tabloid that keeps spouting nonsense about Twi? Didn’t we all agree to stop reading it?”

“Yes, we did.” Twilight raised an eyebrow in annoyance. “I had to supposedly dissolve my personal army in secret not to be secretly vaporized by Princess Celestia when she found out I secretly wanted to overthrow her… apparently.”

Applejack threw her hooves into the air. “Then why in tarnation do you have it, Rare?!”

“Oh, that is…” The unicorn suddenly struggled with her words. “NOT THE POINT! LOOK!

Obediently, the three friends leaned over the table where the magazine lied.

“Prince Ventus in love with…” Fluttershy read out loud, before squeaking when the apparent identity of his lover became apparent.

“Twi?” Applejack looked up, confused.

“B-bu-but I don’t… we… I mean… that’s… EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!”

She stared into a blank space, mane suddenly disheveled and cheeks much darker than usual.

“Twilight?” The pink-maned pegasus flew up to her friend, waving a hoof in front of her face.

“Oh dear, I broke her, didn’t I?” Rarity muttered, looking a bit taken aback by this drastic reaction.

“Yeah, an’ Ah’m sure yer proud of yerself too!” Applejack crossed her hooves, scowling.

“Well, I certainly didn’t mean to!” The poor mare’s lips quivered. “I’M the one that should be emotionally devastated. I didn’t even get the chance to talk to this new prince that he is already taken by one of my best friends!” And with that, she dramatically dropped down onto a pile of cushion.

“Look at her!” The cowpony pointed at the frozen alicorn. “That looks like an evil love-stealing mastermind to yeh?”

“Darling, I never used the words ‘evil love-stealing mastermind’…” Rarity rolled her eyes, muttering a few words about how much of a drama queen her friend could be.

“It’s what it meant!” Applejack slammed her hoof against the table, eyes narrowed.

“Fine, I’m sorry. It was just the disappointment speaking.” The fashionista apologized, but without much success.

Twilight remained desperately immobile. To the point they decided perhaps it was best if they gave her time to process. In the meanwhile… well, they could… talk?

“You… hum… you like-like Prince Ventus, Rarity?” Fluttershy shyly asked, curling on herself.

“Well, yes, I do. You cannot say he is not handsome. And you know the saying ‘Mane of gold, heart of gold’.”

The cowpony seemed about ready to just give up altogether on all that nonsense. “His mane is white, Rarity. It’s his coat that’s golden.”

“Same difference.” She huffed. “The point is I believe he would make a fine coltfriend. He does seem to get along nicely with his little brother, even if he makes a few mistakes here and then. It’s always a plus when a stallion knows how to deal with children.”

“Meh, he’s a little thin to me. I’m into stallions with more meat on their bones.”

All three mares blinked, momentarily confused by the sudden jump in the conversation by one they hadn’t even known to be listening.

“Dashie?” Fluttershy looked up, taken aback.

Then, the words started to register as well.

“Consarnit!” Applejack stood up, glaring right through her rainbow colored friend’s skull. “Is that the reason you always take nap in mah orchards? To ogle mah big brother?!”

“W-what?!” She strongly shook her head, though her movements became slightly skittish. “Noooo. Way! I’m way too cool for that.”

Eyes half-drooped, the rest of her friends all exchanged unimpressed glances.

“Okay, girls, I’m back!” Twilight shouted, life returning to her features. “I think my brain exploded a little, but I should be fine now. I rebooted. WHAT DO I DO?! I’m NOT ready for LOVE, yet! Wait, I’m not in love anyway! But what if I fall in love for real?!”

“Oh, leave everything to me, Twilight. He’ll eat in the curve of your hooves in no time.”

“Eating in my hooves? B-but I’m not even sure I want that. Besides, that sounds kinky!”

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash backed off, feeling a ball of unease suddenly expend in their stomach at the sight of their unicorn friend. For a split second, images of timberwolves had flashed in their minds.

“Oh darling, you have so much to learn.”

Glaring, Applejack leaned closer, whispering into her ears. “Weren’t ye supposed to be ‘emotionally devastated’? Yer sounding mighty peachy if ye ask me!”

“I got better.” Rarity replaced her mane, a look of determination shining in her gaze. “Besides, this is just too much fun!”


My eyes darted from one shelf to another, taking in as much information as possible. The style of architecture was quite different from the Star Swirl’s section. While the other wing of the archives were seemingly dedicated to his work on time magic, this place was dedicated to another archmage altogether.

The air itself shimmered with magic, greenish in color. There is something deeply ironic about being the Alicorn of the Wind and still finding some atmospheres to be heavy.

To be fair, the orbs of light floating everywhere would likely put off more than one pony. I simply happened to see these… things and understand some of the law of magic at work. Frankly, I was impressed.

Slowly, I made my way up into a pair of spiraling stairs, my initial inquiry revealing nothing of interest in the first part of the Anathema wing. Logically though, what I was looking for was quite complex, so it might only be found in the upper levels…

Undeterred, I made my way up there, hooves clanking against the metallic stairs with each step. I simply followed the lights. It was akin to being surrounded by fairies… even if the knowledge of these was rather blurry in my mind.

No matter, that is quite beside the point. I stretched my neck as I passed under the threshold of the new floor.

The upper levels weren’t as intimidating. Physically.

My fur stood on its ends as soon as I took one step in. A mystical force had gathered in this place.

I shook my head. “Don’t be ridiculous, Ventus. You’re an alicorn… Act like it.” Right. I’m an alicorn. Riiiiight. I couldn’t deny it. ...Where is all this stuff?

The first book my eyes fell on had the kind of title that referred to the object of my researches.

‘Dimensional Travel: An Exploration of the Advanced Mechanisms’

“Well, that sounds promising…”

It was what I had decided. As myself, whether it was a new sense of self or not, I had had… issues with my current situation and, while I still did, the fire was not quite as strong, or even all that present…

That did not mean I would accept such a turn of events so easily. If only for the knowledge that I did try…

The book floated out of its shelf, moving almost lazily toward me. It left me with the distinct impression it somehow mocked me.

Or I’m projecting my issues on an inanimate object. I’m the one in control of its speed.

Feeling exasperated with myself, I let out a resounding sigh, sitting down at a nearby study table. The book now opened on its first page, I leaned over it.

“Well, look at what we have here!” A voice recognizable amongst all rang to my ears, mocking and childish. “A new alicorn pal!”

Frozen in place, I stared blankly ahead of myself, consciously avoiding to turn around and see the source of that noise. My coat seemed to be trying to stand on its ends from the simple aura seething out of his body.

“Come oooooon, don’t be rude. That would make it five in five.” Amazingly, that sounded somewhat like a petulant child, but I did know a lot about that…

Deep breath, Ventus. Deep, deep, deep breath! I pictured Mi Amore, standing next to Princess Sparkle and making the soothing motion.

Calmly, I rose to my hooves once more, closing my eyes and turning around.

“It is an honor to meet you, Lord Discord.” My front legs folded as I lowered my head into a respectful bow.

The library seemed to have fallen silent. Too silent. If somepony tried to produce a sound, it wouldn’t even work, that much was a certainty.

Hesitantly, I glanced upward, toward the floating god. His appeared to be quite the subdued pout. The sight, though mundane in a rather twisted way, stirred up inside me a violent desire to beat his face to a bloody pulp. Luckily, my poker face was nearly perfected. My expression was that of profound respect.

And in a bizarre way… I probably did feel like that on some level.

The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony certainly wasn’t expecting my reaction, it seemed. “Well, that’s a first. Since when do cornies like you act like you I am your master? Sure, go ahead, feel free, but I’d like to know.”

“Don’t be mistaken,” I said sharply, straightening my posture. “I do not consider you my master or anything of the sort. As an alicorn, I am bound by duty to demonstrate proper respect to an Elder, regardless of my personal feelings in the matter.”

“Yeeeeees… ‘Duty’, you say?” The draconequus slithered in the air and circled me. I had to actively fight the urge to shiver. “But there is something different about you.”

My heartbeat accelerated.

“I’m afraid I do not-”

“Oh yes, you do.” He cut me off, stopping a few feet away from me in midair. “You know precisely what I am talking about. And judging by the look on your face, it’s not something you want to actively advertise.”

“You are mist-”

A finger snap later, no sound would pass the barrier of my lips, regardless of my attempts to do so. Discord suddenly seemed to have grown taller, more imposing…

“Ventus Vinco.” The words rolled off his tongue with a strange sensation of… power… of overwhelming presence. My senses were all but screaming at the madness crawling under my skin. “How about you show me proper respect by telling me the truth?”

I looked away, feeling a little faint, my body burning with both shame and fear. This could not happen. I couldn’t… I couldn’t say it.

“T-that is…” My tongue was tied… “I cannot tell you that.”

The voice of reason in my head sounded suspiciously more like Sam than Ventus. What if THEY hear me? What if someone caught wind of it? That lie is too precious to give away, Discord…

“Oh, now you’re just doing it to irritate me!” The draconequus pouted and glared, leaning against a shelf of book. Said shelf proceeded to giggle.

“That… is none of your business… sir.” I refused to look at him. Cold sweat was running down my spine just thinking about what he could do.

“Oh, but what you are hiding feels quite chaotic and that IS my-” He stopped, freezing in place, releasing a few dozens firework from his left ear. Then, he was inches away from my face. I promptly had a quiet heart attack. “Ho-ho… is that a string of reality I see hanging from your feathers?”

A strand of light manifested at the tip of his claw, glowing softly. Stranger yet, Discord decided to pull on it, just give it a tug, I suspected.

I felt my consciousness stretch toward his paw!

My legs started shaking. Dots were appearing in front of my eyes, clouding my vision with dancing patches of darkness. I… don’t hear words… My brain was thoroughly refusing to take it much longer.

His claws ran through my mane, sending a small signal of pain and many more of shivering disgust. W-what is he doing?

“How interesting. There are plenty of these all over you, almost like a…”

I neighed in fright when he exploded into a mad bout of laugher. In every literal sense of the term.

Wings fully expanded, in a careful balance on my hind legs and heart beating like crazy, I stared with wide eyes at the empty spot where Discord had been. Trying to get my breathing back to normal, amongst other things, I dropped down on all four, eyes still fixated on the site of his vaporization.

“You’ve been a naughty alicorn, haven’t you?”

I turned around lightning fast. He was there, standing in all his glory, arms crossed behind his back and sporting a knowing smirk. Listening purely to my instincts rather than the rational part of my mind, my expression turned defiant and my mouth ran by itself.

“I will not listen to you lecturing me about ‘naughtiness’ after your actions!”

“Ah, there it is.” The draconequus rolled his eyes, then snorted. “I also like how you didn’t deny it.”

I took a hesitant step backward, wings slowly folding back in place. The defiance had not yet left my features though.

“I ask, with all due respect, that you leave this issue alone.” I bit my cheeks, before adding… “Please.”

His face twisted, seemingly with annoyance, but there was something else…

He raised one finger at me, stopping at an awkward height, his shoulders tensed and his face crunched up as if he was…

…Holding back?

“Alright, alright.” His chest lifted up seven feet in the air, out of a petulant annoyance I could only guess. “Apparently, not prying too much is one way to show that you respect a pony’s privacy and their general person.”

My jaw dropped.

“I… huh… what?”

The draconequus frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “You made an effort, somewhat. I guess I can make one as well.”

“I…” The words stayed stuck in my throat. That had taken me completely by surprise. “What were you hoping to gain, coming here?”

The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony shrugged. Shrugged. “I don’t know. I was just curious. Someone or somepony has been hijacking the Source for the past few days.”

His yellow eyes almost bore a hole into my skull, from their sheer intensity. Part of me expected them to shoot lasers and disintegrate me on the spot.

It made speaking considerably harder.

“I… cannot answer that. I’m… not even sure I know… the answer you seek.”

“Let me give you a friendly advice: are you – oh dear, I’m actually doing this and it’s not even half bad… – hum… what was I saying? Oh yes, that’s the one thing. Do you not know the answer? Or do you refuse to acknowledge the fact that you do know?”

Something in my heart hardened. My eyes narrowed into a glare. “I’d appreciate if you followed on your own statements. Drop it.

Discord swatted the cold air blowing from the nearby windows away with a swipe of his tail, rolling his eyes at me, again.

“Why don’t you take a deep breath, my little corny? Here, let me offer you one shot at remembering the truth you buried away. Make of that what you will.” His fingers were posed ready to snap. “I’m leaving you alone after that, Pinkie Promise.”

My breath hitched. “W-what are you-?”

I heard the sound of bone against bone, I reflexively turned my head away from a blinding light.

W-where… that’s… my old world…

The bed… the small desk… heck, the laptop… those things were all mine. I was in MY room.

I felt… I wasn’t relieved. I wasn’t overjoyed nor horrified. My senses were troubled, my perception of things muddled by some unknown force.

My ears picked up some noises, loud but muffled. It was… familiar though. Distantly, I tried to get closer to the source of the noise, hopefully getting a better understanding of the situation at hand… hoof?

However, that plan soon crashed down to hell and deeper. Nothing happened. Even as my consciousness seemed to return, that my focus sharpened toward this simple goal, the evidence remained: I couldn’t move.

My blood froze in my veins when I heard the sound of a plate breaking. The sound was so distinct, so unmistakable, that it seemed to literally pull my mind straight toward it like a magnet.

My heartbeat seemed strong enough to make my vision jump.

More screaming. A muffled impacting sound.


The screaming intensified and every word cut right through my soul. They were all carved in burning letters into my brain. The argument was simply going back and forth, with each party progressively losing their restraints. Until…


The nightmare ended.

I was splayed across the floor, one wing extended, legs scrambled and my mane falling into my eyes. The situation seemed not unlike any other morning, especially if the day before had been exhausting. Yet my body felt cold, absent was the comforting warmth of a bed.

I was but a disoriented alicorn lying on a stone floor. I definitely felt more Sam than Ventus too. At least though, my visitor had left.

Discord was gone. It was probably a good thing, because my first thought toward him was to rip his face off.

T-they… Mom and Dad are falling apart…

I was alone in the library again, as I had requested of Princess Celestia. Like it had been just before Discord’s interruption.

I stumbled forward, limbs heavy as if I had been swimming or exercising for hours on ends. My front hooves bounced against a hard form on the ground and the sudden change in my balance made me fall.

W-what was that? I wondered, blinking away the confusion and the blurriness. Then, I saw it. Just a simple carved stone, with the following words written on it: “Do you know Prench, mister?”


There were people, real, tangible lives being put in jeopardy by my inaction. There were some that suffered because of our disappearance and giving up on them, condemning them to that kind of end without trying with all my heart was simply… evil.

For goodness’ sake! They’re our parents! It doesn’t matter how LONG they were, how MUCH effort, it wasn’t a contest of quantity. I knew they loved us, I knew… well, perhaps not quite as much due to my previous failures with saving Tom, but heck, THEY LOVED US AND THAT’S ENOUGH REASON FOR ME!

I launched myself at the book lying on the ground.