
In a desperate bid for love, Flash Sentry must woo Princess Twilight Sparkle using his exceptional wooing techniques. And it totally, without a single shred of doubt, worked.

Super awesome art from the great and incredibly handsome Magello.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Flash have known each other for a long time, yet very rarely have they ever spent much time together. One day though, after one thing leads to another, the two agree to have lunch.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor is one of the best bosses a guard could have: He's intelligent, conscientious, and he has the best interests of the ponies who make up his command.

But Flash Sentry has a few questions for his boss that might be outside his purview as a guard captain or Prince Consort.

Chapters (1)

It's time for the Junior Wonderbolt's Flying competition, and it's Curtain Call's time to shine.

With her parents, Trixie and Flash in the audience and her best friend in the competition, everything should be fine, right?


Same Universe as Near to Us Once More, Once In a Lifetime and Loved, Loved, Loved

Chapters (3)

Hitch has proven himself worthy of the himbo crown and one other position of power...

He's sure it will be fine.

Chapters (1)

(Cover art by Weird Alicorn)

(NOTICE: As of 5/22/21, Special Chapters have been added to the story! They are denoted with SP and a number. They are best understood after having read the entire story, but have been written to fit their place in the narrative.)

"You've heard of it, haven't you? The Legend of the Two Sisters?"

Two thousand years ago, two sisters sealed away the world of demons by wielding its own infernal power against it. One thousand years ago, one of them was corrupted by her power and banished to the demon realm by the other. With the demon realm sealed away, the remaining sister faded into history, deciding to leave humanity free of their immense powers.

But with her virtuous sister long since a myth, the Dark Sister plots to return and conquer the land of mortals once more.

Standing in her way in the present day is Sunset Shimmer, a legendary demon hunter who was once a lowly high-school bully, but trained in the ways of the Light Sister to redeem herself. Half-human, half-demon; fully loaded with twin pistols and a huge sword, she runs a demon hunting service called "Sun Never Sets". Despite her history as a bad girl, she now uses her demonic abilities to challenge the forces of darkness with wit and style.

But also chasing the Dark Sister is her long-standing best friend Twilight Sparkle, another half-demon demon hunter trained in the light, but fallen to the darkness within herself. She's willing to sacrifice everything to stop the Dark Sister's return- even the rest of their friends. An unresolved rivalry stands between the two of them, and by facing her Sunset must learn what it means to carry the legacy of the Sister of Light.

Between the Dark Sister, Twilight, and all of the underworld being unleashed, Sunset has her work cut out for her.

But for her, the Sun Never Sets.

This story is mainly for people who want to watch the girls fight bad guys with big swords. 

This story is a re-invention of the world of FiM and EQG by a fangirl of games like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Resident Evil. A crossover in spirit, this story sees the MLP cast re-imagined as various kinds of demon slayers, with focus on mechanically intricate fight scenes and wild over-the-top action while still adhering to the cheesiness of both MLP and DMC's 
Power of Friendship and Family themes.

It's action heavy, leans way too hard on it's melodrama, and often references and recreates scenes from it's component games, so it definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea. That being said, I've attempted to make it as reader friendly as possible, so it's still understandable if you aren't familiar with Devil May Cry or related games.

In short, this story is about recreating MLP and its lore in a campy, action focused manner.

The violence is all video game-esque, written to be entertaining instead of graphic, and the gore attempts to be "soft gore", where grievous injuries are described in broad strokes and spectacle rather than in gritty detail. Mild language, suggestive themes, and slight horror aspects at times.

If this sounds like something for you, have fun! If not, have a nice day.

Chapters (35)

Twilight is troubled by her new title and is constantly driving herself to sleep deprivation every night since her coronation. Princess Celestia is worried about her, so she sends a personal guard for her. Flash Sentry.
Cute moments, arguments, funny situations and romance are now in the life of the new princess. Until she is called to Canterlot because of a new threat to Equestria.
Oni Fire, a night pony devoted to his princess of the night. Twilight, Flash and White Fur will discover the key to defeat their enemies.

Chapters (14)

Sunset Shimmer had good grades, mostly good manners, and, at the risk of Flash tooting his own horn, a pretty good boyfriend.

After all, you wouldn't kiss someone you don't like.

A study of relationship.

Written for the Spring Fling Contest, where it won third place.

Tagged sex for references and implications; nothing explicit occurs onscreen. Content warning for underage drinking.

Review by PaulAsaran.

Chapters (1)

It's funny... the '20's have always had a plague of some kind... turns out instead of wiping out 1/3rd of Europe, this one intends to keep me locked up at home until further notice...

My name's Flash Sentry, and at the moment, I am completely, totally lonely...

Wait... why's Sunset calling me?

My entry for Secret Moon's Self-Isolation Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor takes a troop of his best guards to find Queen Chrysalis.

Chapters (3)