
Ponies are at war with the Diamond dogs and all of your favorite ponies are lending their talents to the effort. Applejack is on guard duty to protect the homeland, patrolling Sweet Apple Acres and keeping it safe and diamond dog-free.
Action, grit, and tragedy. Graphic description of gore and a death to wrap it all up.

Based on a short comic by pooryorick: yoorporick.deviantart.com. unfortunately, the account has been deleted, so the comic can be found here -->http://funnyjunk.com/channel/ponytime/Earth+Ponies+offsetting/nqjfGad/

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A&E: The Case of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorderer

After solving the case of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorderer, detectives Amethyst Breeze and Ember are starting to settle into their roles as Private Eyes in Ponyville.

However, after a number of foals go missing their next case may prove to be too much for the duo.

Reading the prequel is not required, though it is recommended.

This is a collab fic with Doccular42. Couldn't have done it without him!

Cover art done by Lord Destrustor

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Six Two Six Two

Continuation of this story will depend on response. Let me know what you think.

Twilight is having a rough day.

Having always relied on the power of friendship and the talents possessed by her and her friends, Twilight unexpectedly finds herself talent-less after an encounter with strange colorful aliens. With reports of similar cases all across Ponyville and no sign of Princess Celestia, have the Mane Six finally met their match? Or can they overcome this newest inconvenience on wits alone?

Chapters (2)

Hello, I'm The Doctor, and before you ask it's just the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord, an advance race from the planet Gallifrey, located in the farthest reaches of the universe. I've saved the universe from galactic forces that have tried to take it for their own reasons, and I've made so many wonderful friends. But now, I've been alone for hundreds of years, and everyone I knew has disappeared, left me without a trace in a blink of an eye. Just when I thought I had died, I wake up to discover a new marvel. "I'm an equine... Wot?!"

Disclaimer: this is set in the beginning of season 1 of My little pony: Friendship is magic.

The cover was made by MyLittleSheepy

Mlp FIM is owned by Hasbro and Doctor Who is owned by BBC, all rights belong to them.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck wakes up to find herself trapped inside a strange underground facility. As she wonders through the facility, Roseluck soon realizes that she is being stalked by a familiar party pony, a party pony who isn't at all pleased to see her.

Note: This isn't a Cupcakes copy cat fanfic, so please give it a chance. Also if you favorite this story could you please give it a thumbs up. It just helps me feel good about my story and it helps the story get views. :raritywink:

The story was proofread and edited by: TheDizzyDan. He is a pretty awesome guy. :pinkiehappy:

An Audio Reading by Swift Blade can be found: Here.

The image was created using GIMP.

Chapters (1)

A few wacky and random short stories about Pinkie Pie, in honor of Pink Pony Day.


Chapters (1)

This is where I drop my unfinished stories, one-shots that aren't long enough, big ideas that ran out of steam and also write prompts from whatever is posted in the comments.


Chapters (6)

After a long day of cloud busting Rainbow Dash was pretty worn out, as she strode through Ponyville on her way to Sugarcube Corner. The Cake's have had some new crazy contraption put in called a vending machine, and it can serve ice-cold drinks whenever you want from apple-cider to blueberry juice.

Chapters (1)

Its been a few days since Rainbow has had some strange feelings... Feelings she has never experienced before. Ever since she met a new friend in the market. Roseluck. Is her heart telling her something?

Chapters (2)

The Royal Investigative Service runs an undercover op at a Wonderbolts Show.

Thing I did for a Q and S Speedwriting Entry that placed first (which I don't agree with because the other entries were better but hey). Prompts were 'tightrope' and 'give a lesbian an inch and she'll take a mile.' Yeah.

Chapters (1)