
This story is a sequel to Misunderstanding

Things are going quite well for the new family of five, Stella is steadily accepting both Sunset and Flare into her life, and Sunset and Flare are starting to adjust to their new life living together in the castle. But there's just one teeny, tiny little problem...the In-Laws. Twilight's parents, along with Shining Armor, Cadance, and their two daughters, Skyla and Hope, are coming down for a friendly little family get-together, and now all Tartarus breaks loose! How will Twilight and Flash explain Sunset to them?! How will Stella explain Flare to Skyla and Hope?! Brace yourselves friends it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Consider the "Other" tag for those ponies not able to be listed.
All Next Gen characters are the creations of Faith-Wolff (story artist for The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover)

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Them's Fightin Friends #1 : Bleating Heart

Arizona the calf is on her way to save all of Foenum, yet her honest heart leads her to set a trouble making pegasus free.

Now Equestria must be on guard that Cozy Glow is free, bringing along a new friend who can really pack a punch.

Them's Fightin Herds/ MLP:FiM Crossover.

Part Two Of The Twenty Issue Arc Of The Them's Fightin Friends Series.

Chapters (1)

Hitch has proven himself worthy of the himbo crown and one other position of power...

He's sure it will be fine.

Chapters (1)

When Sunset Shimmer gets a text message from Flash Sentry stating that he "needs help with a magical problem," she knows better than to second-guess her ex-boyfriend. She and the girls rush to assist... but is the thing afflicting Flash truly a curse? Or, perhaps instead, he should embrace a new flutter of cheer in his heart over this newfound gift!

Art by valhalla-studios

Chapters (4)

A common guard, hated for his affair with a princess.

A royal prince, hated for his treatment of a lady.

Finally, these two join hooves in a bond that defies all the injustice they've been victim to.

A romance of the disgusting variety.

Chapters (1)

I had always wondered what life in Equestria would be like if I went there; having adventures with the mane 6, learn about the magic of friendship, all that good stuff, with ponies.

It's something that I had wished for a long time...

And of course, life decides to send me to Canterlot High.
Life just isn't fair, is it?

Now pre-read by:Pinkie Pool/God-like Turnabout

NOTE: This story does not represent my actual views on Equestria Girls and the concept behind it.

Chapters (41)

Sunset Shimmer has been apologizing to everyone. For everything she did. It’s not about getting forgiveness, it’s about admitting all her wrongs. It’s taken her time, but she’s finally almost done.

The only person she has left to apologize to is Flash Sentry. She had been a horrible girlfriend. She had ruined his social life for months. This was going to be her hardest apology yet.

This takes place two months after the Fall Formal, and before Rainbow Rocks.

This has absolutely nothing to do with The Other Sunset Shimmer.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been working nonstop for the past couple days. She could really use some time to relax. When a certain orange stallion come to visit, she may finally be able to get the rest she so desperately desires.

I know, I know. I am taking a HUGE risk writing this. Flashlight might possible be the most hated shipping out there. I'm one of the few who actually does ship it. This is just a cute little short story.
On that note, if you do not like Flashlight, please do not downvote this story simply because you dislike the shipping. I'd sincerely appreciate it if you'd at least read it. It would mean a lot to me if you would read it.

Chapters (1)

Even after magic flooded the world, some things remain constant: People die. Romance is hard. The Crystal City Emperors suck.

Two days before the Ultra Bowl, which obviously won't include the Emps, Flash Sentry goes to the local sports bar, burdened by Crystal City's consistent athletic failures. Among other things.

Part of the Oversaturated World. Editing and brainstorming sessions by FanOfMostEverything.

Chapters (1)

Twilight creates a spell that should allow anypony to experience an amazing 24 hour day in the span of about an hour. She wants to test out a lighter version that should give her a 5 minute experience in a few seconds to make sure the spell is safe. After a successful test, however, she is worried that it might have actually worked better than expected...

Chapters (1)