• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Greetings and bienvenue, I am Michael Ravencroft. Writer and artist. From the obscure, to the known, from Comics, to Tokusatsu, nothing eludes my creative eyes. Hark the Raven.


This story is a sequel to Misunderstanding

Things are going quite well for the new family of five, Stella is steadily accepting both Sunset and Flare into her life, and Sunset and Flare are starting to adjust to their new life living together in the castle. But there's just one teeny, tiny little problem...the In-Laws. Twilight's parents, along with Shining Armor, Cadance, and their two daughters, Skyla and Hope, are coming down for a friendly little family get-together, and now all Tartarus breaks loose! How will Twilight and Flash explain Sunset to them?! How will Stella explain Flare to Skyla and Hope?! Brace yourselves friends it's going to be a bumpy ride!

Consider the "Other" tag for those ponies not able to be listed.
All Next Gen characters are the creations of Faith-Wolff (story artist for The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover)

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 40 )

Poor Sunset. Soooooo....... is Twilight willing to share? :twilightoops:

aahhh this is a WONDERFUL first chapter~!

i love Twilight's quiet actions to each member of her family, especially Sunset's. i'm just a sucker for that hhh ;w;

and i ADORE Stella's room layout :pinkiehappy: it makes perfect sense! Twilight wouldn't want to keep worrying about Stella disappearing to the observatory, so, bring it to her~!

wonderful work! i can't wait to see how this all goes~! 8D

5718364 Thank you Faith, I will try not to disappoint. Slice-of-Life ain't usually my thing but we'll see how this goes. :twilightsmile:

5718301 Now c'mon, this isn't that kind of story. But...ahem...friendship is magic, after all.

5718378 Friendship is indeed magic. :pinkiehappy: and sharing is caring!

Something tells me that Twilight did forget about that family get together, most likely because of Sunset and Flare suddenly living in the castle. Also, major déjà vu! Magical Mystery Cure all over again.

To Twilight’s right was a writing desk with a lamp on it, the cubbyholes and drawers stuffed to the brim with Stella’s various notes, writing and mapping utensils. To her left was a star map, showing the different positions of the stars and constellations, Twilight could even see her shorthoof notes scribbled onto the sides and near circled parts. It amazed ponies how she could read, what others have dubbed “chicken scratch”, but then again, when Twilight got into serious research mode, she did the same thing. It wouldn’t be fitting if she couldn’t even read her own daughter’s notes.

I suppose that's fair.

Deciding to get out the room before the old part of her mind started to go into “shipping mode”, Twilight continued her rounds with a visit to the other wing of the castle, where Sunset Shimmer resided.

Good idea.

Twilight flinched, wondering if she had been found out. It was then that she noticed Sunset crying, and her heart sank.
“Flash…please don’t leave me…oh Celestia please open your eyes…! Don’t leave us alone…!”

Oh no, poor Sunset...

I promise you Sunset, you and Flare will be happy with us. I won’t leave your side, I won’t abandon you or her. You’re a part of this family, and you always will be.
Twilight leaned down and gently kissed Sunset on the forehead, making the unicorn mare smile in content.


“♪ Morning in Ponyville shimmers~
Morning in Ponyville shines~
And I know for absolute certain~
That everything is certainly fine~♪”

Yet last time she sang that, Magical Mystery Cue happened. You'd think she'd be more Genre Savvy.

Twilight Velvet

Her mother.


I tried to warn you Twilight.

I admit, I AM curious to see where this goes as I got a good few laughs out of this thing's prequel story, so, yeah. Imma fave and follow this.

Is there a story detailing Sunset and Flare's arrival in Equestria?

I know it was kinda summarized last story, but I'd really like to see that from Flare's pov. For starters...she was presumably born human, and raised as such til her dad died..so how long has she known her mom was actually a magical unicorn pony from another dimension? How hard was it for her to adjust to being a Pegasus? Did she leave any friends(possibly counterparts to the ponies from last fic) behind?

5720798 To my knowledge there is none that Faith-Wolff has provided other than how he died. But if she doesn't that might be a sad fic for me to write when this one's done.

Well this is another fine story I wounder what's going to happen.
I hope we have a sweet road a head.


Also is Celestia the surrogate mother of Sunset Shimmer?

Interesting, I had seen the comic series that started this storyline and the vast quantities of art being made for The Bridge, but I hadn't realized both were from the same artist.

Anyway, fun story (both this and the previous one), should be fun to see the family awkwardness. Poor Sunset, though.

5722598 In the same sense that she is to Twilight, as far as I know anyway.

5724497 Yeah, funny how that happens.

5722451 Sweet yet bumpy my friend.

5726563 ...

I mean as in that she unknowingly adopted her like in My Secret Life as A Changeling Monarch where Sunset's parents died.

5726607 Ah, honestly, never thought about that, but no. Do mean in the story canon or Faithverse canon . Also didn't read that story.

Okay, that was hilarious. Can't wait for more

Famliy meeting in the Hyperbolic Time Dimension

Wait, I thought it was the Dimension of Spirit and Time.

He only kept calling it that because you kept mispronouncing it.

Flare and Sunset looked to each. Sunset understood what Stella was saying, her time as Princess Celestia’s student and the knowledge acquired during that time never left her, although she did have to brush up on a few things when she came back.

Makes sense.

“The last time we were in here was maybe a couple of years ago. Twilight wanted more time to work on some of her research and the paperwork that usually piles up. I tried to do as much I could, but Twi’s better at it. Anyway, we were in here for two whole years.”

That was a lot of paperwork.

Stella chuckled. “Oh that’s nothing, the time before that we were in here for at least…what, ten years, fifteen?”
“I lost count after seven.” Flash admitted.

Holy shit.

“Oh yeah, I now know what I’ll look like when I’m a twenty-plus-year-old mare. And…um, ahem, I liked what I saw.”

I, see.

“Nah, once we’re out our bodies will return to the age we were when we left, so we could be here until we were all old ponies and we’ll come back looking like what we used to be.”


Twilight stood at its epicenter, her mane frazzled and eye twitching in panic. “Oh good, you’re all awake! Great, we have a major problem!”

Getting Lesson Zero flashbacks here...

“My parents, brother, Cadance, Skyla, and Hope are coming to spend some time with us! And they’ll be here in the next couple of hours!” Twilight interrupted.


“YES!” Twilight exclaimed. “Well, more like in five days while we’re in here.”

Still not very long.

The five ponies went silent. Twilight had a point. Just how did one go about explaining to their family that your husband has another wife and child, but from a parallel universe where that version of him tragically died? And what’s more, how do you tell them that you decided to take in said mare and child and have them all living under one roof as a family? To any logical pony this sounded like a recipe for disaster.


Twilight could see her mother and father disapproving of her choice, wanting to keep Sunset and Flare with them was like inviting your husband to openly cheat with another mare, at least that’s how Twilight knew they’d take it. Flash on the other hoof was in a much deeper pile of manure, Shining Armor was already a little testy of a guard he worked with and trained marrying his little sister, and knocking her up, but that was way into the marriage later. Flash had heard about how overprotective of her big brother she was, and in truth that’s what saved Canterlot from a changeling invasion, but the two siblings were of a similar mindset. Hey, at least Flash came out and told his former CO that he was dating his little sister way before they got married, unlike somepony Twilight and Flash could mention.

Smart Flash. Though maybe Twilight's parents will understand or something if you explain everything rationally and calmly.

“What about Aunt Cadance?” Stella asked.
“Well…isn’t she the Princess of Love? I heard that she’s very accepting and understanding of certain kinds of love and relationships. Personally, I wouldn’t think she of all ponies would have a problem with this.”

True, and she's a very nice pony.

“She has a point, Cadance probably would be the more understanding pony about all this,” said Flash.


“That’ true, remember how she kept trying to give us a moment alone and always had this weird twinkle in her eye?” Flash asked.
Twilight face hoofed. “Oh yes, I do indeed. However, I think she was wanting us to do more than just talk and enjoy each other’s company.”
Flash blinked. “Whoa, that explains that box of –”

Please stop there. Also, you double spaced between trying and to.


Poor kid.

Twilight stamped her hoof hard on the floor, brow furrowing. “No! We’re not doing that to either of you! I’m not ashamed of you living here, and neither should you feel that way! This is your home too, and I’m not kicking you out because it would be ‘easier’ or the ‘simpler solution’!”


“Well…do we just hide them in the castle then? It’s pretty big, and maybe we could cast an invisibility spell on them?” Stella asked.
“Nah, your uncle will definitely sense it, if not your aunt. Shining Armor brushed up on a lot of invisibility detection spells, as well as ways to spot illusion forms after the whole changeling thing. He’d spot Twilight’s spell and he might accidentally attack Sunset and Flare.”

Smart stallion.

“Or we could dress up as maids of the castle? I noticed some spare uniforms for the different shifts that come in,” suggested Flare.
Flash’s face went red. At that moment he got a swift hoof to the back of his head, from Stella and from Twilight. “What was that for?”
“You know why,” said Twilight.
“You’re such a perv Dad,” stated Stella.

Oh hilariously so.

Sunset blushed at the thought that Flash was imagining her in a maid outfit, and was now wondering if her Flash back in the other world had the same kind of thought process. The yellow unicorn shook the idea out of her head.
“Looks like five days in here is going be needed after all,” said Sunset.

Oh yeah.

Stella demonstrated this by lighting her horn and picking up the journal on the floor. A small tear in space opened beneath it and the journal vanished within it. Her horn flashed again the same tear appeared, revealing the same journal.

Stella's lucky Equestria doesn't run on D&D rules, or making a pocket plane within a pocket plane would have gotten her and Flare sucked through a tear in reality.

"Flare separated from Flare and ran to her mother, hugging her tightly."

the second "Flare" should be "Stella". just letting you know! :twilightsmile:

in regards to this chapter: :rainbowlaugh:

Flash you lil perv!
i really like the idea of this "pocket dimension"! very inventive!

great job, i can't wait for the next chapter~!

5748314 Oh yes, but this is Stella, she's smarter than that.

5748790 Doh!:facehoof: How did I miss that?! Thank you, and I'm glad you're enjoying this. :pinkiehappy:

5720770 Thanks for pointing that out, I'll fix that right up. :twilightsmile:

Aweomse chapter! Loved Stella screaming TWO HOURS!

5767925 Glad you enjoyed the funny, will try to keep it coming. :twilightsmile:

:twilightsheepish: "I know: we'll hit them with an amnesia charm and remind them I already told them about you two!"
"Um sweetie, I doubt that will work."
:twilightangry2: "Well at least I'm trying to think something up!"

Major case of padding here. I don't think it was really necessary to go into detail for the recaps of the movies. We know what happend, so it's unnecessary to go beyond maybe a paragraph explaining that they told the newcommers the story of the first movie, then cut to their reactions to it, rinse and repeat for the telling of Rainbow Rocks.

lovely chapter!

i can't wait to read further into this :twilightsmile:

5891940 Just because we know what happened doesn't mean Twilight's family know what happened.

I think there's some confusion in the text towards the beginning about how many family members are visiting. The description is of Twilight's parents, Shining and Cadance, and Hope and Skyla getting off the train, but then it says four ponies gather up their luggage and then a little later that five ponies are continuing through town towards the castle.

As for Twilight's plan of not telling anyone who Sunset's husband was, it is so going to backfire hard.

That may be, but from a narrative standpoint, such an extensive recap is BORING and should have been whittled down so that over half the chapter wasn't basically a giant literary clip show.

So... Sunset's husband died, but now she lives with another version of him that's not even married to her? Harsh:twilightoops:

Okay, good story so far. Still, the whole truth needs to come out eventually.

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