The Doctor and his companion Darkfire go on a trip to Zenchon, but a rift opens, pulling them in. They meet 3 other Doctors and their companions. Now, they must stop the evil Destructo who is keeping them in this Alternate reality, and return home.
Trailer: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/157654/time-pony-trailer

Chapters (4)

Its been a few days since Rainbow has had some strange feelings... Feelings she has never experienced before. Ever since she met a new friend in the market. Roseluck. Is her heart telling her something?

Chapters (2)

Braeburn is a normally prosperous and well-to-do stallion. But, like most farmers at the end of the Appleoosa harvest season, he faces two long months of boredom waiting for the winter rains to come through before next planting season. Normally, that time is spent at the local Salt Lick Saloon taking his time and having a salt lick, but Braeburn soon realizes he faces an endless cycle of monotony.

That is, until a rugged stallion by the name of Dr. Caballeron comes into Appleoosa looking for the final member of a party to venture out into the deserts outside of Dodge Junction. Calling himself an archaeologist, Dr. Caballeron appears to be searching for something in the middle of Red River Canyon, a place where a strange magical force is said to dwell according to native legends. Despite the unusual nature of the request and the somewhat unsavory look of the Doctor, Braeburn accepts the lure of anything to stave off the boredom.

Unfortunately, if the legends are true, Braeburn may be getting in a little over his head. And that's not including who he's going on the trip with.

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A little lighter Braeburn fare compared to my other work involving him. Because Braeburn is best pony. Sex tag for references to prostitution and other things, but nothing's shown.

Chapters (3)

Abuse. Stress. Depression. Some of the nicest ponies in Equestria have experienced that. Their closest friends and family have ruined their life so much, the poor ponies don't know what to do anymore-mares and stallions alike. But now, the tables have turned. And the most innocent ponies are going in for the kill.

Coverart by me, traced from a vector then added things to make it fit the theme better.

Seeking proofreaders and editors.

See my story progress here: Click Here

Chapters (5)

Four seasons, numerous comics, and countless fanfictions. And in each one of those, Pinkie has broken the fourth wall with relative ease. But now, her actions has caught up with her. It is time to face the music, time to face the Grand Tribunal. Let's all hope that Pinkie is ready

Edited on 11/7/2015

Chapters (2)

by SkelePone

WARNING: Excessive use of alcohol. Foul language. Some sexual activity and innuendos in later chapters. Not a clopfic, no explicit sex scenes. This is NOT a crossover. I have the firm belief that Time Turner is not the Doctor from Doctor Who. Sure, "the Doctor" can be his nickname, like in this story. But he's just an inventor and a time traveler. Doctor Who, Back To The Future, and The Time Machine references galore, but only references and nods.


Dr. Time Turner. A genius and an inventor. He had successfully built a working time machine, dubbed the TROTIS, which is questionable in its operation.
Derpy Hooves. A klutz and a mailmare. She is hopelessly smitten with Time Turner, her best friend. She hopes to one day proclaim her love to him.
Roseluck. A flower pony and a fiery mare. She too is grasping for the affections of Time Turner. Or so she thinks, until something happens to change her mind.
Carnegie Porter. A drunkard and a brewer. We're not too sure what he's doing here. Pretty sure he doesn't know either. Did we mention he's drunk? Oh he's more than just drunk. He's absolutely wasted.
Together? They will transverse across time, space, and each other in an endearing quest into the unknown and back to their home. Ladies and gentlecolts, get ready for the carriage ride of your life.


u]DJ-Pon3's recommended listening list:
Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky (Carnegie Porter's Anthem and Main Theme)
Galantis - Runaway (U&I) (Alternate Theme)
The Beatles - Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite (Drunk Carnegie Porter)
Virtual Riot - Mr. Mittens Groove (TROTIS Theme)
PON3 - Ponies (Manehattan Theme)
Galantis - Gold Dust (Porter and Roseluck Kiss)
Galantis - In My Head (Carnegie and Rose)
Virtual Riot - We're Not Alone (Doctor and Derpy Kiss)
Timmy Trumpet & Savage - Freaks (Porter & The Royal Guards Scene)
Klaypex - 1941 feat. Virian (At The Victory Ball)
Parov Stelar - The Mojo Radio Gang (Carnegie and Rose Dance)
Nero's Day At Disneyland - No Money Down Low Payments (Saying farewell to Starswirl)
Nero's Day At Disneyland - Child Protective Services Theme Song (The Illumarenati)
Omnticia - Yo! Ho! And A Bottle of Bass (Viking Warrior theme)
Galantis - You

Carnegie Porter is indeed an OC made for me and refined into a character BY me. Use of Carnegie Porter is permitted in other stories, but I must be credited as his owner in the description.
Also, if anyone feels like drawing any artwork, just send a sketch my way, via email (steampunk.the.earth.pony@gmail.com).

"Carnegie Porter" by myself

Carnegie Porter - "20% Drunker" drawn by myself (again)

I am writing OCs and ponsonas into the story as background characters. Characters used will be mentioned by name, and will be described vaguely or in detail, depending on the situation. Please, feel free to send me a message or leave a comment asking about this! OCs and background characters make great fillers!

Chapters (28)

An unlikely pair of ponies, Roseluck and Princess Luna, must go on an important mission to the Zebra Lands. In spite of being initially frustrated with one another, the two ponies share a secret that brings them closer together as friends.

Written as part of the TrotCon 2017 Speed Fit panel by Rob C. and finally released after a year of revision, as I won't be competing in this years panel.

Chapters (1)

Tempest woke up slowly, the warmth and light of the sun peeking through his curtains. The heat of the morning sun is what woke him up, as it usually does on warm Spring days. The blind Pegasus sat up, yawned, and stretched.

Chapters (4)

After the Memory Stone, Sunset heavily invests time in her friendship with Trixie while trying to figure out where she sits with Wallflower. During her time with Trixie, the pair start viewing each other differently unknowingly to each other while Sunset's time with Trixie accidentally hurts her friends, leading them to believe they've been replaced.

Chapters (2)

Queen Nightmare Corona has returned from banishment on the Spring Love Celebration! Cadance has mysteriously disappeared after being hit by a beam of black magic, and her faithful student Lyra Heartstrings is going to try and stop her- but without those pesky Ponyvillians in the way! Will Nightmae Corona rule in a state of eternal eclipse once again? Or will Lyra be able to stop her? Will they even make it to the Crystal Tower to fight her?

NOTE: I could not put in all the main cast with the character tabs. Very sorry. Enjoy my amateur work! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)