Twilight and Fluttershy decide to test their diapering skills on Rainbow Dash during one of their sleepovers.

Cover Art By: Kogoreus

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers, diaper usage, or adult baby themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (1)

"I would say I was the king of darkness or former king of the crystal empire. But now, I am In a predicament where I have been transformed back to an infant, lost all my powers, and now sit next to the world's first alicorn baby."

"And to make matters worse, I must re-live my life from an infant without the blessing of my powers. Did I ask for this? NO! Do I want to go through with this? Absolutely not! Do I have a choice on the matter? Nope!"

Chapters (1)

With the aid of a newly hired royal caretaker Princess Celestia adopts a new life with less stress and worry.

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers, diaper usage, or adult baby themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (7)

After doing some intense reading, Sunburst awkwardly tries to tend to his own diaper change after wetting it during the long night.

Coverart By: DisparityBit

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers or diaper usage. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Guard's Tale

Warning: Contains Diapers, and AB/DL themes. Stalwart and Midnight have been requested to keep an eye on Poniville for Princess Luna. On a night like this there is much work get done and much fun to be had.

This story takes place a few months after the events of Guards Tale [WIP], and is in the spirit of the Holiday. Of course I can't make one of these without Lphooves' help. I am starting to feel he has grown quite attached to the two diapered pones.

Chapters (1)

On a dark and stormy night in Canterlot, a young Twilight Sparkle finds a strange tome and the attention of a wondrous spirit who seeks to heal and give warmth where it is needed.

Warning: Contains themes of infantilism, age regression, diapers and spooky ghosts.

Chapters (1)

when sweetie belles arrives at Buttons front door, she asks for help with her babysitting for the cakes, forced to, Button has to be Sweetie belles baby for the day. She feeds him, diapers him and treats him just like a baby. Will this be horrible for Button or maybe not so bad...
Warning: contains diapers, babying, and used diapers.

Chapters (1)

Marble Pie has a little problem at night, and the solution isn't something she's looking forward to.

Warning: contains diapers, implied diaper usage, ABDL themes

Chapters (1)

Rainbow begrudgingly agrees to help a desperate Rarity by modeling a dress. Unfortunately for her, she gets stuck wearing it. Doubly unfortunate, the dress has some... unique design choices.

This is going to be embarrassing.

Warning: Contains diapers, diaper usage, ABDL themes, and humiliation.

Chapters (3)

Warning: Contains Diapers, Diaper Usage and AB/DL themes. Two of the princesses' personal guards are tasked with guarding the princesses during their private time. What comes from their time alone in their special uniforms may help them grow closer.

An idea inspired from Lphooves' art. You should probably see the full version to see what I mean. If you haven't guessed by now he also edited it.

(Still) More chapters to come.

Chapters (3)