• Published 17th Nov 2016
  • 6,259 Views, 39 Comments

Stupid, Stupid Dress - Wandering Pigeon

Rainbow Dash agrees to help Rarity and winds up stuck outside in the absolute worst possible outfit.

  • ...

A Humiliated Pony

Rainbow opened her eyes slowly. Her body was swaying side to side as the foal carriage around her moved across the ground. It took her a few seconds to get her bearings, but by the times she was yawning into her pacifier she remembered everything.

I guess we’re still not at the Boutique. She realized.

Which was fair. She could’ve been asleep anywhere from one to five minutes with how rested she felt. At Pinkie’s current rate they should almost be there, but not quite.

As her senses came back to her, the first thing Rainbow noticed was that her muscles felt a little sore, specifically her legs, but her wings were practically numb. Not too surprising, it was cramped in the carriage. But it was still a little early for her to really be feeling it. Maybe she’d slept longer than five minutes? Somewhere like ten, maybe?

The next thing she became aware of was the drool on her chin. It made her do a double-take, but she realized the cold, damp feeling on her face must be drool.

“Dumb pafifier…” she mumbled as her lips bobbed up and down. It was then she realized that she’d been suckling on it since she woke up; probably before she even woke up. Blushing, she tried to bring up a hoof to wipe it away, before remembering how pointless that was.

Looking up, Rainbow got her first bit of good news of the day. The way before them was totally clear. Pinkie must’ve gotten them to a place away from the crowd.

Probably a more roundabout way, Dash thought. No wonder it’s taking so long. She just took solace in the fact that nopony had seen her.

Shifting, Rainbow’s eyes widened as she learned of one more thing that had happened while she’d slept.

crinkle crinkle squish

She gulped, pressing her thighs together to feel cold, wet padding greet them.

No… no way…

She hadn’t actually… there was no way she had… But…

Rainbow sniffled, so taken off guard that she wanted to cry. Biting down her her pacifier, she squirmed, whining loudly.

She’d peed in her diaper.

She’d pissed herself.

Rainbow shuddered as the full realization of what had just happened grabbed hold of her. Disgust, shame, and humiliation hit her in equal amounts and her face contorted into a cringe.


Just then, the carriage stopped and Rainbow heard hoofsteps. A second later, Pinkie Pie appeared in front of her.

“Hey, Dashie! You’re awake!”

Rainbow kept her thighs pressed together, blushing through the shame. Now that she thought about it, there wasn’t that much urine in the diaper. Perhaps only a little had trickled out of her during her nap. Considering she still kind of needed to go, that was likely a possibility.

Biting back her near sob, she spoke, “h-hey Pinkie. Awe we awmost dewe yet?” Rainbow blinked and spat out her pacifier.

“Eh… about that.” Rainbow did not like the guilty tone in her voice. “You never really told me where to go, remember? I’ve just kinda wandered around for the last hour or so.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened. She… well, no, she hadn’t actually mentioned anything about Rarity or the Boutique to Pinkie, had she?

“O-Oh…” Rainbow kicked herself. How could she have forgotten? And did Pinkie say an hour? “Wait, why didn’t you wake me up then?”

“‘Cause you looked so peaceful, silly. I thought you would’ve been cranky if I got you up.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to retort, but realized that was probably true. But that still didn’t make it okay for Pinkie to just walk around town with her in this gettup. “N-Nopony saw me, right?”

“A few ponies wanted to see the sleeping foal I was looking after, but they only got like one glance apiece, and none of them knew it was you."

Rainbow blushed. She knew the point was for them to think she was a foal, but somehow being mistaken for one was about as humiliating as being recognized. At least Pinkie had stopped it there. “C-Can you just get me to Carousel Boutique now, please?”

Pinkie gave a goofy little salute. “Can do.”

She popped Rainbow’s pacifier back in her mouth with a wink. Dash wanted to complain, but knew she had to keep her disguise up. Besides, the way her pacifier instantly began bobbing up and down… it was practically instinctual.

Rainbow blushed and squirmed. Clearly she’d been wearing this stuff for too long.

Though she still ended her struggle with being stuck in the carriage, her shifting around managed to press her pelvis against her squishy diaper some more. Rainbow bit down on her pacifier and blushed some more. She still had a hard time believing she’d done that; at least she had the excuse of being asleep, but still.

And the fact that she still had to go only made it worse.

What should I do? Rainbow thought. After all, she’d already ruined her diaper, and the pressure in her bladder was still immense. If she didn’t go soon, it felt like it might burst. But at the same time, willingly peeing herself? Soaking her diaper while awake?

No. No way! I can hold it. Her thoughts didn’t sound too sure though…

As the carriage sped up around her, Rainbow found herself tantalized yet again by the thought of sleep. The rhythmic swaying of her ‘bed’ coupled with the gentle suckling of her pacifier and the warm comfort of her blanket was a triple whammy practically designed to put her out. Rainbow felt her eyes slowly drift shut…

No! She shook her head. She couldn’t fall asleep again. Aside from the worry that she might have another accident, if Pinkie got distracted or something they may spend another hour like this! As far as Rainbow was concerned that was not happening again.

So, to fight sleepiness away, Rainbow focused on anything she could. The tight squeeze the dress put on her wings, the cold, damp spot on her diaper, the drool on her chin. None of these things were pleasant for her to think about, but there wasn’t much else she could do.

“Hiya Pinkie!”

The carriage skidded to a stop. Rainbow groaned.

“Oh, hi Derpy. How’re you?”

Rainbow wanted to smack herself. How could this be happening again?

“I’m fine, thanks. Say, what’s with the foal carriage?”

Pinkie paused, likely to recall her excuse. “Oh, I’m just watching a filly for a friend.”

“Ooh! Can I see her?”

“Uh… well…”

Rainbow’s eyes snapped shut and her head fell back on the pillow as a gray figure cut into view. Apparently Derpy didn’t feel like waiting for an answer.

“Aww, how adorable!” Derpy squeaked. Rainbow fought down a blush and kept her eyes shut. She suckled on her pacifier, hoping to give off a foalish impression and prayed that would be enough to get Derpy to leave.

Please don’t recognize me. Please don’t recognize me. Please don’t recognize me.

“You know, she looks kinda like Rainbow Dash, doesn’t she?” Derpy mentioned.

Oh come on! The one pony in town with bad eyesight could tell it was her? Not cool. Rainbow squirmed a little, hoping this didn't mean all of the other ponies that had seen her like this had also recognized her.

Suddenly, the carriage whipped around as a slightly frantic Pinkie Pie spat out, “sorry Derpy, we gotta run. Nice talking to you.”

As the wheels of the foal carriage roared into action, Rainbow heard a faint, now distant call. “Oh… okay, bye!”

Now free from view, Rainbow blushed. Hard. That call was too close for comfort.

Luckily, Pinkie seemed to think so too, she she sped along and didn’t talk to anymore ponies for the rest of the trip. Rainbow didn't complain, but kept her eyes shut just in case. She also suckled on her pacifier, but not for comfort! It was only to keep up the illusion of being a foal.

Only a few minutes passed from their exchange with Derpy and arriving at the Boutique. Rainbow’s eyes widened when she saw the door to Rarity’s shop, almost tearing up. Then again, she had been tearing up a lot today from humiliation.

“Phew. Sorry about that Dashie. I didn’t think Derpy would--”

“It o’tay,” Rainbow mumbled. “Jus’ find Wawity.”

“Can do.” Pinkie shifted the carriage and opened the door, walking in backwards and taking the carriage with her.

Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief as the sky was replaced with the ceiling of the Boutique. This nightmare was finally, almost over.

Pinkie appeared before her, smiling. “Okay, I’ll be right back. You just sit tight.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened. She’d didn’t want to be in the carriage anymore! Her embarrassment would be even worse if Rarity saw everything she was currently wearing!

“Wait! I wanna--” Too late. Pinkie had already blasted off in a pink blur.

Rainbow bit her pacifier and groaned in frustration. She was not going to deal with this any longer! Squirming, struggling, and thrusting her body around, she managed to inch the carriage along. It was slow work, but Rainbow felt that if she could tip it over, she’d be free.

Her violent thrashing eventually made a real impact on the carriage by propelling it backward. Rainbow grinned as she saw the front door shrink away from view, but then her eyes widened as she realized she wasn’t stopping.

“MMPH!” She cried out as the carriage flew back. Dresses from the front of the shop all flew by before the room suddenly shifted into Rarity’s living room.

Suddenly, the carriage rammed into something and flipped over. Rainbow became airborne, the top of the carriage latching onto her bonnet and ripping it off. Launched free from her foalish prison, she just enough time to process the coffee table she had run into and the three colorful figures sitting right next to it.

As she landed, her rainbow mane fell over her face, exploring its newfound freedom by completely blowing her cover. She struggled to get up, but her legs were so sore that the didn’t want to cooperate. Pressing against the floor with them only caused them to shake like wimpy twigs.

“R-Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow’s pupils shrunk. Slowly, she turned her head and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders sitting across the room. With the way the helm of her dress was turned up, it was clear they had a full view of her diaper, and from their bug-eyes it was obvious they saw it. Along with the rest of her dress. And pacifier.

Rainbow suckled miserably.

“W-What…” Scootaloo seemed the most shocked.

Rainbow quickly racked her brain, think of an excuse, or something to do, or--


Her eyes widened, the sudden sound of urine releasing into the fluffy confines of her diaper hitting her like a jolt of lightning. In the shock of being launched from the carriage and the humiliation of these fillies seeing her, she forgot to keeping holding in her bladder.

This time, it wasn’t a trickle. It was a full on stream.

Her padding bulged as it filled with urine, the absorbent diaper greedily drinking it up. As the feeling of warm piss covered her crotch, Rainbow whimpered pitifully.

Behind her, the Cutie Mark Crusader’s eyes widened so much they were in danger of popping out of their skulls. Scootaloo even fainted.

If it weren’t for her pacifier, Dash’s lip would be quivering. Her eyes watered up and her chest tightened. The pure shame of the situation was weighing down on her, but she couldn’t… she couldn’t cry on top of that.

“There you are!” Suddenly, Pinkie whirling into the living room and grabbed her hoof. She tugged Dash upright and began leading her out of the room.

“P-Pinkie…” Rainbow sniffled, biting down on her pacifier. The way her diaper squished and crinkled as they moved solidified this moment as the worst in her life. Before they even made it out of the living room, the dam broke and Rainbow started crying.

“Oh, Dashie.” Pinkie whispered as she came to a complete stop. Rainbow didn’t care how pathetic she looked, she couldn’t keep the emotions at bay. She just sobbed uncontrollably.

Pinkie was quick to react, picking Rainbow up again like she was cradling her. “There there, Dashie.” Pinkie patted her head while Rainbow just suckled and cried some more.

“I… I…” Rainbow couldn’t even form words. Pinkie nudged her head against her shoulder and let her cry some more.

“Shh… It’s okay Dashie. Come on, Rarity told me she can get this stuff off you.”

Rainbow whimpered as they ascended the stairs. She tried her best to stop crying, but couldn’t. Even suckling on her pacifier, as soothing as that was, did nothing. She just kept thinking back to the CMC’s faces, and how close she had been to avoiding humiliation like that. Now everypony might as well know. Those three were notorious for their big mouths and she doubted they would respect her enough to keep quiet after what they just saw. Even Scootaloo would likely be telling everypony all about this.

Pinkie brought her up the rest of the stairs, Rainbow still a sniveling mess of sobs. They made their way to Rarity's workshop, with each waddle Rainbow feeling the warm, squishing padding press against her. It only made her snivel more as they finally made it to a wide-eyed Rarity.

“Oh my, what happened?” Rarity asked.

Through blurry eyes, Rainbow looked up and saw Rarity holding a pair of scissors and her magic. And a jug of cider. She sniffled. At least one good thing will come out of today.

“The Crusaders saw her,” Pinkie explained.

“Oh my.” Rarity bit her lip. “I am truly sorry for that, Rainbow. I knew I should’ve told Sweetie she couldn’t bring her friends over today.”

Rainbow just whimpered and sniffled.

“I just don’t understand how this happened,” Rarity admitted. “Where did you go? Why do you have a pacifier?” She sniffed the air, nostrils wrinkling at the stench of urine. “Why does it smell like--”

“I… I…” Rainbow couldn’t even bring herself to explain. She just devolved back into a stuttering, sobbing mess.

“Oh my.”

“Quick, is that cider?” Pinkie asked, pointing to the jug.

Rarity turned her head. “Um, yes.”

Pinkie waved it over. “Let her have some, that should calm her down a little.”

Rarity handed the jug over, but looked skeptical. “I don’t know if she’s going to be able to drink it… like, this.”

Rainbow whimpered, barely able to stop shaking.

“Hmm… Oh!” Pinkie reached into her saddlebags again, digging around for something.

Rarity set down her scissors and stepped to the door. “I’ll go see if I can’t talk to Sweetie Belle and her friends. Perhaps I’ll have a shot at convincing them what they saw wasn’t… well… I’ll think of something.”

Rainbow nodded through her tears.

“I’ll get you out of your dress when I get back, all right?”

Rainbow nodded again, sniffling.

Rarity face compressed into a guilty expression. She clearly felt awful about putting Rainbow through all of this. “How about next cider season I buy you all the drinks you want? Does that sound good?”

Rainbow nodded one last time as Rarity disappeared behind the door. She couldn’t stop sniveling like a foal; what was wrong with her?

“Here we go!” Pinkie drew Rainbow’s attention as she held up an enlarged foal bottle, filled with the golden-brown liquid of apple cider. She pulled the pacifier from Rainbow’s mouth, causing her to whimper.

She actually whimpered.

Blushing, Rainbow tried to say something, but was interrupted by the amber nipple of the bottle being shoved into her mouth. Pinkie stroked her mane and brought her cheek into the fluff of her pink chest. “There there, Dashie. Just enjoy your cider, okay?”

Rainbow sniffled again and suckled, needing all the comfort she was provided. She was rewarded when a splash of sweet, bubbly cider hit her tongue. She moaned with delight, still sniffling.

Her whole body immediately relaxed, even as tears still ran down her face. She suckled again, getting even more cider for her effort.

Her crying slowed down considerably after that, and Rainbow began to feel a bit better. Even the warm, damp spot she had left in her diaper didn’t feel so unpleasant. As Pinkie held her, she continued to stroke Rainbow’s mane in an attempt to calm her down.

Okay… maybe this isn’t terrible. Rainbow admitted to herself halfway through the bottle.

“Feel better?” Pinkie asked, now that the shaking and sniveling had faded.

Rainbow reluctantly broke away from the bottle to answer. She had sufficiently calmed down enough to speak again, the realization that her life wasn’t over slowly dawning on her. “Y-Yeah.”

“Good.” Pinkie gave her a hug. “I’m sorry we didn’t get here sooner.”

“I-It’s fine,” Rainbow muttered. Her lips instinctively wrapped around the bottle again and she delved back into the cider. Pinkie giggled. “What?”

Pinkie smiled. “Nothing, I was just thinking that you made for a pretty cute foal, y’know?”

Rainbow blushed. Maybe she did… there was nothing wrong with that… right?

She suckled on her bottle some more, nestling her head against Pinkie’s chest again. Right… nothing’s wrong. Rarity’s talking to the CMC, I’ll be out of this dress soon, and Pinkie’s giving me all the cider I want. Nothing’s wrong at all. She shifted, squishing her wet diaper against her crotch and smiling.

Absolutely nothing.

Comments ( 15 )

A huge chunk of the chapter is bolded. It starts at this line:

She gulped, pressing her thighs together to feel cold, wet padding greet them.

7732018 Not the worse thing the universe has done to someone, just as Sokka


7734364 To quote Sokka "The universe just LOVES proving me wrong, doesn't it?" And to quote Toph's reply "You make it too easy."

7734470 Yeah. Ah Sokka, even when you´re in youŕ....I wanna say thirties, you still somehow incorporate your boomerang during a council meeting


This story is awesome!!!!!:rainbowlaugh:

I seriously expected this kind aftermath:

RD: Hey Rarity?

Rarity: Yes-?

RD: *throws the wet, dripping dress into her face* DON'T EVER ASK ME TO MODEL FOR YOUR STUPID, STUPID DRESS AGAIN! *zooms off*

This really should get a sequel where Rarity goes through similar humiliation.

A sequel would be awesome!

8277481 Rarity would take nicely to a humilation style padded pony fic. I'm actually surprised there aren't any out there featuring her.

i wanna see an aftermath pic

Great ending. It was rather funny. Probably one of my favorite fics involving diapers.
2019 Edit: Ok, this was VERY FUNNY. Every time I read it I'm on the floor.

I feel awful. Poor RD.

A sweet ending to what felt like a lot of embarrassment and humiliation that Rainbow had to go through. I like that at the end, though, she seems to be at a level of being contempt with it all though even with being embarrassed in front of others! That she might even have a liking for all this and it isn't as bad as she thought.

My little post-story head cannon leads me to believe that this situation has led to Pinkie and Rainbow getting together to continue this caring after Rainbow took a liking to it.

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