With success on the attack on Caterlot, the Changelings have taken over Equestria. They are are everywhere. Anypony can be a changeling.
Most ponies are converted, in hiding, or dead. But now with little to no ponies to feed love off of the Changelings have chose to either to feed off of love, hate, or blood. And Emerald Key, an amnesic stallion must find a way through this mess with the help of a retired baker who skills in the magic of fire

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Just one Lonely little Changeling

A Changeling had entered Twilight’s Castle, where she finds herself pulled out to a new and unfamiliar location. Where is she?

The Changeling instinctively camouflages herself as a full body Latex Suit, in order to stay undetected. The suit had been the fist inspiration and proves to be a perfect match for her position.

Zhiizoo loves the suit, thus bonding herself to the Changeling in the process

Once the Changeling realizes what is happening, she knows she had come to the right place; yet, this is just the beginning of an Adventure

--- --- ---

Illustrated by: N/A

Written by: Kentavritsa

Edited by: Kentavritsa

Re-edited by: ???

Aproved: Automated

Rating: Teen

Warning(s): Fetish

Status: Incomplete

Chapters (6)

A short story about a changeling soldier that has always been behind in life and this just isn't one of his days. He has been tasked with getting into Canterlot right before the attack of Queen Chrysalis. After Derpy lets him in he realizes that the changeling's motives aren't as sound as he thought and stands up against the changelings during the fighting that ensues after Queen Chrysalis's forces break through Shining Armour's shield over Canterlot. It is short and sweet and keeps mostly within the cannon happenings of the original episode.

Chapters (1)

Set in the same universe (After the events) to Of Mercenaries and..... Ponies?

It's been far too long since my entrapment to my cave. Living off of scorpions and condensated water does seem to make you forget time. It wasn't until the creatures outside that've forgotten about me when I decided to leave; into what I saw was wastelands.
Nothing ever prepared me to face what's happening on the horizon.

I should've became a watchmaker.

Chapters (1)

Long ago, in the dawn of Equestria. Equine creatures roamed its grassy plains, few had wings, others have horns, and some had none, relying only on instincts and having primitive minds, they were content on living a simple life, but all of that changed when Alicorns came down from the sky. Being larger than anypony and having both wings and horns, they were seen as Gods whom they immediately worshiped and praised.

The Alicorns were benevolent and intelligent, they brought out the equine's true potential. those with horns were called Unicorns that are capable of harnessing the world's Ley lines converting the energy of the world to use magic, they taught them spells, brewing, enchantments, and even the secret of balancing the cycle of the Sun and Moon. The Unicorns preferred to live on mountains full of magical gems and stones.

They taught those with wings called Pegasus combat skills, military strategies and gave them the power to control the weather and even change the seasons as they see fit. Up in sky these creatures felt free and with their ability to stand and walk on clouds, they a have built their homes on the clouds.

To those with neither horns nor wings called Earth ponies were bestowed upon with the knowledge of agriculture and gave them a special connection to the land and even nature itself, their diligence and perseverance in their work made them physically stronger than most ponies. They lived in fertile plains and fields where they farmed the most delicious and best quality crops in the whole land.

For centuries, everything was right in the world, until The Alicorns whom they worshiped and followed as Gods suddenly vanished without a trace, They called this event The Great Cataclysm. The three tribes that were always enveloped by their guiding light were suddenly lost and thrown into the darkness.

Our story starts centuries after The Great Cataclysm and even months before the very first Hearths Warming. This is only the beginning before the beginning of our story, let us see how it will unfold and you might even change how it is told, for we shall venture Equestria and beyond where no pony has ever gone before to build a civilization that will stand the test of time, with only one purpose.


Will Fate and Luck be ever in our favor? Will we survive to see it through the end? Or is our final destination the Elysian Fields?

Chapters (2)

So tell me, with everything in the world. What is it you desire? Power, revenge, pleasure?
I just want to go home.
Midnight Fade is thrown into a whole new world. One without magic and his changeling powers are useless. Now he just has the unrelenting desires to go home. However that's easier said than done. Because there's no way back. So for now Midnight Fade must learn to live inside this world, but a certain farm may just be the key in order to rediscover the love that he lost.

Chapters (2)

Red Ring has had a fairly good life building and being the stay at home brother to his best friend who he lives with until weird things start going on around him and his friends leading his life in to new places some that he wish he never had seen many things happen and he may or may not loose the thing he loves most forever. ((Yes this does have then NLR but it is not a focus of the story ))

Chapters (1)

Life wasn't easy in her empresses Equestria the constant home and workplace raids, the screams that echoed through Canterlots' twisting roads and alleys I knew I was going to be caught in the net soon, but I thought I would've had more time, now I'm scared and in a different body.

Chapters (2)

Elytra Necros. A name that nopony knows... except for one pony, and two people.

With the one thousandth Summer Sun Celebration finally occurring, the Millenial Falsity Elytra created ages ago has finally come to an end.

What happens next, is all him.
I guess you must be curious about how Elytra is supposed to be. Well, look no further. This is Elytra as I wrote him originally, before Awareness.

Backstory: I’m saving that for the FIMFiction exclusive explanation chapter!

Chapters (5)