Not everypony likes colt bands. But Twilight has always loved them. So when she gains her own castle, she turns one of its rooms into a Chamber of Colt Bands.

Will she be able to inaugurate it without any unpleasant surprises?

Written in about half an hour due to writer's block and boy band music. Dedicated to all people (and ponies) who love (or love to hate) boy bands.

Also contains some implied FlashLight.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How to Propose to a Princess

Flash Sentry's time is almost up, and he knows it. It has been an incredible life, filled with so many wonderful and hilarious memories, and he wouldn't trade it for anything. Now, as his time slowly ticks down to zero, he remembers all the wonderful memories that made his life so magical, preparing himself for the final goodbye.


Written as a tribute to G4 of My Little Pony, and a way of saying that as one journey comes to an end, another one is always just around the corner.

The cover art was a commission from the very talented jucamovi1992 on Deviantart.

Update: Featured on 10/12/2019!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Anon runs the 1s with the bug queen

After 1v1ing bug queen and absolutely running her fade, Anon thinks he can now take on Sunny D. Why exactly? Well he beat up the over sized ant and that broke into his house, and Sunbutt lost to her so surely he can take on the number 1 cake eater in the world.

(I love taking a photo off the internet and putting GREEN over it, I am so original :derpytongue2:)
(Anon 1v1ing the bug queen is no longer a 1 shot i am truly getting desprate :ajsleepy:)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has a crush on Twilight, and invites to the human world for Valentine's Day. However, Flash Sentry manages to ask Twilight on a date before Sunset gets the chance.

I know Valentine's Day has already passed, but here it is. Better late than never!

Chapters (1)


What if instead of going to the summer sun celebration Twilight was called into the Green Lantern Corp to be given the power to fight Nightmare Moon!

A spin off from Crisis on Infinite Twilights written with defender2222's blessing and permission.

Twilight vector is Green Lantern Twilight Sparkle and it belongs to Deviantart user Bronyboy.

Chapters (12)

Ever since they decided to give dating another shot, Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry have been doing well together. But Christmas Eve is here and with a night together looming, Sunset is facing some hesitations regarding the physical aspect of their relationship. She turns to her friends for help, but maybe the answer is one that only she can provide.

Pre-read by Albinocorn, MythrilMoth, and RTStephen

Chapters (1)

A housing for all my One-Shots involving Flash Sentry. Includes events from the EQG shorts and maybe some original ideas. Has no set updating schedule and will be updated whenever I have the time to write in it.

Chapters (11)

From the moment the shield and lightning bolt appeared on his flanks, Flash Sentry knew it was his destiny to join the Royal Guard, but that wasn't always his dream.

Flash is on a much-needed vacation, and has taken his first trip back to Cloudsdale in years. With old friends there to greet him, it almost feels like his previous life was waiting for him to show up and resume it, and the memories as he retraces his adolescent hoofsteps are overwhelming.

A lot of things haven't changed. But he has. He isn't the foal glued to his guitar with stars in his eyes anymore. He's found his purpose. He's moved on.

But is that entirely a good thing?

An entry in the Flash Sentry contest.
A standalone entry in the Eventide Verse.
Also check out author Patreon, Ko-Fi and commissions.

Chapters (4)

Flash Sentry. The nicest guy you could possibly know. Always there for you. Always a gentleman. Always a friend.

Always a friend...

And nothing more.

Now in his mid-thirties and still single, he finds himself struggling with yet another romantic rejection...

Check out all my stories here!

Chapters (1)

Well, tenth grade is over, lets move on to the eleventh! last year, Anon-a-Miss tried to tear everyone apart, but they did not succeed. The main seven are back to being best friends, but Anon-a-Miss unintentionally brought two souls back together, and no one knows about it. When they go to camp (Not Ever free, this is summer camp not a school trip camp.) together, it's a fun experience for them, and they can't wait to spend the summer together worry free, but it's an adventure every day with these campers, June, Riptide, Violet, Camouflage, Canoe Tipper, and Rocket Launch.

Chapters (15)