• Published 24th Dec 2016
  • 5,902 Views, 21 Comments

Love and Lust on Christmas Eve - DrakeyC

Sunset and Flash spend Christmas together, but Sunset has a few things on her mind regarding their relationship

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Love and Lust on Christmas Eve

Sunset Shimmer zipped her black winter coat up and shivered. “The weather report didn’t say it was gonna snow tonight,” she grumbled. She reached into her pocket to pull her gloves out.

“At least it’s light,” Flash said, coming out of the mall behind her. “Here, forgot this.” He held a deep red and gold scarf out to Sunset.

She took it with her now-gloved hand and began to wrap it around her neck. “Thanks.”

Flash looked at the gently falling snow around them and gently put a hand on Sunset’s elbow to move her away from the doors as more people exited. “So, what did you think of the movie?”

Sunset shrugged and began to walk down the street. “It was okay. I mean, they did the best they could. Doctor Whooves is just a really hard character to work into the Power Ponies canon they’re going for, you know? Once you introduce time manipulation into that universe this many movies into the series, I start asking questions.”

Flash laughed from beside her. “It’s a movie, Sunset. You don’t have to think too hard about it.”

“That’s the excuse of someone who doesn’t.”

“Nope.” Flash shook his head. “I just wanted to see the Doc fight Haizum and see them visit the Celestial Realm and we got that. I’m good. And hey, they teased the next Zapp movie is gonna bring in the Doc and they team up against Pharaoh Phetlock, so that’ll be cool.”

“Whatever.” Sunset rolled her eyes and moved her feet in place to get her blood pumping and warm up.

“Hey.” Flash put an arm around Sunset’s shoulder and she turned to look up at him. “If you didn’t want to see it you could have said so. I wasn’t gonna force you if you didn’t want to.”

“It’s not that I didn’t want to see it.” Sunset shook her head. “I’m just not into these movies as much as you are. The only one I really liked was the last Matter-horn and only then because it had Dark Vesper in it.”

“Of course it is.”

Sunset glared at Flash’s slight smirk. “What?”

“Of course you’d like the movie with her in it.”

“Well, yeah. First, she’s the only villain since the Mane-iac these movies have actually made interesting to watch. Second, she has a really cool powerset that makes her one of the few Power Pony villains that can actually put up a proper fight against the Masked Matter-horn without plot convenience crippling her abilities. Third—” Flash laughed, cutting Sunset off. She pursed a lip. “What?”

“I just meant that of course you’d like the movie with the sexy witch queen that they rewrote to be sympathetic and complex. You probably just identify with her.”

“The rewrite was for the best, in the comics Dark Vesper was just this generic evil sorceress. In the movie they—” Sunset paused. “Wait. What was that?”

Flash rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying you’d be the kind to identify with Dark Vesper. Don’t get me wrong, she is a cool villain.”

“I meant the ‘sexy witch queen’ part.” Sunset blinked. “Is that how you think of me?”

Flash stepped back and held up his hands. “I didn’t mean it as an insult, really! I just meant you know, you’re beautiful, and you have magic powers sometimes, and you sort of used to be obsessed with being a princess. Kinda fits, you know?”

“Yeah…” Sunset blushed and looked away. “I’m not offended, just… not used to being referred to as a ‘sexy witch queen’ in casual conversation.”

“I like the sound of that.” Flash grinned and came closer to lean into Sunset. “Maybe that’ll be your new pet name? Sunset Shimmer, my sexy witch queen.” He put his arm around her again, brushing off the snow that had settled on her coat.

“Sure…” Sunset shuffled in his arms and kept her face turned away to try and conceal her embarrassment. She stiffened when she felt something moist and warm press against her cheek. She turned to confirm it was what she suspected it was and found her lips pressed against Flash’s.

Flash pulled back at the impromptu kiss and lowered his arm.. “Whoa, sorry! I was just kinda in the moment, and then you turned.”

“It’s fine.” Sunset zipped her coat up tighter and pulled her scarf up to her nose. They had reached the end of the block and Sunset looked down the road. “My bike’s down this way, I’m gonna head home.”

“You sure?” Flash pointed across the intersection to where a cafe was on the opposite corner. “You don’t want a coffee, or a snack or something? Even just go inside to warm up?”

Forbidden thoughts filled Sunset’s mind at the idea. She shook her head and hoped the scarf hid how hot her face was. “I’m good.”

“Okay.” Flash gave her another reassuring half-hug via an arm over her shoulder. “Have a good night.”

“Yeah.” Sunset turned before he could attempt to kiss her again – she didn’t know if he intended to but she wouldn’t give him the chance – and hurried down the street.

After that kiss I’m plenty warm under this coat…

The last week of school before Christmas holidays. Sunset was still getting used to referring to the holiday by that name and not Hearth’s Warming. A few students were already missing, gone away on vacation with their families. Others had just decided not to come in since their final projects had already been finished and thus classes were more a formality. Sunset had heard a couple of the teachers even told their students not to bother coming to their class.

This is the first Christmas I’ve had in this world without some sort of problem to make it suck. Before her confrontation with Princess Twilight, Christmas was a time for Sunset to focus on extending her livelihood in this world. Food drives and bake sales were a chance to stock up on cheap food. Longer store hours meant seasonal jobs to make some money, if you could find an employer who didn’t ask too many questions. Snow meant easy opportunities to swipe a choice piece of merchandise from a sidewalk store and run since the store clerks weren’t ready to chase her.

This year was different. Her friends had graciously taken care of provisions and sleeping arrangements. Sunset had gotten a steady job thanks to Rarity’s fashion connections, and Fluttershy had found her a cheap apartment to rent by calling in a favor to a friend of the animal shelter. She had gotten her life together in time to actually enjoy the holidays for once.

Save for relationship troubles. Sunset frowned and looked at the girl in line ahead of her. “Applejack?”

The farm girl turned her head. “Yeah?”

Sunset looked around. They were the only ones in line, save for a boy at the far end paying for his meal. “Can I talk to you about something personal?”

“Sure, sugarcube. What is it?” Applejack put a hand on the tray track and leaned on it as she turned fully towards Sunset.

Sunset bit a lip, took a breath, and closed her eyes. “I want to have sex. Like, right now. Throw someone to the floor and ravish them.” She spun around in spite of her closed eyes. There was silence behind her. Then…

“Sunset, yer a right pretty face, but Ah just don’t think about girls like that.”

Sunset opened her eyes and turned to give Applejack a dull stare. “I was talking about Flash.”

“Oh.” Applejack blushed and scratched the back of her head. “Ah knew that.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Sure.”

“So, uh, okay.” Applejack held up her hands. “Tell Flash ya wanna do the deed with ‘im.”

“Applejack, the last time Flash and I had sex was when we were dating.” Sunset frowned and shook her head. “And when I say sex, I meant it was me having sex with him, or not having sex, to get him to do things. Buy me groceries, we’ll have sex when we get home. Give me money for gas, we’ll have sex. Do my homework for me or no sex for a week. Not always in those combinations but you get the idea.”

“Yikes.” Applejack nodded slowly. “Okay, so maybe ya think he’s got a hangup about it?”

“I don’t know.” Sunset looked across the cafeteria to where her boyfriend was sitting with his friends. “We’ve been pretty good since we hooked up after Camp Everfree. If he’s holding any grudges or nursing any wounds, he hasn’t said so. But why would he if I’m the cause?” She hung her head. “The first real relationship I have where I actually like the guy, and it’s the same guy I spent two years manipulating and controlling.”

“Well, maybe just tell him you’re not ready to take the relationship to that level yet.”

“I’m ready,” Sunset said instantly. “Applejack, the last time I had sex with Flash? It was the last time I had sex.”

Applejack’s eyes bulged. “Huh. Well, um… that kinda sucks, Ah guess.”

Sunset looked back at Flash again. “This is the first guy that actually cares about me, Applejack. My first real boyfriend. Heck, my first male friend at all. The way he looks at me, the things he makes me feel, the things he makes me think…” She unconsciously licked her lips. “I’d have him in the parking lot in his car if he asked me.”

“Ah don’t think that’s a good idea, but Ah get ya.” Applejack put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Ah think maybe it’d be best if ya just talk to him about it. Get it out in the open, ya know?”

“And what if that ruins our relationship?” Sunset gestured at the decorative tree in the middle of the cafeteria. “Applejack, this is going to be my first Christmas with a real, actual boyfriend who cares about me. I don’t want to lose that just because I can’t stop myself from getting my hands down his pants.”

Applejack had a sudden coughing fit at Sunset’s remark. Sunset looked back at her and waited for her to finish. When she did Applejack looked at her, clearly embarrassed, and shrugged. “Ah don’t know what else to tell ya, Sunset. Ah’m no expert on relationships, heck haven’t ever been in one mahself. Why not ask someone with more experience for help?”

“So, Applejack said to talk to someone about relationship advice and you were the first person I thought of.”

Rarity chuckled as she tried on another set of earrings in her mirror. “Darling, you’ve come to the perfect source. There’s no one that knows more about romance than moi.” She turned her head side to side to look at the earrings. She picked up another pair in front of her and held them up to her ears, then turned to Sunset sitting on her bed. “Which of these look better?”

“…Rarity those earrings are exactly the same.”

Rarity huffed and turned back around. “To the untrained eye, perhaps.” She set the earrings down and began to take out the pair she was wearing. “Very well, get on with it. What is this relationship problem you’re having?”

“I want to sleep with Flash.”

“A perfectly reasonable desire.” Rarity fished another set of earrings from a jewelry box as she spoke. “He’s a handsome young man, you’re a pretty young girl, you’re both of age.”

“Except the only times I’ve had sex before was to control guys.” Sunset thought back on her many partners besides Flash, mostly one-night-stands or quickies to get a favor she needed. She had to think harder than she liked to admit to remember most of them. “I haven’t had sex for the better part of a year, ever since the Fall Formal when Princess Twilight reformed me.”

“So you’re worried you’re a bit rusty.” Rarity set aside the box of earrings and pulled over a rack of necklaces. “I’m sure he won’t mind. Your natural beauty should be enough to get any man going, if I may say.”

“It’s not that. But, thanks. I just mean that I’m not even sure how sex works if you’re not trying to get something out if it. It was just sex for me. There was no passion, no feeling. I just got them off as quick as I could and occasionally got mine too.” Sunset laid back on the bed, her hair billowing around her head, and clasped her hands over her stomach. “Wow, I was terrible back then.”

“I see.” Rarity nodded as she held necklaces up to her collar. “The issue at hand then isn’t sex, dear. You’ve had sex plenty of times – no offense – but you’ve never made love.”

Sunset frowned at the ceiling. “What’s the difference?”

“Just what you described. Passion, fire, feeling!” Rarity smiled at her friend’s reflection. “I’ll not presume that what you have with Flash is true love, but it’s a connection to be sure. Making love is deeper than just sexual gratification.”

“Yeah, I wouldn't know much about sex beyond that second part."

Rarity nodded again. “Precisely, and that’s the real source of your dilemma. You’ve never been in love, Sunset, and you’ve never made love. It’s an offering of your body and soul to someone. Giving yourself to them and receiving them in kind.”

Sunset tilted her head up. “Have you ever made love? Or had sex, whatever?”

“No, I’m saving myself for my true prince one day.” Rarity beamed at her reflection. “And I think this may just be the one. He’s handsome, he’s cultured, he’s well to do, and he has good breeding.”

“Who is he?”

“The Prince family son, the one that goes to Crystal Prep?”

Sunset sat up. “Blueblood?”

“Yes. We met at the Friendship Games and I felt a spark.” Rarity stood up and primped her necklace and earrings. “He’s taking me to The Smoked Oat for dinner tomorrow night. If all goes as I think it may, in a year’s time you may be a bridesmaid for Ms. Rarity Prince!”

Sunset looked at the dress and shoes hanging up on a hanging by Rarity’s closet. “You’re having dinner tomorrow?”


“I thought we seven were going to go out together.”

Rarity turned. “Didn’t anyone tell you? Fluttershy’s family got an earlier flight to Breezenburg and left on the weekend and Applejack’s extended family is visiting. With her busy and the group one short, we cancelled.”

Sunset slumped. “So what am I gonna go with myself tomorrow?”

“You could spend time with Flash.” Rarity sat down next to her. “The best thing to do is be honest with your feelings about him. Tell him what this relationship means to you and what that physical expression of those feelings means. If he feels the same, good for both of you. If he doesn’t, sad to say this may not be a relationship to worry about losing anyway.”

“I’ve never been one to get too emotional or talk about my feelings.”

Rarity tilted her head. “I’m not sure what else I can tell you, then. Have you spoken to anyone else about this?”

“Easy peasy!” Sitting in a booth in Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie grinned and waved a hand in the air. “Just walk into the room with a can of whipped cream and a bottle of chocolate sauce. The rest takes care of itself, trust me!”

Sunset shook her head. “I’m not into food play and neither is Flash.”

“Flash what now?”

“So, you’re my last hope.” Sunset sniffed through the chilly December air and jammed her gloved hands into her pockets. “Any advice that doesn’t involve being open with my feelings? Or, for some reason, covering myself in chocolate syrup and whipped cream?”

Keeping a soccer ball in the air with her feet, Rainbow Dash held up her hands. “Hey, whatever floats your boat is your business. I don’t judge.”

“No, I mean...” Sunset groaned. “Nevermind. I just want to know how I’m supposed to approach Flash about having sex without seeming like I’m just really horny and want to jump his bones because I haven’t gotten any in a year and a half.”

“Even though that’s pretty much it?”

“Just about. Also something about how I actually care about him this time, so it’ll be making love, not just sex.”

“Aren’t those the same thing?”

“Apparently not.”

Rainbow kicked her ball a bit higher and let it fall, delivering a power kick that sent it flying into the soccer net some distance away. “Well, can’t really help ya there. Never been much for relationships. Guys can’t handle me.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “If you say so.”

“Nah, it’s just a fact. Most of the guys I actually have an interest in think I’m gay or are afraid I’ll kick their asses if the relationship goes bad. And yeah I could, but I wouldn’t, ya know?” Rainbow walked over to another ball and got it into the air with a flip of her toe.

“Do you have to do that while we’re talking?” Sunset asked. “And while it’s the middle of winter?” She took in Rainbow’s soccer uniform. “And aren’t you cold?”

“Yes to the first, yes to the second, and the third is good for endurance training. Shivering is for wimps.” Rainbow kicked her ball up to her head and moved around to balance it. “Keep talking.”

Sunset crossed her arms. “That’s it. Like I said, I want to get physical with Flash, but I don’t want to scare him off or lapse into my old behavior over it.”

“Do you think you’ll scare him off? He was the one who suggested you guys give the relationship another shot.” Rainbow thrust her head to knock the ball to the side and spun to kick it. It went wide and missed the goal. “Damn.”

“Well, that’s true. He knew about my past, what he was getting into.” Sunset shook her head. “I just don’t know.”

“So the real problem here isn’t you, it’s Flash.”

Sunset perked up. “Huh?”

Rainbow kicked her last ball up to her hands. “Would you be freaking out like this if it was any other guy besides Flash?”

Sunset made to answer, then paused and thought it over. “I’m not sure. Maybe not, though.”

“Obviously what’s really grinding your gears isn’t having sex, it’s having sex with Flash.” Rainbow turned to the net and drop kicked her ball clear over it. “Talking to us and angsting over it in private ain’t gonna do nothing for ya, because this ain’t something you can figure out alone.”

“So the answer is… talk to Flash about it.” Sunset slumped. “Why is it that everyone I ask about this problem comes up with the same answer of just talking to him about it.”

“Supposedly that’s a big part of this relationship thing, ‘communication’. It’s a drag, I know.” Rainbow grinned. “Could always just jump his bones on the couch and see how he responds.”

“I don’t think so.”

In her tiny one-bedroom apartment, Sunset sat on the sofa, hands clasped in her lap and her thumbs knocking together. With only a desk for her computer, a coffee table, and a sofa in the room thanks to her limited funds, she hadn’t had much cleaning to do to put up a modest tree in the corner. Eight gifts sat under the tree, one for each of her friends, one for Princess Twilight back in Equestria, and one for Flash. The first seven she’d expected to be giving out tonight; she’d have to find a way to get them to the girls some other time. Sunset sighed. Why did I agree to this tonight? We’re going to be alone together for hours and I have nothing to do here but watch TV together on the sofa.

A distant humming and a pink glow from her eye caught Sunset’s eye. On the shelf over her computer monitor, a familiar journal with a sun emblem was glowing and vibrating. She stood and walked over to it and opened it to the bookmarked page.

Good evening Sunset. Happy Hearth’s Warming. Or do you prefer Merry Christmas in that world?

Sunset smiled and picked up a pen to write back.

Either will do, Twilight. It’s the spirit behind the words. Happy Hearth’s Warming to you, too.

The text glowed as the message was sent and soon Sunset was watching letters glow and manifest in reply.

I wanted to check in on you and make sure you’re well. You told me before you didn’t have much to do by yourself last year and this is a night for being with friends.

Sunset paused before penning her response. She’d told Twilight about her relationship with Flash and the princess had given her blessing. But Twilight probably wouldn’t be much good for help, as Sunset recalled she wasn’t much for relationships either.

I won’t be alone. Flash is coming over.

That’s good. Are you two getting along well?

Damn it. Sunset weighed her options of lying and telling the truth of an embarrassing reality. She bit her lip and tapped the end of the pen on the page. Twilight would be waiting for a response. If she waited too long, she’d know Sunset was hesitating and would wonder why.


Sunset didn’t lift her pen as she dotted the sentence. A short, noncommittal answer like that was just as suspicious. She kept writing before the journal could activate.

Yes. I’m just worried that the next step in our relationship is physical intimacy and I don’t know what that means for us as a couple.

When the text lit up, Sunset sat back in her chair. No way around it now, it was sent and the secret was out. She waited for Twilight’s response, and after quite a bit of waiting wondered what the wait meant. A long reply, a thought-out one? Or was Twilight, as Sunset might have thought, embarrassed about this subject? The journal lit up.

I’m hardly one to give advice on romantic relationships. But I think the key to a lasting relationship of any kind is communication. Talk to him.

Sunset rolled her eyes.

Yeah, everyone has told me that.

Do you think maybe there’s a reason?

I hate when you’re right.

Sunset smiled at the gentle jab and pictured Twilight reacting similarly. Then…

It’s also about trust – trust to make the next step. Trust them to catch you if you jump, but trust yourself to be deserving of being caught.

Trust myself to be deserving… Sunset thought back to what Rainbow Dash had said. Trust herself to be good for Flash? To not be the same sort of girlfriend she was before? Sunset knew she had changed; she was a very different person from before. Flash surely knew that too. Yet whenever Sunset pictured them getting physical, she saw her lust taking over and pinning Flash to the bed for her to claim. Sunset tried to take Twilight’s advice and reimagine that scenario, her own passion for Flash reflecting in his eyes back at her. He thought of her as beautiful and sexy. He was a teenage boy; Sunset had long learned how most of their minds worked. He surely wanted her physically.

Thanks, Twilight. You’re a good friend.

Well, I am the Princess of Friendship. Good luck.


Sunset waited a minute to see if Twilight replied and after none she closed the journal and set it back. She took a breath and closed her eyes. Flash cares about me. He won’t turn on me over this… I hope.

An electrical ring filled the air and Sunset jumped. She recovered as she recognized her apartment buzzer and stood and walked to the intercom by the door. “Hello?”

“It’s Flash.”

“Come on in.” Sunset pressed the button to open the door for him and reached out a hand to unlock the bolt on her door. She walked back over and sat down on the sofa. A minute later her door resounded with three sharp knocks. “It’s open,” she called. The door creaked open and Flash stepped inside.

“Hey.” He lifted a hand to wave. Sunset noticed his other hand was clutching a plastic bag with various items in it. Flash set it down on a table near the door and began to take off his winter apparel.

“Wasn’t sure if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight or order in. Either way works for me,” Flash said as he shrugged his jacket off.

“I want to stay in,” Sunset replied. “There’s a good pizza place down the street a couple of blocks.”

“Cool.” Flash reached into the plastic bag. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted to do tonight, so I bought a couple movies. Or, I brought my GameStation 2K and some games.”

Sunset thought back to her sleepovers with her friends. “I’ve only ever really played fighting games on it.”

Flash smiled and held up two game cases. “I think I can work with that.”

“Block, damn you!” Sunset held the left stick on her controller down and mashed the block button.

“Your shield’s depleted, Sunset.” Flash grinned as his fingers worked over his controller. “You’re all mine!”

On the screen in front of them on the grass of Maretropolis Central Park, the Mane-iac’s tentacles repeatedly lashed against a crimson unicorn clad in a hooded black cloak with a shadowed aura over her body. The combo meter on Flash’s side of the screen continued to climb into the double digits as Dark Vesper flailed about under the assault, her body limp in the air

Sunset gritted her teeth. “Fine!”

Dark Vesper turned into an orb of shadows and she dashed through the air, a shockwave of red energy bursting behind her. The Mane-iac was struck by the blast and fell to the ground as Dark Vesper reformed and landed behind her.

“Hey!” Flash narrowed his eyes. “That’s a cheese move.”

“Deal with it.”

Blasts of red and purple magic rained across the screen, Dark Vesper driving the Mane-iac back with a flurry of magic projectiles in various formations. The Mane-iac’s tentacles snapped back to land a couple of counter blows, but she was unable to follow them up as Dark Vesper recovered and kept up her assault before the Mane-iac could press her advantage.

“Stop that!” Flash snapped.

“Stop this,” Sunset said sweetly.

Dark Vesper’s shadowed aura intensified and the image of her sneering hooded face flashed across the screen accompanied by a mocking laugh. She teleported in front of the Mane-iac and delivered a magic-infused uppercut to her face, knocking her into the air. Dark Vesper cast her hood off and fired a flurry of red magic shots into the air, bombarding the suspended Mane-iac. By the time Sunset’s combo meter read “49 hits,” the fight was over. Dark Vesper leapt up above the Mane-iac, the image of a giant sword of red magic appearing around her body. The sword stabbed down and pinned the Mane-iac to the ground. Dark Vesper descended a moment later engulfed in an aura of shadowfire. The Mane-iac’s pained scream filled the air and Sunset’s combo meter clicked over to 50.


The Mane-iac twitched against the ground and Dark Vesper leapt off of her to pose, her cloak blowing out behind her as she laughed.

Flash put his controller down and looked at Sunset. She rolled her neck and noticed him shaking his head. “What?”

“Should have known,” he muttered. “You let me beat into you because Dark Vesper’s Level 5 deals more hits the lower her health is.”

“Does it?” Sunset tilted her head and tapped her chin. “I guess it slipped my mind.”

“She’s a total cheese character. There’s a reason they nerfed Shadow Break in Power Pony Pummel 3, you know. What kind of attack hits across the entire screen, breaks combos, and can be executed out of a recovery?”

“You’re just upset because I won.” Sunset stuck her tongue out. “Mane-iac is too combo reliant, her damage output is pathetic otherwise. Dark Vesper doesn’t need to combo, her individual hits rack up damage fine on their own.”

“So it’s better to just overwhelm me with brute power than rely on actual strategy and tactics?”

“I won, didn’t I?”


Sunset giggled as Flash stood and stretched. “How about another round? I won’t pick Dark Vesper this time, promise.”

“Sure.” Flash grabbed one of only two slices of pizza left from an open box on the table. As he bit into it he grabbed his phone and began to check something on it. “Hey.” He looked up at the entertainment unit and pointed.

Sunset looked where he was pointing – the cable unit. “It’s 12:03.”

“Yup.” Flash smiled at Sunset. “Gift time.”

The two stood up. Sunset retrieved a thin card in metallic blue paper from beneath her tree while Flash fixed a small red box out of the plastic bag he had brought. Sitting down on opposite sides of the sofa, Sunset held hers out. “You first. It’s a quick one.”

Flash peeled the paper from his gift, revealing a small black sleeve with light blue writing on it. He pulled out a card inside it and read. “One two hour session, Svengallop Studios.” Flash gave Sunset a quizzical look.

“They’re a recording studio out in the east end of the city,” she explained. “Among other things, they let amateur bands rent out the studio to record themselves on professional grade equipment. That way you have that pro quality for recordings to sell or to send demos out.” Sunset shrugged. “I don’t know how seriously you and your friends take the band, but I thought it’d be cool.”

“No, this is great.” Flash looked the card over some more and smiled. “We’ve actually wanted to send some demos out just to get some feedback, but we don’t know anyone with that quality equipment for it.” He put the card aside. “Thanks, really. That’s awesome.”

“Good.” Sunset smiled back. Flash held out his hand and offered her the small red box. Sunset looked at it. “At that size it’s either jewelry or you’re up to something.” She carefully snipped the tape and unwrapped the paper by the folds, placing it aside. She took the lid off the box and paused as she revealed what was inside.

Two small earrings were laying against a plush black pillow. They were shaped like suns with eight points, their color split on the diagonal to be gold on the top half and a darker red on the bottom, giving the appearance of being part in shadows. Sunset picked the pillow up from the box and held it up to eye level to examine them closer.

Flash gave her a sheepish look. “They’re not the right shape, and the color scheme isn’t exactly right, but I thought they’d do.”

“They will,” Sunset whispered. “They’re beautiful.” She carefully turned the earrings to take the hooks out and moved them to her ears. When both were dangling freely she lowered her hands. “How do I look?”

Flash smiled warmly. “Beautiful. But that’s nothing new for you.”

Sunset tensed at the comment and then pushed herself forward to kiss him.

Flash cried out at the surprise attack. Sunset settled herself on the sofa next to him and put her hands on his shoulders, her lips still pressed against his. Flash carefully settled his hands on her hips and began to kiss her back. When his lips gently pulled on Sunset’s, she opened her eyes and saw Flash’s closed. She tightened her hands on his shoulders and pushed herself away.

“I-I’m sorry.” Sunset looked away and shook her head. “I didn’t mean to…”

“Sunset?” Flash sat up, confused. “I wasn’t upset.”

Sunset turned back to him. “I wouldn’t have stopped. You know that, right? I would have kept going if I hadn’t pushed myself away like now.”

Flash blushed and turned his eyes up. “Well… would that would be a bad thing?”

“Do you remember the last time we had sex?” Sunset glared at the floor. Her fingers clenched around the earring box in her hand, nails digging into the felt. “I do. You refused to buy me groceries for the week because you were saving up money to buy a birthday gift for a friend. I told you I’d pay you back if you just bought them for me. You carried the bags into my old apartment and I was waiting for you in the nude.”

“Yeah.” Flash chuckled nervously. “I remember alright…” He turned serious and shuffled closer to Sunset. “But that isn’t you anymore, Sunset. I wouldn’t be dating you again if I seriously thought you would act like that.”

“I want to.” She looked at Flash, her eyes hooded. “I want you, Flash. I’d take you right here on this sofa if you asked me to and I wouldn’t stop until I was done.”

“Oh.” Flash nodded slowly. “Um, right then. So what you’re saying is…”

“I’m horny. Feeling hot as all hell. Because of you.”


Sunset licked her lips. “I don’t remember the last time I actually wanted someone like this, Flash. Maybe never. Do you know how scary that is? To want to act like the old me? The need to feel you around me, inside me?”

“No, I don’t.” Flash put an arm around Sunset’s shoulder. “But that has nothing to do with the ‘old you’, Sunset.” She frowned and began to reply but he cut her off. “You say you want me, need me. Me specifically. That’s not lust, or being horny, or whatever words you want to use. That’s love.”

Sunset blinked. “I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

“To be honest, me neither.” Flash tilted his head and gave a small shrug. “But if this ‘us’ thing is going well, and we like each other that much, that’s gonna come up, won’t it?”

“I guess.” Sunset let out a breath. “I don’t know, Flash. Maybe getting back together was a mistake if I’ve got all these hang-ups going on over it.”

“Do you like being with me?”


Flash put a hand on Sunset’s cheek and gently turned her to face him. “Then this isn’t a mistake.”

He kissed her again. Sunset’s lips quivered under his and she slowly brought her hand to his face. This time it was Flash who pushed forward and Sunset found herself lying back on the sofa with Flash on top of her. His legs awkwardly tangled around hers, his knee aside her hip. Sunset felt her breasts flatten against his chest as he pushed into her. His tongue tapped against her lips and she answered with her own. Brief ghosting contact between them made her moan and arch up into him.

Flash broke the kiss but stayed above her. Sunset, breathing heavily, looked up at him. Her heart pounded in her chest, her blood pumped so hard she could hear it. She licked her lips and saw Flash’s eyes, shining with passion and desire, watching her. Sunset shuddered at the look, a look she’d never seen before but for when she looked in the mirror after their dates.

I’ve never felt like this before. Her body was heated after just a kiss. An intense one, to be sure, but just a kiss. She wanted more of it. She didn’t just want to be kissed; she wanted Flash to be the one to kiss her. To make her feel like this and more. This feeling… Sunset drew in a shaking breath and saw Flash lick his lips.

“I love you.”

An awkward smile was exchanged.

“I love you, too.”

The two kissed again, both inhaling sharply.

Her hand hanging off the side of the sofa, Sunset let go of the earring box. It gently thudded to the floor and was swiftly forgotten about.

Comments ( 21 )

how could you betray the sunlight

Not bad, m8. Pretty close to how I imagined it in my own fic too.
Good stuff.

awwwwwww i love these two just too much :333333 great story.

Oh wow, nice cover.

7816993 Quoth Albinocorn:

Admittedly, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would enjoy a Flashset story.

7817163 Back me up here dood. :moustache:

7816993 He paid me to say that.

7817471 Sexy fanart of Sunset doesn't count as payment.

7817471 ill take a payment to say something good uh ill take 100 bahmagintillion dollars

Heu what's the matter with the up/down votes counter? Hey bronies, want some pepper with that salt? Damn.

Rather cute and funny, with Sunset asking advices from her friends.


Ummmm, I would suggest putting up an Equestria Girls tag. Thanks.

Liked and favorited just to cancel the inevitable knee-jerk flash hate. I'll read later. :twilightsmile:

Always nice to see well-written Flashset (Sunflash? Whatever we're calling it this week).


This was pretty good. I actually learned something new in the dialogue between the characters. Props to you. :raritywink:

An endangered species, and a fine example, at that!

Well done in addressing a common dilemma, my friend.

This was most enjoyable. :twilightsmile: There were so many wonderful details in it - from Sunset asking her friends' advice, to her and Flash exchanging gifts, and then the conclusion... Just a really wonderful story. Have a fav and an upvote! :pinkiehappy:

This was beautiful. :twilightsmile: I'm a sucker for romance.

That was a romantic Christmas fic. Glad I finally read it.

Flash stepped back and held up his hands. “I didn’t mean it as an insult, really! I just meant you know, you’re beautiful, and you have magic powers sometimes, and you sort of used to be obsessed with being a princess. Kinda fits, you know?”

It does match them both if you ask me. :ajsmug:

“I like the sound of that.” Flash grinned and came closer to lean into Sunset. “Maybe that’ll be your new pet name? Sunset Shimmer, my sexy witch queen.” He put his arm around her again, brushing off the snow that had settled on her coat.

Lol, that's a good one. :rainbowlaugh:

Sunset bit a lip, took a breath, and closed her eyes. “I want to have sex. Like, right now. Throw someone to the floor and ravish them.” She spun around in spite of her closed eyes. There was silence behind her. Then…

I was not expecting to hear her ask that to applejack at all. :pinkiegasp:

“Well, maybe just tell him you’re not ready to take the relationship to that level yet.”


“Ah don’t think that’s a good idea, but Ah get ya.” Applejack put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Ah think maybe it’d be best if ya just talk to him about it. Get it out in the open, ya know?”

Same, it might help.

“Yes. We met at the Friendship Games and I felt a spark.” Rarity stood up and primped her necklace and earrings. “He’s taking me to The Smoked Oat for dinner tomorrow night. If all goes as I think it may, in a year’s time you may be a bridesmaid for Ms. Rarity Prince!”

Something tells me once rarity goes on that date she'll learn a few things about him he's not told her yet. :duck:

“Easy peasy!” Sitting in a booth in Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie grinned and waved a hand in the air. “Just walk into the room with a can of whipped cream and a bottle of chocolate sauce. The rest takes care of itself, trust me!”

I'm not even gonna question why pinkie thinks that's a good idea whatnot. :rainbowhuh:

“Nah, it’s just a fact. Most of the guys I actually have an interest in think I’m gay or are afraid I’ll kick their asses if the relationship goes bad. And yeah I could, but I wouldn’t, ya know?” Rainbow walked over to another ball and got it into the air with a flip of her toe.

Kinda feel bad for rainbow dash now. :fluttershysad:

“Yes to the first, yes to the second, and the third is good for endurance training. Shivering is for wimps.” Rainbow kicked her ball up to her head and moved around to balance it. “Keep talking.”

I hope she's doesn't regret it later. 🙄

“So the answer is… talk to Flash about it.” Sunset slumped. “Why is it that everyone I ask about this problem comes up with the same answer of just talking to him about it.”

Because it's a good way of showing to the one you love how you feel about it.

A distant humming and a pink glow from her eye caught Sunset’s eye. On the shelf over her computer monitor, a familiar journal with a sun emblem was glowing and vibrating. She stood and walked over to it and opened it to the bookmarked page.

Good timing.

Sunset looked where he was pointing – the cable unit. “It’s 12:03.”

Dang, they sure lost track of time. :rainbowderp:

Her hand hanging off the side of the sofa, Sunset let go of the earring box. It gently thudded to the floor and was swiftly forgotten about.

Glad to see that everything worked out for them in the end. :twilightsmile:

“Sunset, yer a right pretty face, but Ah just don’t think about girls like that.”

Someone hasn't seen Rollercoaster of Friendship XP

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