From giving out lemons to bucking all those apples from that bucking tree. Backround ponies have to do something that the mane six don't do. And trust me, it's hard. But they come up with ideas

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves: Invasion of Manehattan

After her adventure in Manehattan, Roseluck is now traveling with the Doctor, a Time Lord, in the TARDIS, anywhere in time or space. And after a quiet life in Ponyville, this is just what she needed.

But the adventures are not without danger, especially if you travels with the Doctor, because wherever he goes, the monsters follow him. Villains from his past and brand new ones stand in their way. What dangers await them both?

The sex label is for some jokes and innuendo, nothing really serious. The label for death, well if you know the Doctor you know why it's there.

Chapters (1)

Crystal Shine is an artist prodigy. She attends Sunyside Day Academy, a all-exclusive boarding school for gifted artists. And she is given the task to paint a lake so amazing, so breath-taking, that it might just cause rifts between her friendships.

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings has wielded the Elements of Harmony with her newfound best friends. After a long time of not having any sleep, she's finally home and wants to curl up in her bed, relaxing her exhausted muscles and head. But with hundreds of ponies around Equestria coming to see her and the others, she slowly loses her grip on her calm.

A Cadenceverse story.

Chapters (1)

After a heartbreaking rejection in which Rarity bluntly tells Spike she could never love him, Rainbow Dash decides to jump into lend a hoof, her knowledge on heartbreak very brief. She tries to hook him up with various mares while a heat and pain rise in her chest and make her question her every move and word.
Yes a Spikedash...but with many partial shippings.

Chapters (5)

It was a casual get together with Rose and a few other Ponyville residents. The night went well for all of them, for the most part. Rose spends most of her time with a beautiful mare. The mare.

Later on, Rose finds herself in her room; alone and completely ashamed of herself.

Chapters (1)

In an Equestria turned upside down by the arrival of humans and Pokemon, Roseluck sets out to find answers ... and maybe make some friends along the way.

Chapters (5)

The War was over. Earth was annexed. Alex, a Vulperian, is ordered to investigate a region of space showing instability to sensor posts in the area.

A space-time anomaly ensnares him and his ship, and he crash-lands on Equestria, where he finds a sinister dystopia unfolding.

Human tag for human-related backstory.

Ponies appearing will be ticked off as and when they make an appearance.

Chapters (3)

I wasn't happy with my life by a long shot, but I wasn't so unhappy I would kill myself. But then why am I laying here with a knife beside me, and my wrist cut open? Was my depression really that bad? And what is that laughter in my head? Why does it taunt me by offering a happier life when I know it's only a trick? But then again, what do I have to lose if I accept the offer?

Chapters (3)