• Published 29th Jan 2021
  • 358 Views, 0 Comments

Imposter - FriendshipItself

Roseluck stole somepony's identity or did she?

  • ...

Only Chapter

Roseluck was trotting down the streets of Canterlot, she had just finished helping the castle staff touch up some of the decorations for Canterlot Castle after it had been destroyed. Since her work was done and it was still midday and she isn’t going to leave for ponyville until sunset, so she decided to spend her time sight seeing the Capital of Equestria as she rarely ever visit the city.

Her first stop was a humble Cafe, something simple and calm, a good place to relax after work. She sat herself down and ordered a glass of Ice tea as it was rather warm outside. As she waited for drink to come her eyes idly scanned her surroundings, looking for something interesting to catch her eyes. She got her wish as her eyes met another mare's eyes.

She was staring at her, usually she would find this flattering. But she wasn't staring in silent admiration, she was staring at her with narrowed eyes full of spite and suspicion. The mare was wearing a purple sun hat, but more interestingly was her appearance, if not for the horn she was basically an exact carbon copy of Roseluck. Rose took notice of this but thought nothing of it and just concluded that it was just a simple coincidence.

But as the mare's stare grew more intense, Rose also grew more intimidated and immediatly broke eye contact with her focusing on something else.

Luckily her drink came just in time, so she decided to shift her focus on her drink and avoided any and all eye contact with that mare, only stealing glances at her to see if she was still staring or not, but every time she did the mare would always have her eyes locked with her and she would break eye contact again.

Eventually Rose finished her drink she payed for it and then quickly scooted off, but not before glancing one last time at the mare that has been eyeing her. Rose breath a sigh of relief as she saw that the mare isn't focusing on her anymore and is now just minding her own business.

As she walked she couldn't stop thinking about that mare, she was still a bit shaken but she couldn't for the life of her figure out why she was staring.

Was it something she did? She couldn't think of anything she did.

Was she one of those unicorn that looked down at earth ponies? Seems unlikely, considering what just recently happened Rose didn't think that was the case.

Was it because she was one of those hipster ponies who look down on her because she ordered ice tea? Probably not, this is canterlot, all of the hipsters are in Ponyville anyway.

All this thinking gave Roseluck a slight migraine, so she decided to put the thought in the back of her mind and just shrugged it off. After all she still has a whole day to explore Canterlot, so she isn't going to let some random pony acting weird take that away from her. So with a clearer mind Rose marched onward.

Then everything went black.

Roseluck drowsily opened her eyes to find her self in front of a wooden table in a dim lighted room, with the only source of light being a lamp beside her illuminating part of her face and some of the parts of the table near her. She also found herself sitting on a chair...

Tied up.

With the sudden realization of this Rose started panicking, she began hyperventilate as numerous thoughts started racing through her head: Where was she? How long was she out? What is going on?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door creaking opened in the midst of the darkness, followed by hoofsteps getting louder and louder. A figure was coming out of the dark, slowly revealing it self to her. Rose's eyes went wide on what she saw.

“You?” Roseluck said surprised.

“Me!” The mare said, eyes narrowed.

It was her again.

"W- What do you want" Roseluck asked in horror.

“Oh I think you already know what I want” The mare coldly replied.

"W- what do you mean?"

“Oh, please don't act all dumb and innocent" She said in a mock tone, closing the distance between their faces, "You know what you did!"

The mare's face was inches away from hers, her eyes staring intensely into her own. Rose pulled her head back, she was in a state of so much shock and confusion that the only she could do was stare back with horror.

After a long awkward silence the mare finally broke eye contact, throwing her hooves up in the air. "Unbelievable!"

With the mare's head not being up in her face she regained some composure to process the situation at hoof.

“What is even going on here?” Rose tried to asked, hoping to get some answers.

“Again!” The mare berated, “Even a toddler could see that that was a blatant lie, it’s like you’re not even trying”

Roseluck thought this was getting ridiculous. Realising she wouldn't get answers by asking direct questions, she settled with just simply asking, "Who even are you?"

The mare just looked back at her with a deadpanned look and a cocked eyebrow. "Seriously"

Rose nodded cautiously.

"Alright then, maybe this will jog your memory." She cleared her throat, "Roseprim? Greatest painter in Equestria? Descendant of a long line of great painters? Does any of this seem familiar hmm?"

Rose scanned her mind for the name 'Roseprim' , Rose admits that she's not the most well versed in the arts, but as she said she was the 'Greatest Painter in Equestria' she thought she would've at least heard it mentioned in passing, or maybe a painting or two at the castle. But nothing, she couldn't think of anything of the top of her head, so she just shook her head.

Roseprim became visibly frustrated, she groaned in to her hooves.

Then the door clicked open, both Roses turn to see the newcomer, it was an aging grey stallion wearing what appears to be a butler outfit.

"Ah, miss I've been searching for you everywhere" The stallion said, as he entered

Roseprim was first to respond, “Siegfried! What are you doing here?”

“I work here miss” Siegfried responded

“NO! I mean what are you doing here,” Roseprim said, followed by short groan, “I thought I told to not come in here!”

“Well, whenever you say that there’s always something going on” Siegfried said calmly, and then he looked at Roseluck, “And it appears that I was right, what’s the matter now?”

“Wait! You mean she’s done this more than once!” Roseluck exclaimed.

“Now don’t act like you know what’s going on!” Roseprim said, promptly ignoring Roseluck, “This mare is trying to impersonate me! I mean, Look at her!”

“She looks nothing lik-” Siegfried cut himself off when she looked Roseluck, eyes wide, as he paused for a moment then coughed, “Well, this is... a strange coincidence”

Coincidence!?" Roseprim exclaimed, as she threw her hooves up in the air, "How can somepony with the same coat, mane, and overall structure be called a coincidence!” Roseprim spouted, with venom in her delivery.

“Well, there must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for this” Siegfried tried to reasoned.

“Uhh hello” Said Roseluck, trying to make herself known again, “I’m right here!”

He turned his head to Roseluck, “Ah, yes of course uhh...” Siegfried scratched the back of his head, “Why are you... You know”

“Look, I know it may seem that I'm impersonating you, but I don't even know who any of you are before this!” She explained, "Plus I don't even have a horn!"

"She's got a point" Siegfried agreed.

Roseprim was not at all convinced, “So you’re telling that you just happened to look like me, that you happened to walk around in Canterlot, that you just so happen to be at the same at the same time as me” Roseprim accused.

Rose paused for a bit, “yes?”

“Unbelievable, she is so obviously lying, I’m calling the guards!” Roseprim said to Siegfried, exiting the room with a huff.

“Now now, we’ll be in even more trouble if we throw around false accusations like that” Siegfried tried to reasoned, calling out from the door frame.

Roseprim turn back to him, “False accusations? She is stealing my identity!”

“You don’t have any evidence! And if we falsely accuse her you’ll be charge for kidnapping another pony”

“Ugh! Then what do you think we should do?”

“Uhh” Siegfried search through his brain to think of the best course of action, then it hit him, “Why don’t we just release her!”

“Release her!” Roseprim said, with a tone of disbelief, “I went through all this trouble to capture her, and then we’re just going to release HER!

“Well, why not? It’s the only logical solution we have to this mess which you caused”

“Well, I’m not just going to let her go and let her prance around willy-nilly while looking almost exactly like me, it’ll ruin my reputation”

“She still doesn’t have a horn!”

“I said almost! I couldn’t risk it”

“Uhh, hello I’m still here y’know,” Roseluck shouted from inside the room, “And look if you let me out of this chair, I swear by the Sun that I won't tell another soul about any of this” Roseluck bargained.


“Well how do we know this isn’t another one of her schemes to get away with identity theft!”

If Roseluck could facehoof, she would.

Then Roseprim let out a yawn and rubbed her face, “I will deal with this tomorrow!” and with that Roseluck’s captor exited the room and left for her bed.

“It is getting late,” Said Siegfried, looking at a nearby clock that said it was 1:37 AM, “Best we handle this tomorrow with a clearer mind”

“So... I’m just gonna sleep here then” Roseluck said, still tied up.

“Oh right!” Siegfried realised with a chuckle, “You need a place to sleep don’t you”

“Ya think!” Roseluck said sarcastically.

“Look, I’m really sorry about all this!” Said Siegfried, as he untied her.

Roseluck stretched her hooves, having finally been freed from her ropey shackles.

Then she saw a nearby window she could make her escape from.

Without a second thought, booked it to the window to make her daring escape running as fast as she can, adrenaline rushing through her body as she could finally escape this whole fiasco.

But as she opened the window her heart immediately sank.

A moat! Really!” Roseluck exclaimed, very much annoyed.

Siegfried snickered, amused at her little attempt of escape, “Yes, really!”

Roseluck groaned, as she tumbled to the ground out of frustration.

Siegfried looked at her with sympathy, “Again, I’m really sorry about all this, Miss Roseprim is a the very paranoid type”

“Yeah, I think I got that with the moat!” Roseluck spat bitterly, from the ground. “I don’t even know what I did wrong!”

“You did nothing wrong miss err- What is your name again?”

“Roseluck, just Roseluck please” She said exasperated, as she picked herself up from the ground.

“Ah ok, Roseluck I assure you did nothing wrong” Siegfried tried to comfort her, “It’s just Miss Roseprim, she could be very err- vigilant as you can see”

Roseluck rolled her eyes.

“And I can’t exactly say I blame her” Siegfried added.

“Are seriously still on her side! After all this?”

“Well... How would you react if someone looks almost exactly like you is just walking out and about”

“Well for starters, I won’t kidnap them and imprison them in a castle!”

Siegfried sighed, “Look, I know I can’t justify miss Roseprim’s actions, but at least I can explain why she’s doing this, coming?” Motioning her to follow him from the door.

With a tired mind and a mental sigh, she reluctantly followed.

As she walked out of the room she was greeted by a humongous corridor. It would seem that the room she was just in is only but a miniscule part of the much larger building that it resides in, the architecture of the house was pristine and elegant almost rivaling that of Canterlot Castle.

She saw portraits on the wall, they were filled with portraits of ponies. Rose recognised some of them, as they were portraits of some of the greatest painters in Equestria, also mostly because they were required learning in art class.

Most of them however Roseluck didn't know anything of, she remembered that Roseprim said she was a descendant of past painters so maybe that was it. Most of them look old and dusty, two of them however look better worn, new almost as if they were just hunged a few months ago. She didn't know why she was paying attention to them, so she put that in the back of her mind.

If Roseluck wasn’t so mentally drained she would’ve taken the time to admire more of the place, but now her mind was on full autopilot, her head was hunged eyes glued to the ground, her hooves seemingly moving on their own taking her to an unknown destination.

“Hey, are you alright back there?” Siegfried asked, piercing the silence between them.

She had almost forgotten that he was there, “Yeah just... Tired.” She replied with a sigh, not looking up.

“I don’t blame you, must be a lot to take in”

“You still owe me an explanation to all this”

“Ah yes, umm where to start”

“You can start on by why the that lunatic that is your employer holding me hostage”

Siegfried was taken aback a bit by that remark of her employer but quickly recovered, “Ah, of course”

He took a deep breath, “Well you see her paranoia... It kinda runs in her family”


“Well you see, her family is part of a long lineage of once great painters of Equestria”

“And what does have to do with anything she’s doing?”

“I’m getting there, you see with a prestigious reputation like that of course there are ponies who wanted to capitalise on their success for their own personal gain. So some ponies started plagiarising their paintings, claiming they were them, and sometimes even downright stealing the paintings themselves”

“Of course those ponies were handled swiftly by the Princess once they were notified about it,” he continued, “But the problem never truly went away, so paranoia was instilled in the family, they started getting suspicious of everypony. They started building giant impenetrable walls, installing unnecessary security measures, even as far as moving far away from society itself. Because of that for generations they were almost isolated from the outside world, only stepping outside if it's absolutely necessary, that’s why this mansion was built so far off from Canterlot, that’s why it has a moat!”

“Seems a little overkill to me” Rose interjected.

“I agree some of the stuff that got installed here are absolutely ludicrous! But you must understand that back then the criminals back then were relentless, so even in a well secured and isolated place like this, they would still somehow find about thia place and break in” He explained, “Of course that was a very long time ago, but the mere act of it even happening was enough to instill even more paranoia in the family, and because it was so common back then the paranoia was passed on to future generations of the family so that they will also keep their vigilance as to protect the family’s heritage”

Siegfried sighed deeply, finally finished, “So, that brings us to today”

“But what about the impersonators? Why did she accused me as one? Also has she done this before?”

“Ah yes the impersonators, you see that hasn’t happen in decades, but when the impersonator successfully fooled ponies the effects could be devastating!” He said, with one hoof in the air, “You see if somepony is mingling out and about pretending to be you, they could quite easily destroy your whole career by just simply saying a few words to a few other creatures and your entire reputation could be in jeopardy!"

"As for the other ponies..." He trailed of for a bit, as he tried tried to think of an explanation, "That, I am also confused, she usually just let go of them reluctantly and give them a large amount of bits to keep silent"

"Although those are usually ponies that she suspects are stealing her art so maybe that's why you're held captive longer" He speculated.

But Siegfried brushed that aside, “Anyway, do you understand now why miss Roseprim did what she did when she saw your uhh... Let’s say uncanny resemblance to her”

Rose thought about it for a moment, she was still a kinda angry that somepony kidnapped her, but now she was still very much rightfully angry but at least she can understand why she was kidnapped, plus she was too tired to actually get angry.

She sighed, “Yeah, sure” was her half-hearted response.

Siegfried seemed to just accept it anyway, knowing he did all he can.

“Alrighty then, and oh here we are” He said whilst approaching a door, “your room”

He opened the door to the Roseluck’s now temporary bedroom.

“Everything you need in an average everyday bedroom is present, there’s even a bathroom” He pointed out, “So there’s no need to wander around the house to trying to find one”

Roseluck eyed around the room, it has everything that a bedroom needs, an average size bed and lamp on top of a nightstand, there was of course the bathroom - which Rose hope was at least cleaned - that was nice, sure it was a bit dusty, but all in all it was usable.

“Thanks, I guess” She said.

“Of course” He said, accepting the half-hearted response, “I’ll just leave now”

And with the closing creak of the doors Roseluck was le- the door creaked again, “Oh also if you want breakfast try to wake up before ten-hundred hours, that’s when miss Roseprim wakes up and I have a feeling that she doesn’t want you to eat”

After that the doors closed again finna- the door creaked opened again, “If you need an alarm there’s one in one of the drawers”

For hopefully the last time the do- “Alright last time, the kitchen is just down the hall and then take a left at the first corner”

Roseluck glared at him

“Right, sorry goodnight”

Finally for the last time Siegfried closed the door leaving Rose alone to attend to her thoughts

She sighed to herself, ‘What did I ever do to deserve this

She decided to lie on her now temporary bed to try and get some sleep so she can ust clear her mind.

But as she rest her body on the bed she could never seem to find a comfortable position.

She wiggled and squirmed to try and find a more comfortable position but to no avail.

She groaned and decided to just stare at celling hoping it would somehow help her sleep.

As she did that her mind drifted to her current situation and just how absurd it is, she silently hoped that it’s all just one strange lucid dream, and when she closes her eyes she’s just gonna wake up dozing off at the Canterlot Express.

But that wish never came to be, so now she was just forced to wait and see what happens next.

Well, tomorrow couldn't get any worse

And with that Roseluck eyes closed falling to a restless slumber.

Rose woke up before the sunrise, even though she would like it to sleep some more her mind wouldn’t let her fall asleep, so she force herself to get up.

She reminded herself of the route that Siegfried told her last night to get herself to the kitchen.

When she got there she was greeted by Siegfried setting up the table.

“Ah good you’re already awake, did you sleep well?” He greeted.

“No” She said bluntly.

“Ah, well we have no time to waste on moping around we need to get you back to being tied up!”

“Excuse me what?”

Without responding he gave Rose a plate of bite-sized daffodil sandwhiches, “Quickly, the missus is going to wake up any second now”

Rose just looked at her food, then she looked at a nearby window.

“The sun isn't even up yet” She stated.

“Yes I know that of course, but do you know how long it takes rope tie somepony to a chair now hurry up now!”

“Wait wha- No, I’m not going back to being tied up again!”

“Miss, we have no time for this”

Just as he said that Roseprim suddenly entered the room rubbing her eyes, “Siegfried, who are you talking t-”

As soon as she saw she saw Roseluck, her eyes went fully awake. Her horn lit up and shot a laser at Roseluck.

Luckily she dove away in time to just barely miss her and hit the floor, leaving a black smidge on the ground.

But that wasn’t enough, cause Roseprim just trapped in her in a magic ball container.

“Bloody unicorn magic!” Roseluck muttered under her breath.

Roseprim took a deep breath, “Siegfried, why has the impersonator escaped?”


“Wait a minute what is that!” She said grabbing Roseluck’s plate, “Your the one who set her free didn’t you?”

“Well, what did you expect to do? Just let her starve to death?”

“What no, I- wait don't change the subject, you help a criminal escape captivity”

Roseluck groaned from inside the magic bubble, her voiced echoing a bit, “Alright fine! if you’re really convinced that I’m impersonating you then why don't you just take me to jail yourself!”

"Well maybe I will!"

“Wait! you still don’t have enough evidence!” Siegfried interjected.

“This Siegfried!” Roseprim said while pointing back and forth between her and Roseluck, “is already evidence enough, and I've already made up my mind”

After that Roseprim walked to the front door with a grumpy Roseluck in tow, still inside the bubble.

“Are you sure about this miss!” Shouted Siegfried, as she was about to exit through the front door.

He was answered with a slam of the door.

And with that both roses exited the mansion leaving Siegfried all alone.

“Well this is going to end very badly” He shook his head.

The two Roses are now walking on a path through a forest leading to Canterlot.

Or to put it more precisely Roseprim is walking whilst Roseluck is still trapped in a magic bubble, still wearing an unamused look on her face.

“Can I at least walk?” Roseluck asked begrudgingly.

“Nonsense, then you’ll try to escape me”

Roseluck responded with a huff and slumped down in defeat.

“Oh don’t be so pathetic, it was your idea to impersonate me!” Roseprim exclaimed

“Oh Celestia, this again” Roseluck grumbled, “Look even if I want to destroy your reputation there wouldn’t even be a reputation to destroy”

Roseprim was offended, “How dare you! My family-”

“Yeah, yeah I already know about your family and all that, but that was a long time ago” Her voice now carrying a bitter tone, “But now! Nopony knows who you are!”

“What? But-”

“Like you said you’re the so called ‘Greatest Painter in Canterlot’ even though nopony even mentions your name, let alone your works”

“No, but I-”

“Like if you were the pony you say you are, I thought that ponies would at least mention your name in passing, maybe even have some of your paintings be displayed at the castle, but noo I didn’t see anything with your name on it. Honestly, it seems like you've never done anything significant despite claiming that...”

Roseluck trailed off mid-sentence to realised that now she is now standing on solid ground free from the bubble, but other than that she also heard something.

She heard sobbing.

The cries were coming from a nearby tree, Roseluck approached it

It was of course Roseprim but she was different from the Roseprim that was just holding her captive before, no she’s now seemingly smaller, weaker, more vulnerable.

Her mask of pretention and pride now peeled off leaving a sad and broken core.

Seeing her like this Rose felt bad, but she also felt good. It was a confusing emotion, it was liberating get some payback at the mare that has cause her so much stress and frustration. But it also felt terrible that she had just made a grown mare cry. The feeling was comparable to that of scolding an annoying child to tears.

“What are you still doing here! Leave!” She said bitterly through the tears, “You’re free, I deserve this!”

Roseluck sat down, and took a deep breath, “Look, I know we haven’t got along very well, but you seem like you need to get something off your chest” She said softly, “So I’m here to listen”

Roseprim sniffled, then sat down and looked at Roseluck her eyes still glassy from the tears.

“It’s just- I just-” She groaned, frustrated trying to find the right words to express her feelings.

“It’s fine take it slowly, take a deep breath and try collect your thoughts together and then let them all out” Roseluck advised.

Roseprim took a deep breath, “I- it’s just to much!” she finally spouted out.

“I have to carry the weight of generations upon generations of great and successful painters while having next to no talent in it!”

“I have to live up whole lineage of painters who were acclaimed and respected by almost everypony who saw their works while having nothing to guide me!”

“The only trace of connection I have left to them is to pretend I’m an actual artist by blaming others for felonies they didn’t even commit to feel like I’m actually doing something!”

“It’s just all too much!” She said finally breaking down into tears, on the ground crying

Roseluck could only watch and listen as the mare broke down.

The wind brushed over them, silent serenity washing over the air between the both of them.

“Ironic isn’t it?” Roseprim said calming down a bit, breaking the silence.

“What is?” Roseluck replied.

“I called you pathetic while I’m here bawling my eyes out, talking about my problems to an absolute stranger!”

Roseluck thought for a moment, “Well, do you fell better?”

She thought about it for a moment, “Yes, much better”

“Well that’s the only thing that matters, and look I’m sorry I said all those things”

“Oh no, you were the one who still helped me even though I treated you oh so very horribly, I should be the one who is apologising”

“Well then I forgive you for kidnapping me and planning to starve me to death”

“Ah Yes, it would seem that I owe you a huge favour”

“I mean you could help me find a way to get home”

“Oh yes, of course I’ll pay for your trip back home” she then realised they were still in the middle of the forest, “and of course escort you out of here”

“Oh geez thanks!”

“It’s the least I could do”

“So... Friends?”

Roseprim looked rather surprised, “After all the things I put you through, you still want to make friends! With me?”

“Sure why not, I have way weirder friends back home”

Roseluck extended a hoof, “So what do you say?”

“Yes, friends” Roseprim said with a content smile.

After both roses said their goodbyes Roseprim returned home to her mansion.

She opened the door to be greeted by Siegfried

“Where have you been? And how did it go?”

“Swimmingly” She replied with a smile

“Ah great, good to know” He breathed with a sigh of relief, “and Miss Roseluck”

“I sent her home”

“Oh, ok that’s great” then he realised what she said, “Wait sent her home? What happened?”

“Let’s just say we work something out, also did I ever say that I appreciate your service and company Siegfried”

Siegfried was left there stunned at the response until Roseprim left the room, then he muttered, “Celestia, she’s been replaced!”

Author's Note:

After 7 months in development I hope it was worth the wait!
But seriously if anyone reads this, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, anyway thanks for reading

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