
When a man needs a shave in Ponyville, there isn't really anywhere to go. After all, horses don't shave! So, you have no choice but to go to the most stylish pony in town for assistance: Rarity. Lucky for you, she's the helpful type, and is willing to make you look good as new. But at what cost?

Oh, and by the way, thanks for the idea Enigmatic Otaku. I hope you choke on a pineapple. :heart:

Chapters (1)

It's been a year since you woke up in Equestria, memories missing, and settled into Ponyville. Your new, peaceful life is disrupted when, in a sudden burst of nervousness, Rarity declares your mutual love for each other to impress a famous designer! Now forced to act madly in love, the two of you begin to grow closer by the day. Eventually you can't help but wonder- is it all part of the act, or are the butterflies in your stomach you get seeing her face every morning real?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Motherhood

After Sweetie Belle agrees to go out with Button Mash, Sour Sweet is asked by the Crusaders to tell them the story of how her romance with you all started... and they won't be satisfied with just, "I was a b*tch and ruined the whole thing. The End.

(My second featured story! - 4/8/16)

Chapters (3)

Anon decides, despite every bit of logical sense, to boop an angelic pony after exploiting her for chores. This could only end well.

After all, boredom is overrated, and the temptation to boop a cute angel pony is too great! Who cares if you could potentially be smited by pony-God, right?

Now if only you weren't literally being sized up by God himself... And said angel is trying to convince him why you should marry.


Art stolen by Badumsquish. Give their adorable art some love~
Also obviously the angel pony is theirs, lmao, hope they enjoy the story

Oh hey, in featured on release day again!

Here's me quietly shilling my Ko-fi, shhh.

Chapters (1)

Featured on January 24th-28th, 2020

You stumbled apon facing the toughest challenge since coming to Equestria; fighting off three overpowered villains with a bell to take all the magic from the ponies. It is up to you to help stop them from getting more powerful by using yourself as bait. When Chrysalis encounters you though, a clever idea struck your vision.

To ask her out!

Cover art by mirroredsea

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

The legend of Chrysalis is common knowledge. She preys on others, seeking for love with a bottomless cup. So when you become her victim unwittingly, your purpose to her is relatively known. When you wake up in her cave, you are greeted by her alone. What does she say?

Audio reading by Scribbler Productions

Now with a reading by Agent Fluffy!

Chapters (1)

Something about this pony world just ticks you off today. Things are poorly designed, poorly written, poorly paced, and you can't help but be annoyed by everything you see. Obviously, the best thing to do about all this is to complain!
You know that someone's got to be at fault for the state of things, and hopefully someone, or somepony, will fix it for you.
...Even if you hate the word somepony, oh my god, be more original for once in your life!

Contains a lot of sarcasm and some wall breaking. But mostly just whining.

P.S. Now with working cover art!

Chapters (1)

Caramel decides to take Anon out drinking. It doesn't quite work out. A bittersweet look at a more grounded RGRE.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

February 16th, 2019.

A post from Hasbro shocks bronies and pegasisters around the world.

Fans cry in despair as Hasbro confirms the tragedy: “Season 9 will be the last season of Friendship is Magic.”

And to you, a fan of the beloved series and fandom you’ve been a part of for years, it was too much to bear. That’s it- It’s coming to an end. My Little Pony Generation Four is closing it’s curtains- It’s universe put to bed forever.

All has been lost. It’s done. It’s goodbye...

Or is it, though?

Commemoration for the 2nd saddest day of My Little Pony History. Generation Four will be missed when it’s over, you have my word.

EDIT: Wow! This is now my best story to date! Thanks, everyone!:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)