• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I am become cringe, destroyer of... my own shame, lol

Idk even

Someone tried to get me to create a patreon or something, but because I'm a terrible amateur writer, plus I can't really offer any rewards, I only got lightly peer-pressured into making a Ko-fi

I literally see no reason why anybody would ever click that, much less donate anything, but someone will yell at me if I don't put it here.

Blog Posts

  • 2 weeks
    *Flips a table*

    Alright, so self-love is key, and all that stuff.

    So yeah, I gave my old stories a re-read. Tried to dig into how they got so many upvotes. I've always been astounded, thinking my writing was trash. But honestly... I enjoy it.

    Turns out, I really like this silly story too, even if it's a clusterfuck. So y'know what, screw a redux, I'M GONNA JUST CONTINUE IT AND MAKE IT WORK.

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    12 comments · 306 views
  • 3 weeks
    Wherin The Redux Lies

    Alright, so along with many of my current projects- the ones currently stealing my muse, that is...

    The list currently including the following-
    A slight timeloop fic, but going for a different vibe entirely than most.
    A follow-up to Catharsis.
    An AU fic stealing elements from a specific series.
    A little Rainbow-Fluttershy-HiE one-shot romcom.
    And a fic tackling immortality's toxic effects-

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    12 comments · 215 views
  • 8 weeks
    The Words Be Wordin'

    Hey folks, back a bit sooner than usual, which means like... years, I guess! Lmao

    Ages back, and I mean ages, there was a ko-fi goal for wordcount updates, and I figure, I might as well finally live up to that.

    So, what have I been doing?

    Well, to be brutally honest, I've been writing out the concepts for a longfic mostly- but more on that later- and a few other small projects on the side.

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    7 comments · 161 views
  • 12 weeks
    Starin' Down That Wall

    (Originally it was gonna be barrel, but that was a worrying title)

    Hey folks, L-Bozo here

    Kept you waiting, huh?

    Bah, what'm I kidding, I've been dead so long it hardly counts!

    Long story short, life's a bitch, and creativity ultimately comes secondary to sorting your shit out.

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    7 comments · 158 views
  • 72 weeks
    Have you ever just...

    Have you ever just had like, 5 people in a day randomly invade your dms, two practical strangers and three friends, who start going on about you being genuine and nice and a good person or something?


    Just me?

    Okay, I'm gonna go die now-

    Internal screaming

    ... I might've needed that, but still-


    Uhhhhh... something-something, I've been writing, 5k words done so far, might come within a month I hope I dunno?

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    2 comments · 345 views

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Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

And I'm not really pushing you towards Corner Gas at all by bringing it up again; I will just simply say that if you do ever watch it, watch the live-action series, not the animated one.

It came first, and while the animated series is fine, the original is much better.

Was kind of a gremlin as a teenager
But I got better

I tried looking you up earlier. What was your username before Lynser, since you just changed it on fimfic?

Hell yeah, brother

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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