
After a demon summoning spell goes wrong, a magical 'void' is created on the outskirts of Ponyville. Celestia sends her prized student to investigate and to prepare for whatever this 'void' means for the future of Equestria.
Something is coming, and Equestria will never be the same.

Part 1 of the Titans series. This will update with at least one chapter every Friday.

As I am tired of answering the question. No, I repeat, NO this is NOT a TCB story. That idea was last perpetrated by people Like Hitler, Hirohito, Saddam and would be considered a serious crime by the standards of both parties.

Chapters (18)

We stormed Area 51 looking to clap dem aliens' cheeks. I never could have expected what we found.

...because of course 300 000 people would be enough to storm a highly defended military base, and of course the portal to Equestria would be inside (whoops spoilers (like this was really a spoiler in the first place and not the logical conclusion to a story featuring humans needing an excuse to go to Equestria.)).

You saw the cover art, you saw the short description. You know what to expect.

Cover art by the astounding Axxuy.

Chapters (1)

When one of Twilights teleportation spells goes haywire, the Mane 6 find themselves not in Canterlot, as was originally planned, but in the backyard of a house on the Gold Coast in Australia. In this house lives Rebecca, a Brony, who's family is on holiday.

Will Rebecca be able to help the Mane 6 get back to Equestria before her family gets home? Will the the Mane 6 want to go home? Will we ever understand why Pinkie Pie does what she does?... Probably not, but read on for he answers.

I'll try to upload a chapter each week, though with school and stuff it might not be possible. Enjoy!

Chapters (9)

An adopted boy who's been adopted for his whole life, he doesn't mind though, he doesnt think their is really difference between this and the real thing, right? You still get the same motherly hugs and the fatherly pats when you do good, and you get motherly scoldings and the old fatherly look of disapointment? What could be the difference right? He soon finds out when he gets teleported to Equestria.... by the power of.... a Mothers Love? Before you read note: I have an awful sense of comedy, I often make mistakes in grammar, please post helpful hints.... I would also love to post a picture but I HAVE NONE..... Enjoy :P. More characters may be added.... mabye... Though this is about half a year old and I have rarely written......... I need to rethink a lot of it.....

Chapters (8)

NOTICE: Yes, we are still looking for an Editor and or Beta Readers for this story. Any help will be apreciated!

You ever wondered what it'd be like to be a pony? Yeah, well good for you. Unfortunately thinking about it and actually living it are two entirely different things.

Seven unlucky humans find themselves thrust into the bodies of seven very special ponies. Though they are special, they are not who one would expect. They are:

Twilight the Wish Granter.

Moondancer the Dream Weaver.

Firefly the Dancing Daredevil.

Posey the Gentle Gardener.

Sparkler the Diamond Diva.

Silly 'ol Surprise.

And of course the clumsy but well-meaning Applejack.

Join these seven unlucky souls on their journey as they are thrust into a struggle for survival in a rapidly changing world. Will they manage to survive? Or will the challenges presented be too great for them?

Story by Pinklestia with the collaboration of BreakDown

Chapters (14)

Thanks to a certain imp from the fifth dimension, Discord has come to Gotham City intending to prove he's the best there is at spreading chaos. Now the Joker has to stop the draconequus from taking his job as Gotham's chief chaos-causing clown.

Chapters (1)

Everywhere I went, I hear people telling me, Hey! Living in Canterlot is just freaking awesome! It is a wondrous and magnificent city. It is the city where all your dreams can come true, and that it is also a place where true love can be easily found. It is also a city wher---

Please stop with the cowpoop.

There is no such thing as dreams becoming reality, nor is true love actually real. It is all fantasy, made-up, a fiction that plenty of people wishes it to be fact.

Complete and utter cowpoop. That sums up my life too. Cow--freaking--poop. My life sucks.

This is set in the Equestria Girls universe, after Rainbow Rocks.

Chapters (9)

Shortly after leaving the Crystal Empire castle to live a more humble and ordinary life among their subjects, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor decide to have a foal. Instead, they get two, and they couldn't be happier. They tried.

Skyla is a normal, if very hungry, alicorn filly. Her sister Inova is a reborn human, though nopony knows that, not even herself.

This is a substantial rewrite of the original story, with some new scenes, better writing, and a few things removed as well. Chapters will be released when they're good and ready, instead of evil and unprepared.

Chapters (41)

Humans. Over the last few years, they've been appearing in Equestria. Virtually all of them believe they're the first ones to make it there. And they try to move in, take over, and worse. Sometimes much worse. Even the peaceful ones can do damage by accident and there's no way to tell what could happen long-term. Equestria is for ponies and has to stay that way -- and so the Princesses have created the Canterlot Deportation Agency. The CDA exists to send humans back where they came from. Every time. As peacefully as possible, with a minimum of injuries -- unless things go wrong. And things do go wrong.

(Cover art courtesy of GroaningGreyAgony and http://www.says-it.com/badge/)

Has a TVTropes page and character sheet. New edits welcome.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

A human displaced in time and space, no immediate hope of getting home, no friends to call his own and trapped in a body that is not his. Will he make it past the first day let alone the first week and how will he overcome the challenges he faces.

Noah is simply student of engineering, in an instant he is displaced in time and space, his body transformed into that of a changeling at the same time the invasion of Canterlot is repelled. The town in which he lands first fears him for his looks, unknown to them is the outcome of the royal wedding and the identity of the wedding crashers. Taking on the name No One, he searches for a way home, making friends along the way as well as a few enemies. His role in Equestria uncertain and his future unknown.

*The use of a human is to portray an alien being devoid of a link to magic as well as provide a reason for a learning experience of the customs of Equestria.
*Will not contain, or will avoid to an extent, shipping. Friendships yes but beyond that I don't have enough skill in the area of writing to pull something like that off without pissing off a lot of people.
*This is my first story ever so please provide constructive criticism, I need it.
*Changes to characters and categories will occur when required.
edit 24/11 *forgot to mention this story will take place mainly between the undisclosed period between seasons 2 and 3. I say undisclosed because a lot of time could have passed.

Chapters (18)