• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 5,425 Views, 197 Comments

The Chronicles of No One - Pr1me Sh0ck

A human displaced in time and space, no immediate hope of getting home, no friends to call his own and trapped in a body that is not his. Will he make it past the first day let alone the first week and how will he overcome the challenges he faces.

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Prologue: A glimpse of the past


“What is the past but a story to be told to the children, a lesson so that they might learn from our mistakes?”

Unification +50 Years

Lights flickered in their sconces as the cloaked figure made his way down the corridor, the sound of hooves clacking on the crystalline floor echoing all around. After walking for what seemed like an hour the corridor widened into an enormous cavern more than a hundred meters across and curved upwards in a dome just as high. The corridors exited into the cavern from halfway up the dome forming a bridge towards a central platform. Four thrones populated the platform surrounding a large unadorned circular table.

The domed ceiling swirled with representations of the sky above. On its surface pinpricks of light could be seen moving around in relation to their real world counterparts, the stars that made up the night sky. The entire multitude of stars that dotted the night sky was represented here. From the birth of the newest to the death of the oldest, the stars and their nebulas could be seen in real time from within the cavern.

A complete disk of the purest white sat at the zenith of the dome marking the position of the moon. Shadows formed by the craters marred the surface and every small detail could be seen, from the Valley of the Tribes to the Lunar Observatory. Around the very edge of the cavern a thin band of blazing light, broken only by the entrances of the four corridors, marked the waiting sun.

Underneath the represented sky clouds rolled covering the dome in patches. Along the eastern entrance a miniature storm could be seen brewing, foreboding clouds rolling towards the centre of the cavern with sheet lightning flashing periodically. Just north of the centre a mass of white clouds resisted against the simulated motions of the air currents, the beginning of a new cloud city in the infancy of construction. On a solitary cloud in the west quarter pooled the waters of a rainbow spilling down towards the ground and evaporating into mist ten meters from the ground.

Upon the ground lay a multitude of environments. The deserts to the south bore rolling dunes of sand, craggy rock formations protruding from the surface in a haphazard manner, their tips windswept into sharp points. To the far north the ice fields blew in a blizzard, the flat chilled surface of the tundra holding no landmarks bar one. A kingdom of crystal sat in the very centre of the wasteland pulsing with warming light at a constant rate, all the effects of the snow negated by an invisible shield. This wasteland of snow petered out into a taiga filled sporadically with tall coniferous trees before melding to a temperate forest.

The east bore plains of tall grass dotted with trees and water holes, a river running in a drunken diagonal the only thing to mar the constant landscape. Continuing to the east wall the plains gave way to rocky outcrops and at the furthest point mountains began to form. To the far west a beach of shimmering blue waves and sun-bleached sand stood blackened by the simulated night. A rippling image of the moon mirrored onto the surface of the water. The beach gave way to mangroves and wetlands the rivers and tributaries fed by the ocean. This in turn gave way to a tropical forest of emerald green.

All biomes eventually gave way to a ring of hilly countryside that made up the centre of the dome’s floor. Lush green hills marked with the occasional gorge and mountain was the main feature. The centrepiece of this dome was a mountain towering above the landscape seemingly untainted with the marks of construction. To the immediate north of this mountain lay a small forest, a clearing could be seen with the beginnings of construction of a palace.

The figure gave a content sigh while gazing upon the wonders of the room. The tribes had done a marvellous job replicating the land of Equestria within the cavern. He continued his journey across the bridge to the centre platform and took seat upon the western throne, joining the two mares and stallion sitting and waiting.

“About time you got here,” muttered the unicorn mare sitting on the southern throne, “We were beginning to think you got lost traversing the straight corridor to get here.”

“Oh leave him be,” said the crystal pony mare sitting on the northern throne, “You only got here a few minutes ago so you are one to talk.”

“If we could get this meeting to order,” demanded the pegasus stallion, “I have important tasks at hoof that also need to be attended.”

“Seconded,” commented the late coming earth pony stallion, “I would like to get this meeting underway, I believe there is much to discuss?”

“Firsts things first,” interjected the crystal pony, “Tradition cannot be forsaken just because we are all busy. Names ranks and the pledge first, then we can get down to business.”

“I’ll begin,” exclaimed the Pegasus, “Fleeting Winds, Grand Marshal of the Pegasi Forces, and we pledge to the unity of Equestria lest we bring havoc to the skies above us.”

“Shimmering Dusk,” said the unicorn, “Arch Mage to the Unicorn High Council, and we pledge to the unity of Equestria lest the magic which flow through this land desert us.”

“Red Vine,” said the earth pony, “Chief Productions Officer for the Earth Pony Governance, and we pledge to the unity of Equestria lest the ground on which we walk reject us.”

Finally the crystal pony spoke. “Garnet Wonders, Advisor to the Crystal Kingdom, and we pledge to the unity of Equestria lest the love we have for each other fester into hatred.”

“With respective regions introduced and pledged,” said Dusk, “I retired the position and hand the leadership of this meeting to Red.”

“Thank you Dusk,” said Red, “And with that I bring the tenth successive unified council to order. Down to business and the first point of discussion is the future of crop productions of the land. The five year period between now and our last meeting saw the introduction of the crystal ponies into our family. As you are all aware this had the effect of straining our resources to capacity to produce enough food. As a side effect the emergency stocks will be reduced for the next five years whilst stores are refilled. Also census data for all ponies will need to be delivered before the year is out so that we may plan accordingly to avoid emergency rationing…”

And so the meeting continued with discussions back and forth about the state of Equestria and the plans for the future. Winds’ was looking to expand the borders of the land utilising the unicorn’s affinity for diplomacy. Dusk told of the unicorns unlocking more and more power through devoted researchers to which Red raised concerns about the safety should experiments go awry. And then came the time for Garnet to take the stand.

“If you don’t already know once in a generation there is a crystal pony whose abilities are unparalleled. For the kingdoms safety these ponies are isolated and taught to utilise this gift for the purpose of insight. These ponies are moulded in the perfect tool of peace for our people. And upon their deathbed when the next heir to this responsibility is chosen they may gain glimpses into the future.”

“Yes we know this already,” grumbled Fleeting Winds, “Why are you telling us what we already know?”

“What you don’t know is that these visions are the seer talking with a future seer upon their own deathbed. I am telling you this because not a fortnight ago our seer passed away giving us our once in a lifetime glimpse into the future. As with all glimpses a timeframe cannot be established and as with all previous predictions they have come to pass.”

“And what was seen?”

“A period of peace and harmony with life in Equestria flourishing.”

“So what’s the problem then, why do you sound so concerned?” queried Dusk.

“Because this was not all that was seen… Beyond this peace was seen a short period of fear and then nothing as if the seer was just gone.”

“Has this happened before, has there been a time without the seer?”

“Well no even before the crystal unification when we were still very herd-like there was always an elder among the herd that had the abilities, although tamer, that our seer does in one form or another.”

“That does not bode well then,” commented Red, “Was there any more to the vision?”

“Yes there was, the darkness parted with a monumental love that trumped a great evil, but with it fear and strife continued in a new form. One that threatened a race alone and at the same time all races combined, one that threatened the return of the Windigos and something similar.”

“Were there any clue to the cause?” asked Dusk.

“Yes a group of beings that kept the balance of emotions in check, it is hard to theorise with this information being so new, usually it would take months to analyse all the entirety of the vision. It seems that an imbalance of some sort occurs, again we can only theorise but we predict that a last hope type of drastic action is taken with the result ending in some sort or confrontation.”

“And a solution?”

“We don’t know, the vision isn’t always clear, no path of direct action could be seen to avoid this and even if we could we have never been able to alter the outcomes. We theorise that the unclear path is because of the darkness we saw but we have no way of being sure.”

“Well there must be something we can do,” shouted Wings, “Can’t we kill the current seer to gain another vision maybe one of what we need to do?”

“You would kill a foal,” condescended Dusk, “For the sake of a vision you would kill a foal that has only been conceived two weeks ago. Such an act is cowardly and would reveal no relevant data.”

“But we have to do something we can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

“We could let it happen,” remarked Garnet, which received a round of ‘WHAT’ from the other ponies. “Just hear me out what if we treated this like an unexpected natural disaster. We try to minimize the damage after the fact as we won’t be able to stop this from happening.”

“And how to you propose we do that?” questioned Wings.

“Outside help,” said Dusk, her voice rising in tone as though having a great epiphany. “We call on the help of a being not of this land.”

“And why would we do that, you should just let the pegasi take charge to ride this one out.”

“No it is obvious that this problem is based in magic, as is our land and everything that resides within it. All of us united are linked to magic from birth through one form or another. As such we need somepony or, dare I say, something outside of this land to learn our ways, to help us and if need be to lead us.”

“And just how do you plan on doing that? It’s not as if we can just reach into somewhere that isn’t here and ask somepony to help us.”

“Why not, it would take but a spell, a very complex and specific spell but a spell none the less.”

“I’m not happy with this idea,” grumbled Wings, “But I can’t seem to come up with a better idea short of killing a foal.”

“Then is it decided?” asked Red, “Are we in agreement that we need this outside help?”

Four reluctant ‘ayes’ came from the participants of the council. The vote was unanimous.

“Then as head of this council so shall it be, in addition to their duties to raise the sun and the moon the Arch Mage and her unicorns shall research this spell. Help in this endeavour shall be provided by the Advisor and her crystal ponies. In the meantime the Grand Marshal and his pegasi shall watch over us. The earth ponies and myself will keep the people fed. As all points of order have been discussed I hereby bring this council to a close. May Equestria remain united until next we convene.”

“And for a long time after.” Came three replies, and with that the tenth unified council of the pony tribes was brought to a close.

Author's Note:

Alright this i my first story ever, so I'm hoping for a lot of constructive criticism. If you don't like it please tell me why, if you do like it tell me how I can improve. Other than that the first couple of chapters will be a prologue to bring in the back story of why and how.
To those of you new to the story, I would like you to give it a chance and read all the work that I have put in before you judge it. I realise that the first few chapters are a little slow but I implore you to read on, you might yet like it.