Content Warning: Horror and body integrity dysphoria. If you don’t want to read about body dysphoria/dysmorphia in a horror setting, skip this story. Transgender people, this warning is especially relevant.

On an otherwise calm morning, with Twilight out of town, Pinkie Pie has a revelation. 

She doesn’t feel like herself. She’s not sure if she wants to feel like herself, either.

She wants to be something different. Something… missing.

Written as an entry for Bike’s A Thousand Words Contest in the Grim category.

Also written for Bean’s Writing Group prompt 33, “Something is missing”.

With feedback from TheWanderingZebra, Arachne, MockingBirb, Shirlendra, and others. Thanks for your help!

Now with a youtube audio reading from The Mystery Fluttershy Fan.

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy begins blacking out, she doesn't know why. Angel and Harry have been acting overly-protective of her, but when she can't control it anymore, even after asking for help from Zecora, she has to make a decision. Things get out of hoof, and she has to decide what she's going to do, and how that will affect her friends.
Especially the ones closest to her.

Chapters (3)

Warning: the following story is my attempt to write a ghost story.

Filliedelphia's police were called to respond to a concerned call to investigate someone screaming at the Sanctuary Mental Hospital, a condemned lunatic asylum outside of the city. They quickly found that the supposedly haunted hospital not only contained three corpses, but a changeling that was strapped to a rotting bed, screaming his head off.

After identifying the bodies and picking up some clues, detective Hoof Print is called to interview the only living witness to the crime. Bringing his tape recorder with him, he begins the interview with the question: What was doing at the abandoned mental hospital to begin with?

Special thanks to Shadeol for proofreading.

Chapters (10)

I'd do just about anything to help my faithful assistant and dearest friend with his problems, but this time I may be out of my depth. Something's wrong with Spike... very wrong, and I'm not sure I can fix it on my own. I don't know what's going on, but I'm worried about him. Some of the things he's been saying lately... they scare me.

I'm afraid for him... and I think I might be afraid of him.

Chapters (9)

Lyra has always been a scared pony. Her irrational fears are ruining her relationship with Bon Bon. Being afraid of nearly everything is difficult, but sometimes you have to face the things that frighten you. No matter how irrational they may be.

Entry to The Barcast Writing Contest #3: Halloween in April

Chapters (1)

Under the impression that they are lucky, since rarely do mares ever give birth to twins, the Cakes decide to have another go at the whole having-a-baby thing.

They could not have anticipated the result.

Inspired by "Born of Man and Woman" by Richard Matheson.

Cover art by mng182.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Rainbow Plague

It's been moons since the initial outbreak of the Rainbow Plague, and Equestria has moved on. Other threats have come and go, Twilight was crowned princess of Equestria, the Rainbow Plague is a thing of the past. But when Rainbow Dash begins to have recurring nightmares, she believes that the plague may not be entirely gone.

Chapters (8)

Trapped in the endless halls of Tartarus, forced to listen to the endless screams of rage and regret; an artist grins.

Royalty had put him here, and royalty would let him out.

A deal here, a concession there, and openings would appear.

A crack could break a marble statue, a drop of poison could ruin a meal, the smallest of errors could bring down anything.

art Source: a Fatal_Error has Occurred: Chapter 2 - Cover by Xedramon on DeviantArt
in case Fimfic screws up the source thing again on the coverart

Chapters (16)