• Published 31st May 2017
  • 2,533 Views, 22 Comments

Born of Mare and Stallion - No Raisin

The Cakes decide to have another foal. Words cannot describe how much they end up regretting it.

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Dad tried killing me again, but he needs to try harder next time. He wanted to make it look like a bad accident, cuz I dont think he has enough stuff in him to do anything too evil to me in front of everypony. I dont blame him. I think hes sad a lot, and I think he feels sadder whenever he looks at me. I feel sad too whenever I have to look at me with all me eyes.

He tried to crush me with a heavy box, but I got out of the way. I saw his face and eyes get wet and he went away and I just stood there like I havent got a brain in me head. I didnt feel anything except maybe a little hungry.

To be honest I dont think dad is really me dad. I think something different happened that made me come here to this place where ponies would always hit me and beat me over the head and tie up me legs. Ive come up with a story for meself and I want to write it down here so I wont forget. It is important cuz I think it might be true.

One day, a long long time ago before I was born, somepony came down from the sky and did something with me mother. A thing with eight legs and six eyes came down from where the clouds ended and came to me mother in the night and did something to her that made her belly big. She went on with it, thinking it was another baby she had with dad, and her belly got bigger.

Then she gave birth in a hospital somewhere on the outside and out I went into the world and all the doctors and nurses screamed. I dont remember being born, but I kinda remember being very little, littler than I am now, and how a lot of ponies made weird faces at me and how they screamed and went away when I made a noise that frightened them. I didnt mean to scare them, my voice just sounds that way. I would sound much better if I could say words and talk to others. Me teeth are all weird and me throat hurts whenever I try to say things. It hurts too much, so I dont really try it. Maybe when Im older.

The green slime gets everywhere when I try climbing the walls and the ceiling. Ive gotten good at crawling on the ceiling too. I dont fall off it like I used to. My legs are getting stronger slowly. Its a shame about the slime, cuz it smells awful and I dont like it more than anypony else, even though its mine. Im getting tired. Im also running out of pages to write on. Writing makes me mouth ache too.

I got this stoopid book for me fourth birthday when I started to write things, and mom and dad thought it was a good idea. They wanted me to keep meself busy whenever I get locked in me room for hours, which is often. Like right now.

The hours get longer at night. Sometimes when Im really tired I start to think crazy things, like biting through the bars of me window and getting to the outside, but I dont know. I dont think it would be worth it with all the screaming ponies looking at me.

Dads probably going to try to kill me again. I hope he does, yep yep yep.

Comments ( 17 )

I don't get it?

I haven't read the inspiration for this, but it makes me think of Lovecraft's Outsider, or a more sympathetic version of The Dunwich Horror. Nicely done.

It's pretty self-explanitory. Seems a bit more so than the original, but it's been a long time since I bothered to read that.

What do you fail to understand?

8200339 I personally just have a hard time comprehending stories which are from only one perspective. I have not read the original, so I guess I don't understand the story at all.

8200348 I would say this is less ambiguous (and also longer) than the original, so I don't think you'd have to read the inspiration to understand this story. I'm not much a horror fiction fan, truth be told, although I really enjoyed Matheson's short story and wanted to do something like it with ponies.

8200353 I quickly read the wiki version. Now I get it. Good story.

I can say that I enjoyed this. I liked seeing the perspective of this... Well, I don't know what it is. It was very interesting indeed.

I may not have read the story it was based off of/inspired by, but I enjoyed it. Have a like, my good friend!

Oof, didn't see that coming, then again, that's just oblivious me.

A pretty good, thrilling tale, though I do wonder about the sci-fi tag.

The poor thing. All it wants is love. It isn't really cruel or violent just lonely, sad, and badly mistreated.

8200732 There are basically two stories as to the origin of the "monster." Either it's a horrifically deformed pony, which is what we're led to believe for most of the fic, or it's possibly an alien-pony hybrid. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because either way it's still a freak of nature.

No real ending? Ok.


8202378 actually it could be an open ending where you wonder how it does end in most ways so make it up man make it up

8203174 I shalt MAKE IT UP!

Carrot Cake is all like:


The most recent book the pink mare read to me was about some foals who are not much older than me who go on a time travel adventure or something, and there are these weird mares who help them out cuz they want to find their dad. If my dad-

Wait a second... Is that A Wrinkle in Time? You sly bastard ;P

So he's black... And like charred earth. And he secretes green goo slime. Is he a changeling?

What does the foal look like?

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