
Princess Celestia finally has enough of the selfish Prince, but everypony has a story. Can an unlikely special somepony bring out the best in Blueblood? Some flavors clash. Some flavors mingle. Does a bit of sweetness make up for a lifetime of sour?

The lives of the pampered prince and the brash and brawny baker become intertwined thanks to Blueblood's uncanny abilities. Can this donut-doling darling deal with the prideful, persnickety Prince?

(I promise there isn't a ton of Alliteration in the story)

Chapters (36)

Before he can set out on his journey to save his parents, Antares Mirus gathers his friends and tells them the story of his parents, from when Luna was Princess of the Night to when she and Scrivener Blooms vanished during the war with Clockwork World. Sums up the entirety of the Nátta Edda, prequel to Absolution.

Chapters (1)

Elusive and Applejack are fed up of Blitz's awful-looking eyebrows. They decide to take matters into their own hooves. It doesn't go well.

A Rule 63 story, based on and set in the same universe as On a Cross and Arrow by Conner Cogwork.

Chapters (6)

Marble Pie has been waiting to hear three words for a long time. But today is the day she will hear them from the one dragon she cares about the most in the world.

Normally don’t do this but; featured 9/8/2023 — 10/8/2023

Chapters (1)

Sunset is invited to a picnic in Equestria where she attempts to get to know the pony versions of her friends then is asked to open a can of creamed corn. Hilarity ensues… No wait… A trip to the ER ensues. That’s what I meant to say.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions and insta-pony-girl for the Sunset Shimmer picture!

Chapters (1)

Featured on 4-16-23!? Holy crap!

Thunder Strike. Ask anypony who's ever met him and they would probably describe him as proud member of Royal Guard; specifically a Lieutenant of the Palace Division. Always doing his very best to maintain the safety and security of the staff and visitors alike, and never hesitating to do what's needed of him.

Ask those that know him and they might tell you how he's a chronic workaholic who's maintaining unhealthy, unreasonable standards for his own conduct and performance leading him to slowly but surely working himself to death, and who desperately needs a vacation before it's too late.

Like it or not, he's going to learn the hard way that nopony, no matter how dedicated they may be, can possibly burn the candle at both ends indefinitely. And perhaps he'll learn something else along the way.

Chapters (26)

Love and Hope once shone bright from a gleaming crystal city, only to be lost to the evils of indifference and despair. This is a tale of the leaders who built an empire based upon those virtues, and the two newly weds who are about to realize their shared destiny in reclaiming it.

[AU] Because of the Two Sisters book and Sombra Comic.

Edited by: Bok and Voidchicken
Proofread by: Geomancing and Wylie
Cover art by: FoxInShadow

Chapters (8)

It has been eight long years; the world stands, but in ruins. The Elements of Harmony were powerless to stop them, magic is powerless to stop them. The only line of defense remaining, are the Jaegers; great war mechs designed by the greatest equine minds alive. The greatest of these, is Twilight Sparkle. Helping her save the world, one slain Kaiju at a time, are her friends; and races from around the world.

Author's Notes. This is a crossover story including Pacific Rim and MLP. This is not a retelling, nor are there humans. The concept is preserved, however, there are new exciting twists, as well as an original cast. Twilight and the other characters you know and love will not be filling the roles of characters from the movies. This is an original re-imagining and will tell a different, unique story.

Please Enjoy.

The Cover Art was done by a brilliant, mysterious man named CorneliusEdmond on Derpibooru.

Chapters (2)

Twilight lives in the land of dragons with her dragon family. She is content to be surrounded by her personal library, assist her high priestess mother with her rituals, occasionally organize her high-ranking officer father's files, tutor her little brother in royal manners and sometimes hang out with the third princess.

Moondancer is princess Celestia's protégée. She loves to hole up in the Canterlot research center and eat ice cream with her friends. She is also sporadically insecure about her worth, but she knows that her friends are there to help her through. With them at her sides, she can overcome anything ; she is invincible.

Simple wedding invitations would be the things to disrupt the surfacing tranquility. Except they are not simple wedding invitations. They are entrance tickets to a sinister plot and the gateways to a war between the three empires.

This story was inspired by Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress written by Wicked DG. The premise might be very similar, but I expect my way of handling it, and by extension the end result, will be completely different.

Please note that this story was planned before Gauntlet of Fire. The elements presented in the episode will most likely be completely ignored.

(Credit of the cover image goes to JaDeDJynX on Deviantart for her piece Twimage.)

Chapters (3)

Once one of the most dangerous things to face in the entirety of the world, Liberty Prime now lies unused and unneeded in a world where freedom is taken for granted. However, this world will soon learn to be grateful for their freedom, as it is now under attack. Faced with a massive surprise invasion, Equestria now lies defenseless against the Changeling nation. The Changelings seem unstoppable, with their only threats trapped or incapacitated…

Or so they thought. Even on the cusp of victory the Changeling army has brought themselves their greatest disadvantage. Deep within the Everfree, Prime detects massive energy signatures from far away. How will a weapon of wanton destruction interact with those who have never seen the horrors of death?

Chapters (2)