• Published 15th Apr 2023
  • 1,833 Views, 143 Comments

Even the Strong Need Help - Charlie_K

Thunder Strike is a Royal Guard, and quite dedicated to doing his job. Some might say he's TOO dedicated for his own good.

  • ...

Fifteenth Entry

Holly Leaf stretched, working out a catch in her left wither with a largely inaudible but satisfying pop. She knew better than to sleep in the position she had last night, but that never seemed to stop anypony from tossing and turning and rolling about when they were asleep.

But that matter was neither here nor there. She was still here and still had work that needed to be done before the day was over.

But on the bright side at least she hadn't drawn library duty today; she hated that job even under the best of circumstances! So any day that didn't involve working in that room could be considered an overall good day.

Although the semi-good mood was interrupted she rounded the corner on her way to her assignment, and nearly ran face-first into another pony coming the opposite direction in the process. It was only through the combination quick thinking and reflexes that the collision was avoided for either of them.

A particularly polite but biting retort was practically on the tip of her tongue, but it died as she looked at the pony and struggled to place his unfamiliar appearance. He was looking particularly unkempt and a bit disturbing with the circles under his eyes. He didn't really look all that well as he just stood there.

"I apologize," he stated simply.

She didn't exactly recognize the pony on sight alone. But the combination of white coat, the way he stood, and that phrase together made something in the back of her mind click as a connection was established.

"... Thunder Strike?" she asked uncertainly.

"At your service," he replied simply.

She was a bit lost for words right now. She, like pretty much the rest of the palace by now, had heard about what he'd gone through. But this was the first time she'd caught sight of him outside of his armor. Caught sight of the stallion and not the guard. And he looked rough.

"You, uh, you feeling okay? You don't look all that well..." she commented uneasily as she looked at him.

"I can't say I slept particularly well last night," he admitted, having to struggle to get the words out before turning his head to yawn. "I was trying to study in the library, looking for any books that might explain how a pony should go about relaxing. But the palace library is woefully inadequate on that particular subject."

Holly tried not to frown in response. That sounded almost like a Twilight thing to do.

"It was around two AM that I concluded I wouldn't find the answers I was looking for. After that I went back to my new quarters to try and get some sleep. But that didn't exactly work out particularly well. I forgot that I'd been moved out of the barracks for the time being, and had to trek my way back to where I was supposed to be. And once I finally got there, getting to sleep was its own challenge," he admitted.

"Oh? What was the problem?" she asked, growing more curious as the story went on.

"It wasn't the barracks. There was nopony there," he stated, before feeling the need to yawn again. "The room was dead silent, devoid of any sounds of life. No snoring, no breathing, no rustling of sheets except my own. I'm not used to that. I kept laying awake, waiting to hear something, but there was just nothing there. It was like being isolated."

Holly wasn't sure if she blinked in response or not. He couldn't sleep because his room was quiet?

"If I may ask, do you have any engagements tonight?"

"Huh?" she asked, the previous thought clogging her mind until she shook her head to clear the mental cobwebs. "Well I'd have to check the schedule, but I don't think so. Why?"

"I'm really not accustomed to sleeping by myself. Could you come over and spend the night?" he asked.

Now Holly was certain she really did blink. Had he really just asked her what she thought he had?

"You... want me to sleep with you?" she asked, just to clarify and double check.

He nodded simply in response.

"Oh, wow," she breathed in response, unprepared for that one. "I... don't really know. Don't get me wrong, you're a very nice stallion and all, but-" she started to say, tried to say, but stopped. Did she actually want to turn him down?

"Actually... I think I could go along for that. Yeah, sure, let's do that," she agreed and nodded.

"Thank you. I'd appreciate that," he stated. "The quarters I've been assigned for my recovery are being wasted on a single pony such as myself. It's far too much; the bed alone could easily sleep five or six ponies."

The image his statement was conjuring was just about enough to make her face go red from embarrassment. And yet, she couldn't exactly tune out what she was hearing. It was starting to give her ideas. Ideas that she couldn't exactly deny had a certain appeal about them.

"Oh really now? Well in that case, would you might if I brought another pony along? I've got a friend who might enjoy herself," she suggested.

"Not at all. The more the merrier. I think," he stated, all the while looking almost suspiciously like he was trying not to let on that he was happy with the news. "Again, thank you. I'll let you get back to your duties, I've taken up enough of your time as it is. I'm going to get myself cleaned up and looking presentable, before seeing if Doctor Malar will sign off on my going back on duty. Even though he probably won't. But a Royal Guard never gives up, a Royal Guard never quits. I have to keep asking, regardless of what he might say."

"Right, well, good luck with that. I'll see you tonight, then."

Her mind was suddenly reeling as they parted ways. Had that just happened? Had that really just happened?

As she looked back at him and observed his muscly butt as he trotted away towards his destination, she'd concluded that hell yes it'd happened!

The sound of careful wing beats filled the area as an ivory-colored pegasus in palace maid attire hovered off the ground, running a feather duster along the light fixture in front of her. All the while her green eyes examined its surface over the edge of her black-rimmed glasses, looking for any traces of dust that tried to escape her. She would be having none of that, nor would she allow for the flap of her feathers to send the dust flying elsewhere that she'd have to clean a second time.

All the while, she hummed a gentle melody to herself, using it almost like a metronome as she dusted.

"Doily! Hey, Doily, you got a minute up there?"

She looked down at the sound of the voice below her, and saw a fellow maid standing there, looking up at her with wide, excited eyes.

"What's up, Holly? Besides me, that is?"

"First, quick question, do you have any plans for tonight?" Holly asked.

"Me?" Doily asked, caught off guard by the question. "W-well no I-"

"Perfect!" Holly stated. "Lieutenant Strike asked me to sleep with him tonight."

"He did?"

Holly nodded. "And he said I could bring a friend along. You up for it?"

"M-me?" Doily practically squeaked, her cheeks growing hot at the mere thought of it. The very idea of it was enough to force her to land, as it was growing difficult to control her wings. "You want me to be there? He wants me there?"

"Don't try to tell me the idea doesn't appeal to you," Holly countered.

Doily's wings might as well have been starched at this point, because they weren't about to close on their own as she stood there, covering her mouth with a hoof to avoid letting out certain sounds that she probably shouldn't.

"Well I..." she started, but gave up. "I have watched him work out before. The way his muscles ripple, all sweaty and tense as he grunts and benches more weight than I weigh... he has stamina for days," she practically moaned.

"And a cute ass," Holly added with a grin. "An ass that we're going to screw into the mattress when we get there. Until we can't even walk back to our quarters because we don't even remember where they are."

"Alright, alright, I'm in!" Doily quickly agreed.

They bumped hooves in agreement and smiled. Tonight was going to be one to remember, they just had to stay focused on their work until then.