
Applejack had always dreamed of serving the Princesses and earning her citizenship- even if that desire required her enlistment in the Equestrian Military. When her friends put pen to paper on their own enlistment orders, her future was made even more clear.
Unfortunately for Applejack, nothing is as simple as it seems, and as Equestria is plunged into an interstellar war against a merciless foe, she will see just how far one needs to be willing to go in order to save everything they know and love.

(Readers who liked this also may enjoy Wing Commander, Starship Troopers, Freespace and Mass Effect.)

Chapters (17)

Before he can set out on his journey to save his parents, Antares Mirus gathers his friends and tells them the story of his parents, from when Luna was Princess of the Night to when she and Scrivener Blooms vanished during the war with Clockwork World. Sums up the entirety of the Nátta Edda, prequel to Absolution.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of Fluttershy based on the picture of this story. Rarity arrives at Fluttershy's house for their weekly spa appointment when she finds a letter on Fluttershy's kitchen table.
This story takes place before the royal wedding.
Requested by Cosmic_Guardian
This is a one-shot.

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Luna, due to a minor incident, are stuck doing a job they would rather not do. They are stuck overseeing a dance for the up and coming future nobles from Celestia's school on what should have been a date night for the two. Whatever shall two very powerful princesses do in this situation?

Chapters (1)

When the megaspells fell, everything died, but New Pegasus endured. The city of mobsters, crime, vice and gambling survived and thrived during the long balefire winter. Twenty years after the Day of Sunshine and Rainbows, New Pegasus is still a beacon in the middle of the Neighvada Desert, a pot of gold for whoever can get his hooves on it.

My name is Farsight, and I know everything about the dark secrets that the neon billboards don't show... I've seen the best and the worst; and I've pulled many strings. In my world, there are no heroes or villains, just ponies with ambitions and goals that can be bent to one's interest; for I know an undeniable truth: Everypony has a plan. Allow me to show you how I worked my way out of the gutter, how I climbed to the top of the ladder... and how I fell.

PDF version also available for download: Viva Las Pegasus PDF

Note: Thanks to Doomande, Dinawartotem and Fillyosopher for their help! To all readers, comments are welcome! I'll try to reply to them as much as possible. Thanks!

Cover Art by the magnificent CalamityB31

Chapters (30)

Sunset is invited to a picnic in Equestria where she attempts to get to know the pony versions of her friends then is asked to open a can of creamed corn. Hilarity ensues… No wait… A trip to the ER ensues. That’s what I meant to say.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions and insta-pony-girl for the Sunset Shimmer picture!

Chapters (1)

Featured on 4-16-23!? Holy crap!

Thunder Strike. Ask anypony who's ever met him and they would probably describe him as proud member of Royal Guard; specifically a Lieutenant of the Palace Division. Always doing his very best to maintain the safety and security of the staff and visitors alike, and never hesitating to do what's needed of him.

Ask those that know him and they might tell you how he's a chronic workaholic who's maintaining unhealthy, unreasonable standards for his own conduct and performance leading him to slowly but surely working himself to death, and who desperately needs a vacation before it's too late.

Like it or not, he's going to learn the hard way that nopony, no matter how dedicated they may be, can possibly burn the candle at both ends indefinitely. And perhaps he'll learn something else along the way.

Chapters (26)

Love and Hope once shone bright from a gleaming crystal city, only to be lost to the evils of indifference and despair. This is a tale of the leaders who built an empire based upon those virtues, and the two newly weds who are about to realize their shared destiny in reclaiming it.

[AU] Because of the Two Sisters book and Sombra Comic.

Edited by: Bok and Voidchicken
Proofread by: Geomancing and Wylie
Cover art by: FoxInShadow

Chapters (8)

After watching the new My Little Pony anime, Ian and Anthony wondered how stupid it would be if it were actually realistic. Little did they realize it was actually realistic.

After a magical accident involving the Elements of Harmony, the Broforce, and dimensional displacement, they find themselves—alongside the ponies from the show—at a high school. A high school... for every anime ever.

Edited by DeluxeMagnum69 and IceboxFroggie.

If you want to see a specific anime or genre portrayed/parodied, feel free to leave a suggestion!

Chapters (2)

Lapis-Lazuli presents...
When a strange and mysterious magical accident drags poor young Sweetie Belle through a rogue portal in space and time, it will be up to Twilight and her friends to rescue her from an unknown fate. Of course, they're going to have to rescue themselves as well, seeing as how they have no idea how to get home. Faced with madpony scientists, ruthless mobsters and fanatical pony supremacists, it will take every ounce of gumption, style, and genre savvy for them to survive long enough to find a way back to the Equestria they all know and love. But the strange new world they find themselves in does not want to let them leave, and it's not alone in its desire to keep them there...

Chapters (15)