A shameless, unoriginal ripoff of a similarly titled show.

Anonymous, Second Chair of the Court and local Canterlot human, doesn't take it too well when Twilight goes back on her word. With the help of his assistant, he plans to exact his revenge on the Princess.

Chapters (1)

Twilight lives in the land of dragons with her dragon family. She is content to be surrounded by her personal library, assist her high priestess mother with her rituals, occasionally organize her high-ranking officer father's files, tutor her little brother in royal manners and sometimes hang out with the third princess.

Moondancer is princess Celestia's protégée. She loves to hole up in the Canterlot research center and eat ice cream with her friends. She is also sporadically insecure about her worth, but she knows that her friends are there to help her through. With them at her sides, she can overcome anything ; she is invincible.

Simple wedding invitations would be the things to disrupt the surfacing tranquility. Except they are not simple wedding invitations. They are entrance tickets to a sinister plot and the gateways to a war between the three empires.

This story was inspired by Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress written by Wicked DG. The premise might be very similar, but I expect my way of handling it, and by extension the end result, will be completely different.

Please note that this story was planned before Gauntlet of Fire. The elements presented in the episode will most likely be completely ignored.

(Credit of the cover image goes to JaDeDJynX on Deviantart for her piece Twimage.)

Chapters (3)

He never really believed in it, but always wanted it. Now he's in a forest. A deep dark forest where danger is around every corner. But he's not afraid.


Cause he's the Druid of the Four Seasons.


This is my first story on here. So will be bad. I'm also writing this on a wilm. so don't expect fast updates.

Chapters (4)

When the Changelings attacked for a second time, pony rule in Equestria was reduced to Canterlot, ruled temporarily by Twilight Sparkle. Inside the castle walls, Twilight and her subjects have managed to hold on against Chrysalis' hordes, but they can only last for so long.

Sweetie Belle, loyal servant to Princess Twilight and the only adept political mind the ponies have, is sent overseas to unknown lands, in hopes of recruiting other nations to fight for Equestria. However, when things go awry, Sweetie Belle finds herself lost in a new land with new allies, foes, and what might be the only thing that can save Equestria: dragons.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer build herself up after the event at the Fall Formal. She has friends by her side, or at least she thinks she does. Still stubborn and wanting to be independent, the people around her try to show her that she needs friends. With hazardous powers that could endanger the ones that mean most to her, will she be able to put others before herself?
Cover Art: kazss
Profile Link: https://bit.ly/2KrZD0L
Thanks again kazss!

Chapters (9)

Fire, it was stolen from the gods. Magic, however, was given as a gift. When you do something your not supposed to, you get punished, but what happens when you don't want the gift from the powers greater than you. Twilight Sparkle acquires one such gift after a strange book appears in her basement. Now Twilight and friends will be thrown into a situation were anything the may or may not do will cause wars to end, or even begin. They must also face the lords of the old world, who are legends in their own rights, and must acquire unbelievable power to combat such a threat. The lords are not the threat though, it's the gods, they want the magic back. Remember, all a fire needs is a little fuel to burn, but what happens when that fuel, is you?

First story so constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated.

Rated Teen for innuendos and such.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is homeless and living in an old abandoned warehouse with no power and a leaky roof with almost nothing to her name, not even her favorite jacket after it was destroyed during the Fall Formal. With the school closed down for the holiday and her so called friends too caught up in their own holiday plans they don't realize Sunset not only doesn't have any...but she has no place to get food with the school closed.

Going to a close by community center Christmas Eve to get a hot meal they were giving the homeless and those down on their luck, Sunset runs into the family of the last person she expected to see there...

Chapters (1)

It was just another day for Eric Reed as the "non-native bridge to pony society" for Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. He was the only non-pony in Equestria who had fully accustomed to pony life who also wasn't native to not just Equestria, but to that world completely. A view even Spike can't claim to have.

However, even Eric's unique take on ponies couldn't prepare him for how to respond when Gallus confided in him that he had formed a crush on one of the Mane 6. So, Eric did what he had a tendency to do during times he was rattled.

He ended up putting his foot in his mouth, and not literally.

This story is one of a series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in reading any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Chase

The city of Vanhoover is having the worst winter storm in generations as Mignon Croix has to make his way home from the grocery store. Along the way home, he finds something that will change his life forever, but only if he will take the chance.

Reading The Chase is helpful but not necessary to enjoy this story.

Chapters (8)

Snails has a problem - he's been getting headaches, a lot of them, that keep him from sleeping. Trixie is quickly able to identify the problem: He isn't using enough magic, and it's building up. All Snails has to do is use more magic, and the headaches will go away. Of course, the Great and Powerful Trixie is more than willing to train a foal in the use of magic - after all, she's already training Dinky. What's one more?

...wait, why are there seven foals? Help!

A Lunaverse story.

Chapters (8)