• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


It was just another day for Eric Reed as the "non-native bridge to pony society" for Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. He was the only non-pony in Equestria who had fully accustomed to pony life who also wasn't native to not just Equestria, but to that world completely. A view even Spike can't claim to have.

However, even Eric's unique take on ponies couldn't prepare him for how to respond when Gallus confided in him that he had formed a crush on one of the Mane 6. So, Eric did what he had a tendency to do during times he was rattled.

He ended up putting his foot in his mouth, and not literally.

This story is one of a series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. However, it is not necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in reading any of the other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

Lmao :rainbowlaugh:
I probably wouldn't want to answer that question if I were hot, Eric.

Edit 2: I'm genuinely not lying, I'm on a tablet so I'm swiping over the letters to type faster

Is their gonna be a sequel to this?

Thank you for more Eric ‘buggy’ Reed stories :twilightsmile: and I apologize if I might be a little annoying about this series. I just really really like it. :twilightsheepish:

I was trying not to laugh throughout the story but that last sentence broke me. Good job, ThePinkedWonder!

Huge is a relative term, Twilight. I mean, look at Celestia...

I mean, Eric isnt wrong about Twilight being a control freak and hyper perfectionist.

“It’s just…” Twilight’s ears drooped as she stared down at her chair. “I admit my hips have grown a little wider as of late, but did you really have to call them ‘huge’?”

Oh boy, Eric you’re going to get it!!!!!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Also wonderful chapter ThePinkedWonder :twilightsmile:

I like this one-shot very much lol. Into faves :twilightsmile:


:rainbowlaugh: And as I said in the author's notes, I wouldn't either!


I'm kicking the idea around a little, but right now I have no immediate plans to.


You're welcome, and no way have you been annoying. I love that you and others are fans of the series.:twilightsmile:


I was laughing when I thought of the line and was writing it. It was definitely my favorite line of the story:rainbowlaugh:


Eric, or really anyone, really better not say anything about Celestia's hips! Unless they won't mind risking time on the moon.:rainbowlaugh:


Yep, and no one in the story really denied it. Eric just wondering if he made Twilight and her control freak and perfectionist traits sound worse than he truly thought she was, and that he doesn't think she'd be a bad girlfriend. If Gallus was older, Eric would have actually helped him try to catch her, given he thought he'd be good boyfriend material for Twi.


:rainbowlaugh:As long as he picks his word carefully, he'd probably be fine. But if he doesn't...


Glad you enjoyed and faved it:rainbowlaugh:

I dont think Celestia can actually send people to the moon as the whole sending luna was one time only and i doubt she can do it again.


It was a joke about her actually sending someone to the moon just for calling her hips huge.

Twilight has huge badoncers, doesn't she?


I can neither confirm nor deny that:rainbowlaugh:

For example, Twilight can literally create life from an inanimate object with magic (she did it in "Every Little Thing She Does")

I mean, they also make food on that episode.

I would imagine these spells aren't permanent, and if a pony ate the magic-made food,
it would turn back into the original object at some point, which would be very bad for your health.
:pinkiesick: these cupcakes taste a lot like toothpaste...

The birds she made probably aren't considered alive by some standards,
they're probably just animated constructs of hyper-realistic toys or something.
By the same logic that Discord's creations or the Mirror Pool's clones aren't considered sentient.
:pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiecrazy: 🠔 deadn't because technically never alive to begin with
:pinkiegasp: wait, so you're telling me Twilight DIDN'T do a genocide!?

Yet her magic couldn't fix Rarity's ruined mane.

I doubt Twilight knows a mane-fixing spell, and she isn't the most dexterous with her magic to use other spells to achieve the same result. You don't mess with someone's body if you don't know what you're doing (not that this has stopped her before, but at least she had a proper spell in those cases.)
:raritycry: :twilightblush:


I mean, they also make food on that episode.

Knew I should've watched that episode again just in case they did and it slipped my mind:twilightsheepish:. But I did still think that unicorns and alicorn could create food from inanimate objects, but either the food would be unsafe to eat (like how you pointed out) or could have other, less expected consequences (i.e. applying too much magic could make the food blow up later or something, and was something I even explored a little once) and was part of the reason why Eric said they usually couldn't use magic to grow or create food safely. But he never said they couldn't, and it was a way for me to try to cover it in case they could do it and I forgot.

I doubt Twilight knows a mane-fixing spell, and she isn't the most dexterous with her magic to use other spells to achieve the same result. You don't mess with someone's body if you don't know what you're doing (not that this has stopped her before, but at least she had a proper spell in those cases.)

To be fair to Twilight, according to Zecora, making manes with magic at all is "tricky", so there seems to be something about a mane's properties that makes them difficult if not impossible to repair with magic. It's an arbitrary limit, but I guess that manes have some passive magical properties that make them semi-immune (if that makes sense) to magic, perhaps as a weird quirk to Equestrian pony evolution.

Of course, the real reason was to make it so Twilight and/or Starlight couldn't fix Rarity's mane and resolve the episode too early, but where's the fun in not creating theories to explain it in-universe?

In his position, I might have replied with something like ‘‘Yeah, I got carried away there. I suppose that was unnecessary.’’


I'd say that would be a good choice.

It seems a lot of people have already forgotten about what happened when "Pink pony" decided to pay the yaks a visit. Twilight was very clearly capable of speeding up the growth of crops in very harsh conditions.

That being said, we also already have an explanation as to why unicorns don't speed up the production of food. They straight up can't. Speeding up the growth of food would require an ageing spell. And we all know how impossible it is for a unicorn to cast those. Twilight was most likely the second most magically gifted unicorn in Equestria during her duel with Trixie, only beaten out by Starlight. And even she couldn't cast an ageing spell.

As for creating food, that once again was a very high level spell based on the amount of concentration it took Twilight. Lets not forget, Twilight was never your average unicorn. Even in the second episode she was already capable of teleportation. Something Rarity hadn't mastered by the end of the show despite her occasional feats of raw magical strength. It just doesn't make sense for the handful of unicorns who can cast powerful enough spells to produce food when pretty much any earth pony seems to be capable of doing it with relatively little effort and no risk of miscasts or problematic side effects.


I had already figured that if I had forgotten any scenes where Twilight or unicorns did grow or otherwise produce food in other ways (like with transmutation or duplication spells) it would be either due to side effects or risks from using magic for it. Or just due to there being (likely) very few unicorns that could grow or multiply food with their magic, making it impractical on a worldwide scale, which you said. or both.


Aww, what a lovely revelation, Eric has a crush on Twilight due to him feeling very fuzzy and warm when near her and being helped by her multiple times

You meant Gallus. But I'm glad you liked the story!:twilightblush:

I’d just tell Twilight I was over exaggerating.


I say that would be a very good idea, whether you meant it or not.

Solo voy a decir que es una buena historia para leer

If I were Eric, I wouldn't want to answer Twilight's question about her hips. What would you say if you were him?

Depends. Probably wouldn't have discouraging Gallus by slamming Twilight in the first place though.

I'd just tell him to wait until he grows up and let Twilight handle it. They're only a few years apart anyways if EqG is even a rough guide.

Even if it's not, I would realistically speaking peg Twilight as being twenty five at most and Gallus at sixteen at the earliest.

Assuming a similar age of consent as in the US, that's not a insurmountable age gap. People aged father apart have been married before.

(Alex Trebek and his wife Jean had a twenty plus age gap). Nine years or so is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

If I'd had to weasel my way out, obviously I describe it as a ludicrous exaggeration, but that's just common sense.

By the way, if you're wondering where the idea of "unicorns and alicorns can't safely use magic to boost Equestria's food production" came from, it's my little headcanon on why none seem to do it in canon, unless I forgot about something.

I just assume the power levels to create and fuel the growth of a multifaceted organism are astronomical.

Plus Equestria probably doesn't have the same demand for food that foreign countries in our world would have.

So there's no reason to experiment and take undue risks, when the usual way is much more tried and tested.

It probably doesn't hurt that such a innovation would make a ton of worker ponies redundant.

yet her magic couldn't fix Rarity's ruined mane.

I mean Trixie was able to turn Rarity's mane green before.

Now maybe that was simply a illusion, but it proves that manes can be cosmetically altered by someone with the right magic.


The birds she made probably aren't considered alive by some standards,
they're probably just animated constructs of hyper-realistic toys or something.
By the same logic that Discord's creations or the Mirror Pool's clones aren't considered sentient.

I mean just because they probably aren't legally considered alive or sapient doesn't mean they aren't alive or sapient for all practical purposes though.

If the Pinkie Pie clones weren't nearly identical biological facsimiles of Pinkie Pie, one would think there would be a spell to tell the differences between them.

The very existence of a spell designed to return things to normal (basically targeting magical effects) supports this, even if it didn't work orginally. (The Return Of Harmony Part I)

For Twilight not to consider using such a spell implies there was a definite non magical component involved with the Pinkie clones.

But these are a bit heady topics to discuss over what is basically a comedic story.


Assuming a similar age of consent as in the US, that's not a insurmountable age gap. People aged father apart have been married before.

Yeah even a nine-year age gap wouldn't be that bad barring the younger one isn't a teenager, so if Gallus was a little older, Eric wouldn't have felt as much of a need to talk Gallus out of his crush. He still would have wondered if a student hooking up with a teacher would have been a good idea, but he may not have tried to interfere and instead just went to Twilight and told her.

Hindsight being 20/20, it would have been a good idea for Eric to tell Twilight what Gallus told him. If he had more time to think about it, he probably would have told Twilight and let her deal with it. He has a tendency to act before thinking, sorta like how Starlight does but with less extreme potential.

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