
Spike led Thorax into the throne room of the Crystal Castle confident he could convince the others that the changeling could be trusted. That he meant no harm, and instead wanted to be an ally and live peacefully with them. That he could make them see Thorax for what he really was. That they could befriend the changeling and accept him as one of their own.

They didn't.

And consequences followed.

First featured on 11/12/2016. -- Now with a TV Tropes page. -- Review by Arcanum Phantasy -- Review by PaulAsaran

Chapters (98)

Orisian was a juggernaut. He could break through castle walls alone if you gave him the order. He could obliterate enemy ranks if it was required, and he could hold off thousands of enemy forces if it meant protecting his superiors. But even with his experience and strength, no one can save a kingdom that is past its glory days. So what happens when his world falls, and everything he fights for is gone?

Added the Romance tag. Honestly never expected to have that in this story.

Chapters (13)

Twilight insists she's not the one destroying the world. Rarity knows she's lying, but she has a dress to finish.

Not an official part of Monochromatic's RariTwi Bomb, but inspired by it nonetheless.

Prereading and moral support provided by forbloodysummer and Tethered-Angel.

Chapters (1)

I have been branded a criminal for a crime I have no recollection of committing. The transgression of which I'm accused is evidently heinous enough that my friends, my family, and the rest of Equestria have turned against me. I want to say that I didn't do it, that it wasn't my fault, but I can't. The only thing I can say in my defense is that if the deed was truly done by my hoof, then it was done due to circumstances beyond my control.

I say this because I can't remember. I say this because I'm not allowed to remember. I say this because my mind is no longer my own. It belongs to the voice, you see. It crawled into my head one day—poured cruel and malicious words into my brain. I tried to fight it but it grew and grew and grew until was powerful enough to seep into my memories, my limbs, my magic. Now it won't let me go. It's taken my mind and body away from me. It does terrible things and hides the truth from me.

I am not mad, but under these circumstances what else can I do but plead insanity?

The events described take place before Season 1.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash is tired of Applejack and Rarity always arguing and tries to get them to admit their feelings for each other. Too bad she's dealing with the two most stubborn people in the world outside herself.

Editor: Alovelylittlecomplex

Contain Rarijack, humanized ponies (the type that can fly and shoot magic[because that's realistic{sarcasm}]), strong language, and an odd mishmash of the show, comics, and EQG continuity.

Not sure if comedy tag applies, but this is meant to be lighthearted in tone.

Chapters (1)

Planet 8953 Prime
Type: Terrestrial
Resource Rank: S
Size: Medium
Environment: Habitable
Inhabitants: TBD...

Prep the drop pod, send down your tech, prepare for resource extraction, compete with other prospectors, and most importantly, make loads of money.

This story is going to be based off a combination of some of my favorite games "Terratech" and "Factorio". There may be some other large references too.

Chapters (32)

This fanfic is dedicated to the men and women who serve to protect our freedom. It is dedicated to the poor souls who lost their lives on the fields of Verdun, the Somme, Gallipoli in the First World War, to those who saved us from tyranny in World War Two, and many others who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
These people are soldiers of the Free World. As such they live, and as such they die.

Scootaloo never knew her parents. When she was very young, she was left in the care of her uncle, who took care of her. But one day, she finally meets her father.

Inspired by this fanart: https://that1andonly.deviantart.com/art/Surprise-Scootaloo-347308063
Its author, THAT1ANDONLY, kindly gave me permission to use his piece as a thumbnail. God Bless him.

NB: The show is probably going to address the subject of Scootaloo's family, so this story is going to get the AU tag sooner or later.

Chapters (1)

After the betrayal of her friends over the new rumors of Anon - a -Miss, Sunset finds herself stranded in a school that now hates her. But as she continues to persevere through the harrowing school days, she starts to see that not everything is perhaps as dark as she once made it out to be. Even if her own friends don't believe her, that doesn't mean there aren't others that do.

Various short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss story line that I've been so enthralled with, but done in a far lighter tone than most of the stories I tend to come across on the topic. Events will be altered slightly, as well as an addition of a Suicide tag which is for a later chapter, which will be warned in advance.

Chapters (14)

Nightmare Moon has won, and the world has been shrouded in eternal night. But hope still lives. The land of Equestria is currently divided between the armies of the usurper and those of the Dawn Militia. However, the greatest danger to the rebellion may not be the dreaded Mare of the Moon, but her lieutenant, Eclipse–formerly known as Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to New Life in Equestria

One rainy day in the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor get an unexpected visitor: their human nephew Joshua, and he's all by himself!

What exactly made him come all the way out here all by himself?

Chapters (6)