• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 7,935 Views, 96 Comments

Like a Phoenix - Pyro Kittens In Suits

A series of hopeful short stories based on the Anon - a - Miss storyline

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Sunset chastised herself for having been taken by surprise for what seemed like the third time this week. But she was grateful that the face that stared her down was adorned with a big smile and bright eyes, rather than the scorning expression she had become accustomed to. A Ditzy Doo Sunset recalled, having realized the famous odd eye that she now stared into.

“Delivery?” She questioned, unsure if it was rude to stare or avoid eye contact.

“Yep,” Ditzy chirped happily in response. “For a Miss Sunset Shimmer.”

Though Sunset suspected the worst from a unmarked box being cheerfully handed to her, she found herself pleasantly surprised when she discovered a small amount of muffins carefully packed inside instead of a box full of springed snakes, or a glitter bomb. Unsure of what to make of this, she looked up to question the deliverer of whom could have sent the odd gift, but found herself suddenly alone as Ditzy was no longer in sight.

Sighing to herself, Sunset moved to inspect the baked goods first by sniffing them for anything suspicious. They smelled as normal as any muffin could, a hint of blueberries in some and a faint aroma of chocolate in others. She carefully picked off a small piece, placing it into her mouth and having no immediate need to spit out the confection, dared to take a complete bite. Though later she would chastise herself for being so careless at what she ate, she couldn’t stop herself from finishing up the pastry before eating another, before stopping herself at the promise she could save the rest for later. At the very least her stomach was grateful for the snack, and Sunset was pleasantly surprised as she faced no later illness that day due to her bingeing on unknown muffins.

It was only the day after the sudden delivery that she had been stopped in the hallways again, that same girl with the odd lazy eye brandishing another small box stepping into her pathway. That smile having never strayed from her face as she lit up in seeing Sunset, making a beeline for her box and all.

“Delivery, for a Miss Sunset Shimmer!” She chanted again, thrusting the package forward.

“Thanks.” Sunset responded, quickly taking the pastry box. “I suppose you don’t know whom these are from?”

In turn the bubbly student almost appeared shy, blushing slightly as she shifted her gaze for a moment as she talked.

“I’ve actually been sending them and delivering them myself.”

“What?” Sunset questioned, slightly shocked at the answer.

“I sometimes do deliveries for my job at a bakery, whenever there are extra uneaten pastries for the day I tend to take them home with me. But seeing you so upset lately got me thinking maybe you could have used some cheering up.” She said. “I just hope you like muffins.”

Sunset remained stunned for a moment, unsure of what to make at the sudden gesture of kindness.

“Even with everyone saying I’m Anon - a - Miss?”

“For someone posting rumours and secrets, you sure seem positively miserable. And you saved us from the Sirens too, so this can be said as thanks for that.”

“Even after I bullied you, the whole school, and everyone was scared of me?”

“I get called names all the time, it hurts but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t gotten used to it by now. Not to mention, you’re the only person to actually apologize for everything you’ve done. You seemed so upset after you were transformed back, I always thought that you’ve must have felt awful for everything after that.”

Sunset swallowed hard, biting back a small dam of tears as she mentally yelled at herself for being so choked up at the simplest of gestures.

“Thanks.” She managed to choke out.

“It’s no problem.” Ditzy happily responded. “I’ll see if I can snag anything other than muffins next time I’m working.”

And with that, she skipped off into the hallways leaving a sentimental Sunset behind. Easing her breathing out, Sunset carefully cradled the box of muffins to her chest as she braced herself for the inevitable shovings she’d get in the hallways. Though a welcome burden to ensure the pastries were prevented from being completely flattened from various trippings. And as she snacked on them after school hours it had managed to put a smile on her face as she realized she had something to look forward to in the oncoming weeks.