Deputy Constance S. Twilight had all the qualities of a great lawpony: she was brave, convicted, honorable... and terribly terribly alone.

But to save the town of Ponyton against the world's deadliest bandit, it's not enough to be fast on the draw. To save the world, she'll have to master harmony.

The strongest gun of them all.

Dust and Harmony is a familiar story re-imagined in a western world called Dust.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Lies We Tell Ourselves

A month after Applejack came out as transgender, she confides in her best friend and her family about her troubles. She finds it’s not good to keep it all inside, even if she doesn’t mean to. At least they’ve got her back.

Another entry to my Transverse AU. Recommend you start at the beginning.
This fic contains dysphoria, boob jokes, characters experiencing feelings of uncomfiness and supportive family!
Thanks to my wonderful friend RainbowDashSonicFast for pre-reading <3

Consider donating to Point of Pride (A charity for Trans People!)

Chapters (1)

Alternate universe story where Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Flim & Flam, Suri Polomare, Lightning Dust, and Gilda are the main characters. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, in fact.

After an adventure to find the Elements of Irony to defeat Nightmare Moon, Sunset finds herself stuck living in Ponyville. Absurd comedy awaits as she and her friends acquaintances have equally absurd misadventures where no one seems to learn anything.

Chapters (47)

While I'm pretty sure that being transformed into a Hero from a Movie can be considered cool in more than one way, I just don't see it.
"This... is so wrong."

Being sent to a land where Myths and Legends come to life is not a fun way to die.
"Nice puppies?"

It's not Hell, and it's not Heaven, and I'm pretty sure that this isn't Nebraska!
"Oh, crap."

I'm not sure what happened.
"Thou vile beast, We demand to know how you appeared here!"
"You and I both, lady."

And apparently I'm not very good with first impressions.
"... She started it!"
"Thou deceiving mongrel, We weren't the one who started the battle!"
"You threw the first punch, I just returned the favor."

And even without interruptions by some assholes...
"You know what is the difference between us?"
"Oh, pray to tell?"
"I'm fireproof, you, not so much."

I feel that my goal to get home will be pretty hard to achieve, all thing consider.
"But that's impossible!"
"You know, I'm pretty sure that by now this word left my dictionary forever."

{Character-tags will be updated with the story.}
{Currently being Edited by The Snide Sniper.}

Chapters (1)

Centuries ago, the younger sibling of the Solar Princess was sealed away. What followed that was the disastrous rebellion of the young sister's soldiers. Once the rebellion was crushed along with the Lunar Branch of the diarchy a period of harmony begun... or at least that was what was said. During this period, an "Incident" happened that nearly caused the collapse of the Solar Monarchy. An event that was "lost" to history. Centuries later, after the resealing of Discord; Princess Celestia summoned Twilight Sparkle for a secret mission.

"Twilight Sparkle, please help the Lunar Captain make some friends."

A journey regarding the hidden dark past of Equestria waits for the young hero.

Chapters (17)


Potions Teacher.



Severus Snape was known as many things. But right now, he was just confused.

"And just...what are you all supposed to be?"

Chapters (7)

What would happen if Spike was born earlier than in the show and was raised by dragons instead of ponies? What if his teacher told him to come with him to meet with Celestia and the recently returned Luna. How will the princesses and Elements of Harmony handle a blunt, sarcastic, and strong young dragon. And how would this affect a certain shy Pegasus who is afraid of dragons.

A.U./Anthro/ Slow FlutterSpike

Edited by Starblade

Chapters (7)

Pinkie Pie is absolutely insane. Rainbow Dash is a public menace. This annoying yellow girl keeps showing up at the most inconvenient moments. It's too much!

Now Twilight and Spike are universe hopping, hoping to find someplace that isn't as messed up and stupid as the world they left.

And they seem to have found the perfect one...

The Twilight and Spike in this story are those from the Mentally Advanced Series by Dawn Somewhere.

This story was Featured on July 15th, 2019.

Chapters (1)

A long time ago, a whole manor, and everypony inside it, mysteriously disappeared without leaving any trace.

But it reappeared at the edge of the Everfree Forest, and Twilight decided to go investigate followed by her friends, only to not come back. Worried, and not wanting to miss an occasion to get their Cutie Masks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders entered the manor at the start of the night, only for two of them to be foalnapped by ghosts, and for the third to barely escape with the help of an old stallion.

Now armed with the Poltergust, a powerful tool to capture ghosts, Apple Bloom returns in the manor, ready to save everypony, even if she has to fight every ghosts in this manor.

A long night of terror starts for her.

Happens between season 2 and season 3. Also possesses some Dark and Drama

The saga now has a TV Tropes page (spoiler for the whole saga).

Chapters (7)

Princess Twilight Sparkle, in a new, peaceful era for Equestria, has gotten bored of just reading. No- she wants to discover for herself. Only, Equestria has run out of discoverable facts.

Then Princess Luna reveals an astounding fact to the younger princess. A few observations and a little engineering later, and she's ready to blast off for the stars.

Only, before she even breaks out her contraption, a computer glitch leaves something else to investigate- something far closer than the stars, yet something that might reveal the secret of the stars to her.

Chapters (19)