• Published 21st Aug 2018
  • 948 Views, 75 Comments

The First Equestrian Starliner - computerneek

Twilight has developed an insatiable hunger for new information, and not just that which can be found in her library. Thus, she is overjoyed when her hunger is sated by a computer glitch.

  • ...

Chapter 18

“Uh, Twilight, dear?”

“Mm?” Twilight asks, looking over. All the rest of her friends, plus Midnight and Cold Coils, are lined up next to her, on the same strange, round thing.

“Do you happen to know why I have wings?”

… and all Alicorns.

“Um,” she begins intelligibly. “No? Athena?”

“Use of the transporters on thaumically capable ponies appears to induce ascension.”

“... and you didn’t guard against that why?”

“This vessel is not equipped with any other way to have performed the rescue involved. Energy weapons fire graced your prior position approximately zero point three one six seconds after extraction.”

“... Oh. And how long ago was that, objectively?”

“This vessel is currently holding a timeline position exactly equal to that of extraction.”

She blinks. “Wait. Currently holding?”


“You mean you can travel through time!?


“Then you can take us back to Equestria.”


“What?” Swift Orbit asks, looking up. “I thought Navigation was buggered.” He glances at Twilight. “Lots of ponies have asked for that, and she’s always answered that navigation was offline.”

“Wait,” Twilight states, before looking at the ceiling. “You managed to fix Navigation?”


She blinks. “What changed?”

“The Navigation System was released from Kronos Lock one point three minutes ago and is ready for duty.”

So she sighs. “Then… oh, I don’t know. How are the repairs?”

“Full repairs have been completed through the use of Dual Kronos Activation.”

“Dual Kronos Activation?” she asks.

“Affirmative. This vessel received parts for repairs from its future selves; immediately following repair completion, Dual Kronos Activation was used to create extra time for this vessel to return back on itself to manufacture parts for provision to its past self, and to provide the same. This Dual Kronos Layer contained no crew or passengers; Dual Kronos Activation was perceived by all crew and passengers as a minor vibration. The aforementioned predestination paradox has been fulfilled in its entirety, immediately prior to your extraction.”

“How… How long did that take, subjective?”

“Dual Kronos Activation expanded time available for full-capacity parts manufacture and resource collection by three hundred twenty-six point four years.”

“What-! How long did it take to build you?”

“Original construction time, with the assistance of dedicated yard and support facilities not available in deep space, is recorded as three years, seven months, and four days.”

“Alright, let’s go back to Equestria. It’s been far too long; Celestia’s probably got a long list of problems waiting for us.”

“Error; this vessel is not authorized to travel near Equus at this point in the timeline.”

“... What?”

“This vessel is not authorized to travel near Equus at this point in the timeline.”

“What’s that mean?”

“This vessel is not authorized to divulge any further detail to any entity, including Command Personnel.”

“... Well isn’t that just dandy.”

Twilight has asked Athena to travel back to Equestria several times, always met by the same answer. She could take them just about anywhere else they wanted to go, though- not that she wanted to go anywhere but home.

So now, a full year after her extraction onto the ship, the thing is still floating just off of Earth, at exactly the same timeline position as she had been extracted at.

“Wait a minute,” Twilight says, head shooting up in the air. “How far back can we go in the timeline?”


Blink. “How are we doing on fuel?”

“All fuel reserves are filled to capacity. Entropy Engine operating at negative zero point three percent capacity.”

She tilts her head. “Entropy Engine?”

“The Entropy Engine harnesses the energy lost to entropy in a universe. This universe has an infinite supply of such energy; thanks to matter production processes happening aboard this vessel, entropy is being used as a sump for excess energy.”



“And matter production?”

“Affirmative. Earth pony magic has been confirmed to create matter.”

“... Um, okay. Yeah. Um, let’s go back to Equestria, if possible, at the timeline position in which you first arrived.”

“Orders confirmed; en route. Warning: Disembarkation at specified location and timeline position may result in a Grandfather Paradox.”

Twilight shudders. “Yeah, don’t want to do that. Um, the you arriving in the universe at that point has everything working, right?”


“Um… Yeah. Sabotage its navigation system, please. I don’t want it going anywhere. Then slide forwards in the timeline until we can appear without causing a paradox, and do that.”

“Orders confirmed. Placing Navigation System of past self under Kronos Lock and placing paradox warnings now; Predestination Paradox fulfilled. Releasing Kronos now, at July Two, Six Thirty-Seven PM, Year One Zero One Three, Canterlot Universal Time, in Low Equus Orbit.”

“Predest-?” Twilight blinks, and facehooves. “And I bet I can’t go back and undo that Kronos lock without making a Grandfather Paradox.”

“Negative; the paradox created would be considered a Lets-Kill-Hitler paradox; this, like the Grandfather Paradox, is another method by which the timeline can be destroyed.”

She shudders. “Yeah, don’t want to do that. Oh well. Um, what just happened to make a grandfather paradox no longer a danger?”

“Kronos release occurred zero point three seconds after this Vessel’s past self departed on Distortion Drive."

“Awesome! Now, where’s the intercom?”

Screens throughout the ship light up, displaying Captain Twilight Sparkle sitting on her Command Chair, as the gentle chime of the All-Hands signal sounds through the ship. She waits a couple seconds as millions, billions, of ponies look up from whatever they were doing.

“We made it, Ladies and Gentlecolts,” she smiles, from every screen on the ship. “We’re here. Low Equus Orbit.”

Applause erupts all over the ship, some slightly delayed as the listeners process the terms.

Twilight smiles, giving pause for it to fade some. “Now, there is some less pleasant news as well, I’m afraid. That is, Equestria isn’t nearly as big as this ship. Unfortunately, we won’t all be able to disembark at once- not for a very long time. But we’re here!”

Author's Note:

Yeah, it's a shortie.

Yeah, I've never been very good at falling action. Or conclusion.
So I guess we'll see how well I manage it all next chapter, eh?

In any case, we now know the reason this story isn't a perfect match to The Equestrian Starliner.