Larry the lightbulb has been unscrewed from his comfy socket by the number one minion to the purple horse of ultimate evilness. With his trusty flying steed Jeff, and a ton of light bulb power, Larry will show them who's boss, for the glory of the god of light bulbs: Thomas Edison.

Cover art by the ridiculously, indescribably amazing NarwhalUnicorn.

Chapters (4)

During the second time he's imprisoned, Discord gets bored and goes wandering, looking for mortals to aggravate. He finds a species nearly as chaotic as himself, humans. He settles on one human male who seems happy enough, and decides to use him. Deciding to make a sort of game out of it, Discord tricks the guy into going to Equestria. After a few days Discord transports the princesses to opposite ends of the universe. Discord has the human sign a contract stating that all guy has to do is find and return the princesses and he will leave the pony folk alone and return to his statue. If the man should fail, however, Discord will rule both worlds forever. Rated teen for mild language.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Ponyville Noire: Misty Streets of Equestria

Daring Do and Phillip Finder have faced many foes since they partnered up. They have defeated the blackmailer Silvertongue, the pirate Whitestone, the femme fatale Scarlet Letter, and the monstrous Zugzwang.

But now another foe comes to haunt Ponyville. Many thought that the Plague Doctor was nothing more than a myth born of the horrors of the Crystal War. Others know better, fearing the name of Sombra's most dangerous assassin.

And now he's in Ponyville.

While they are stalked by the assassin, Daring Do and Phillip Finder must also unravel the thefts of magical artifacts masterminded by the archeologist-turned-mercenary Doctor Caballeron. And worse, enemies from their past return to torment them and their friends. Who is guiding them? What is their goal?

And what ancient evil is waiting in the Everfree Forest?

Updates every Saturday. Proofread by Eagle—Paladin of Shadows

The fourth story of the Noireverse.

Sex and Gore tags for suggestive content and graphic descriptions.

Check out the theme music by The L-Train by clicking here!

Chapters (49)

Rainbow Dash has always been independent. She never really NEEDED anybody to comfort her. Except maybe her friends. But when Scootaloo comes waltzing in her life, Dash's life is about to change. She discovers her sisterly feelings for Scootaloo and decides to teach her everything she knows. And with a sister... there comes trouble. But may this trouble turn out for the better? Her chances have never been this amazing. Her whole life and perspective is about to change... forever.

Chapters (2)

At first I thought I was dreaming, since the last thing I remember was taking a nap. Well it turns out I died when some bee bear monster crashed into my house and it collapsed on top of me.

Since I've got these wings and halo, I'm pretty sure I know where it is that I'm supposed to be. Unfortunately my bad luck seems to have struck once again, as I appear to be lost somewhere in the afterlife! Still at least this time I have a really good reason to keep going. After all, Heaven awaits. Now if I can only find it...

Picture artist unknown will take down if asked.

Picture found using google image search.

Site picture is from: http://dreamatico.com/heaven.html

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to I am Living Lava?

Rose has finally gotten permission to leave her gilded cage and travel freely around this new world, what wonders will she encounter, will she make a new friend? or will she become the threat Celestia saw her as?

Find out in her own Travel Journal!

Chapters (2)

Applejack and Rainbow have finally gotten hitched, and to celebrate they've planned the trip of a lifetime. A train north to Vanhoover, a zeppelin across the Smokey Mountains, and a perilous leap into lands unknown. The rain wilds are waiting for them.

Chapters (1)

What is the difference between and Individual and a Group?

That was the question the mad god asked before tearing apart countless people's lives, changing and altering their very bodies to fit the creatures of this world before dumping them upon this world.

Some seek to find a way home while others see this as a blessing seeking to carve out their own stories... or their own kingdoms. Few bother to seek answers.

(Note they have yet to see Season Six of MLP)/written before Season Six

The Fantastic cover art is from Mix-up


also big thanks to Mix-up for helping proofread/edit

Chapters (30)

[Rated T for foul language and small amount of violence!]
[Crossovers with Undertale and MLP]
[Warning!!! Displaced story!]

Equestria's local draconequus, Discord, is not pleased with his standing in the land of ponies. He doesn't want to be tolerated or feared, he wants to be praised and admired! And yet all he seems to be is that annoying neighbor that others seem to barely deal with.

With his betrayal in joining Tirek and being useless in Starlight Glimmer's recent time shattering attack, Discord has found his happiness saved twice by Princess Twilight. While she and her friends will be remembered for centuries as the ponies who stood up to countless challenges and saved the world itself more than once, all that will be remembered of the draconequus was his short tyrannical reign.

That is not something Discord wants, and he's desperate to find a way to gain the admiration and fame that his seven friends have achieved through their countless selfless acts of duty. So, how does a draconequus like Discord go about winning the hearts of Equestria?

By creating a fake quest with false dangers, villains, and world threatening circumstances of course! In order to be the hero of the story, he needs to create one first, and there's an entire multiverse full of resources he can use in his quest.

Now he just needs to find the right 'partner in crime' to help him start his 'quest'...

A big thanks to SnapDrakeGames for looking over the first two chapters and editing it!
Also to DJSkywalker who gave some great ideas for this story!

New and improved Displaced story set for one comedic adventure. I appreciate criticism and suggestions, and thank you for giving this story a chance and reading it!

Chapters (3)

An ancient evil is about to rise from a third alicorn, and our only hope lies in the claws of a young dragon. Will he be able to stop this evil? Or will he die without telling the one he loves how he truly feels.

Chapters (28)