• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 16,345 Views, 1,425 Comments

For the Ones we Love - FlimFlamBros.

Spike must save Equestria from a newborn evil. But will he be able to stop it?

  • ...

The Party

I think of you in my dreams
Hoping that we’re meant to be

Spike soared through the air, his stomach burning and his heart in shambles. The fight he just had with Sweetie Belle was still fresh in his mind. He could not believe what she had just told him, and he didn’t. He heard what Rarity said with his own ears. How she thought he was a beast, and how she wished that he had left a long time ago. He flew to the Ponyville Park, a place he liked to go when he was upset. He perched himself on the large thick branch of an oak tree. As he sat down, he took a look at the view. The night was in full bloom, all the stars dotting the sky like little diamonds on a dark violet veil. He looked at Luna’s moon, bright and round in the sky. So alone she must have been. A thousand years in exile with no pony to comfort her, no friends, no love. It reminded him of his situation.

“It’s all true,” he said out loud. “I’m just a big scary monster, a villain in a filly’s tale.” The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. “She knew I had a crush on her! She knew ever since my birthday! And she just uses me to find gems!” He felt the fire burn in his belly, begging to explode. “What kind of mare plays with someone’s emotions like that?!” he yelled, steam blowing out of his nose. He gave a loud roar as his mouth burst into green fire, a stream of molten fire was flung into the air.

When the burning in his gut was gone he stopped and looked at the flames. He always loved his fire, the colour and strength behind it made him feel better and sometimes he saw patterns in the flames. He looked closely at the jade coloured fire and was stunned. Before the flame flickered out, he could have sworn the flames were in the shape of a heart.

His heart started to ache. “Who am I kidding? I love her.”

He took a deep breath. Why did he love somepony who could never love him back? Spike slid from the tree and fell to the ground. A pain spiked in his stomach but he ignored it. It was nothing compared to the pain in his broken heart. Slowly, he began his journey home. Normally, it would take him thirty minutes or less to get to the library, but he wasn’t focusing on going home, just on walking in the night. Spike heard the steady beat of music calling in the distance as he was walking. Confused, he started to follow the noise. It led back to the tree house. All the lights were on and there was the strong aroma of cake in the air. Another Pinkie party, he thought to himself as he smiled. He could really use some cheering up right now, and what better way to get happy than at a party? He slowly opened the door to the library, only to be met with an explosion of confetti.

“SURPRISE!!” screamed several ponies, followed by joyful cheering.

Pinkie quickly approached him, dragging him in the house. “Hi Spike! I’m so glad you could make it to your party!” she cheered, an odd statement considering he lived here. “I threw this party just for you cause you’re a hero and everypony in town wanted to come and celebrate and I was all like --GAK!! She was suddenly gagged by a hoof full of cake that Twilight shoved in her face.

Twilight rolled her eyes and gave Spike a hug. “I’m glad your back and feeling better” she said. She was tearing up, but Spike knew they were tears of joy.

Spike smiled, nuzzling the unicorn. “It’s good to be back,” he stated.

“Now come on Twi!” said Applejack, shouting over the crowd. “Let the dragon go, he can’t enjoy the party with y’all holding him tighter than a wet hog on weaseling day!”

“Sorry,” Twilight said as she let go of the dragon with a red face. “It’s just that I missed you so much, Spike.”

“It’s okay Twilight. I missed you too,” he said, scrunching up Twilights mane before heading into the party.

Pinkie had really gone all out on this party. Ponies were dancing and mingling to the steady beat of party music, and a group of ponies were at the makeshift bar taking, from what he could tell, body shots. Everypony seemed to be having a good time. Every pony. He walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of hard cider, before walking to one of the tables Pinkie had set up.

He hadn’t even opened his drink when an all too familiar voice whispered in his ear. “Guess whoooooooooooo?”

“Hello Lyra. I assume Bon-Bon is somewhere nearby?” he asked the green unicorn.

“You know it!” her cream coloured companion said. The two took seats next to the dragon. “So how was the hospital?”

“Not so bad. There was this hot nurse there that gave me a sponge bath,” he grinned.

“Ooooooo, kinky!” cooed Lyra. “You do it with her?” she asked.

“I highly doubt it, Lye” said Bon-Bon. “He wouldn’t want to hurt the misses,” she giggled.

“Don’t,” snapped the dragon. “I’m not in the mood.”

Bon-Bon saw how serious the dragon looked, and quickly tried to change the subject. “So…do you have any scars?” she asked.

“Yeah! Come on show us!” begged Lyra.

The dragon sighed. “I have this one on my eye,” he said pointing to his face.

“Whoa…” gasped Lyra. “That’s so cool! You look like a badass now!”

“And I didn’t before?” he joked. “And I also have this massive one on my stomach as you probably noticed.”

“Can we see it?” asked Bon-Bon.

Spike shook his head. “Not allowed to take the bandage off. It still might be healing.”

“Well, that sucks,” groaned Lyra. “Any more?”

“Well, I got this one on my hand. Damn dog bit me,” he growled, the memory still fresh in his mind.

“So tell us, what exactly happened?” asked Lyra. “Pinkie tried to explain it, but she’s not the most reliable source of information.”

“Well, there we were. I was flying in the air, the freaking dog had just slashed my stomach open and was clinging to my foot.” The two ponies gasped as they listened to the tale. “My blood was pouring down on his face, but I could still make out that sick, evil smile. So I grabbed him from my foot and started to strangle him.” His tone was getting darker, the ponies were completely engulfed in his tale. “I could feel the life leaving his body, but he kept on laughing. He was dying and he was laughing. Then he said something that put me over the edge…”

“What?” the cream coloured pony asked, fear in her voice.

“He said, and I’ll never forget this, …I got inside of her.”

The Lyra and Bon-Bon were dead silent. The dragon’s face was stripped of all emotion as he stared at the two ponies.

“I don’t know if he was telling the truth, or just trying to piss me off, but I just lost it,” Spike said.

Lyra gulped the giant lump in her throat. “What did you do?”

“Simple,” he said grimly. “I tore his frickin head off.”

“W-W-What? How?” stuttered Bon-Bon.

“It was easy,” he said, raising his unopened bottle. “Like flicking off a bottle cap,” he said as flicked his finger up, the tin bottle caps launching off the bottle with ease.

It spun in the air before landing on the table with an eerie little clang. Spike lifted up the bottle to his lips as his quickly emptied the contents of the bottle into his mouth. He dropped the bottle on the ground and looked at his friends. There was a look of shock frozen to their face.

“I’m going to get some air,” he told them. He didn’t know if they heard him or not. To be honest, he didn’t care. He slowly pushed through the crowd of ponies and headed upstairs to the balcony.

The air was still cool and the sky was still clear as Spike headed out on the balcony. He leaned on the balcony and looked out on the town he called home. He ran his claw down his face he thought of what he just told Lyra and Bon-Bon. He would have to apologize to them. They didn’t do anything to deserve that. He was so consumed in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the purple mare coming from behind him.

“Spike, is everything okay?” she asked him, walking up next to him.

“Of course, never better,” he lied.

“Spike, you know you can’t lie to me,” she told him. “No matter how hard you try.” Spike smiled at Twilight’s comment. “Come on Spike, you can tell me anything, you know that.”

Spike sighed. “All right Twilight, I’ll tell you,” he said, as he explained what happened at Rarity’s.


“Will you hurry up? You’ve been in there for over an hour!” Sweetie Belle screamed at her sister through the door of the bathroom. “The party already started!”

Rarity had just walked out of the bath, all the blood and grim that was stuck to her coat had vanished, her hair was steamy and hung down in an almost seductive matter. “I’m almost done, I just need to decide if I’m going to wear my hair up or down.”

“Oh my Celestia! Who gives a buck what your hair looks like?” Sweetie yelled from beyond the door.

Rarity gasped. “Sweetie Belle! A lady never goes out in public with her hair out of place!”

“ARGH!” groaned Sweetie, clearly irritated by her sister and her obsession with her hair. “Fine. If you don’t hurry up, I’m just going to go to the party myself!” She got an idea. “Think of the reactions everypony will have if they find out your late for the party. It’d be very un-lady like of you!”

Rarity’s mind quickly snapped back to reality, as she quickly shook her mane, as it magically fell to her normal style. “Coming, I’m coming!” she said as she ran out the door. “Come on Sweetie, hurry up, we can’t be tardy!”

Sweetie Belle face-hoofed on that last comment as she followed her sister out of the Boutique.


Twilight listened to every word that Spike had to say, and she could not help but feel bad for him, he was after all, like a little brother to her. “Spike, if you feel that way about her, you should go tell her that.”

“Because….” He tried to say, but there was nothing but depression in his voice and he feared he would cry again, and if there was one pony he didn’t want to cry in front of, it was Twilight. “Look at me Twilight. Rarity always wanted a prince, she deserves a prince. I’m just a dragon, a monster in filly tales. She just thinks of me as a mobile pincushion and a stupid little crush.”

“That’s not true Spike” Twilight said, as she slowly stroked the dragons arm. “You’re more to her than a pincushion, you’re her friend.”

That was not what the dragon wanted to hear. “That’s part of the problem, I’ve always loved her and I’m stuck in the friend zone. She always wanted her perfect stallion, and that’s not me,” he sighed looking towards the mountains where the large castle-like city of Canterlot was located. “Maybe I can reintroduce her to Prince Blueblood. I heard he wasn’t a jerk anymore.”

Twilight felt a wave of compassion wash over her for her dragon. She quickly moved over to hug the big dragon, the warmth of his body warmed up her heart. “You’re a great guy Spike, and you can’t let anypony tell you otherwise.” She looked up into his emerald eyes, right before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I love you Spike,” she said.

“I know you do,” he said, giving the unicorn a tender kiss on her forehead. She broke away from the dragon, smiling, and headed to the door. “Headed back inside Twi?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said. “I’m going to go get some more cake.” She looked back in the house. “Besides, I should probably give you two some privacy.”

Spike scrunched his scarred eye with confusion. “Two?”

Twilight smiled as a white mare walked to the door, her mane a deep purple and the blue eyes he fell in love with.

Twilight gave Rarity a hug before leaving. “Please be careful with him, he means so much to me and I don’t want to see him get hurt again.”

“Don’t worry darling,” the white unicorn reassured her. “Never again,” she said, and with that Twilight left down stairs, closing the door magically behind her.

Spike was sure he was going to have a heart attack. His stomach rose and he felt weak around the legs. Some of it may have been a result of his injuries, but he couldn’t help but feel this way as Rarity slowly made her way over to Spike. Spike tried to keep his voice as calm as possible, but he knew that he couldn’t. “So how long have you been here?” he asked.

“Long enough to know that Blueblood is still a jerk,” she responded, inching closer to Spike.

“And how do you know that?” asked the dragon.

“Darling, I make trips to Canterlot all the time. It’s where I find new styles for my Gala dresses,” she told him, as if it were obvious. “I tried to talk to him once and he still hasn’t the slightest idea how to treat a lady.”

“Oh,” he said, trying to hide his smile. “I’m sorry you had to put up with him again.”

“Don’t be,” she smiled. “He’s a jackass.”

The two laughed a little as they stared out at Luna’s beautiful night. The moon light seemed to make Rarity’s diamond white coat shine even more than usual, as her whole body was like a perfect gem. The two stood there in the night, not saying anything.

“So is that how you really feel about me?” Rarity asked, breaking the silence.

This was it. Spike knew this was his chance to finally tell her how he truly felt. His heart told him to let it all out, to tell her the truth, but for some reason he couldn’t. He just froze up. Spike knew full well that the silence was going on for much too long and he needed an answer for her. He started to breath heavily, trying to calm his nerve.

“Spike? Are you all right?” asked Rarity, concerned for her dragon.

He stopped breathing, and quickly shook his nerve away. He summoned whatever courage that laid in his bowels for an answer. He knew exactly what to tell her.

“Rarity, I have always loved you. But you always wanted a gentle colt and that’s not me. It’s like you said. I’m just a beast around you,” he said in a dreary voice.

“Spike…no…” she started to say, before getting cut off by Spike.

“Rarity, all I ever want is for you to be happy, and you won’t be happy with a monster like me. I just want what’s best for you.”

Rarity’s eyes were watery. “You’re not a monster, Spike!”

“That’s what I heard you say, back in the hospital, when you were yelling at Twilight. You told her that she should have let me go and hoard gold like all the other dragons, instead of keeping me.”

“I was tired, and I was hungry Spike,” she said, streams of tears pouring down her face. “I didn’t leave your side for a second. I didn’t mean anything I said, I even broke down outside the room, taking everything back! I would never try to hurt you Spike….”

“Rarity,” he began. “You are the most beautiful, generous, loving pony in all Equestria. No pony even comes close to you. You’re an Element of Harmony, for Luna’s sakes! I’m just the janitor for an OCD unicorn who’s fallen asleep and drooled on half the books in the library,” Spike took in a final breath. “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore.”

Rarity felt a rush of sadness crawl up her body. She had not realized how much she had hurt her dragon. It pained her to see Spike like this. The dragon she had to grow to love was in pain for her. He had done so much for her and treated her like a princess, and even though she caused him so much distress, all he wanted was for her to be happy. She had been so selfish over these years. Some Element of Generosity she turned out to be.

Rarity’s tears just got larger and shinier, so Spike wiped her tears away. “Please don’t cry. I hate it when you cry,” he said, flicking another salty tear off her face.

Rarity’s heart was warmed by his words. She turned around and stood up on her hind legs to try and match Spike’s height. She looked into his caring, beautiful green eyes and said something that she should have said a long time ago.

“Spike…I’m sorry I've hurt you so much. Everything I said at the hospital meant nothing, and I assumed your crush on me was just a cute little phase. After your birthday, I found out I had feelings for you. But you were young and I thought we’d just grow out of it. As you got older, you became more caring and sensitive than any colt or stallion in this town. You were always there for me, even when my so called ‘gentlecolts’ weren’t.”

There was a pause; she was really going to say it. “Spike…I fell in love with you. And I couldn’t bring myself to confess my feelings to you. I’m so sorry for all this, all your pain, your depression. It’s all my fault!”

Rarity finished with tears pouring down her cheek. Spike smiled back at her, wiping her tears away with a gentle and loving stroke of his claw. “Rarity, I will always love you. It doesn’t matter who you choose to be with, I’ll always be there for you.”

Rarity continued to cry, only this time into Spike’s chest as she embraced him. Spike welcomed this, slowly stroking his claw down her mane. They stayed like this for several minutes, and eventually Rarity’s crying began to die down. She slowly pushed herself away from Spike, but still remained close to her dragon. She knew who she would choose, she knew it all along. With nothing but love in her voice, she finally confessed what she should have done so many years ago.

“I choose you, Spike.”


“I said I choose you.”

Spike heart may have just exploded right there. He wasn’t sure he just heard Rarity correctly; it was so unbelievable he had to make sure. “Are…are you sure?” he gulped.

Rarity closed the small gap between her and Spike as she stretched her front hooves around the dragons long scaly neck. Her face was just a few inches away from his. She batted her eyes and gave him a sexy little grin. “Will this answer your question?” she cooed, as she closed the gap, placing a kiss on his lips.

Spike knew his heart exploded that time. A rush of passion took over his body, his claws gently dragging down Rarity’s back and stopping on her hips. This was it, he was finally kissing Rarity! All of his wildest fantasies couldn’t lay a claw on the real thing. He pressed his body closer to hers, her coat was as soft as clouds and he wanted this feeling to last forever. Twilight had been watching from the window. She didn’t like spying on ponies, but she just had to make sure everything went okay.

“He’s finally happy,” she sighed happily, as a few tears of joy sprang from her eyes. As she turned around to head down stairs, the rest of the gang was looking for the guest of honor.

“Oh… Hello Twilight,” said Fluttershy in her usual timid tone. “We need Spike down stairs. Pinkie Pie has a ca-“

“I have the world’s greatest super most terrific cake for him and its sooooooooooo good!” burst Pinkie Pie. “I made it just for him and it even has his face drawn on the cake and I made it out of diamonds and it was hard but the Cakes helped me and their --AACCK!” gagged Pinkie as Rainbow shoved a cupcake in her mouth.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “What Pinkie’s trying to say is that we can’t have a hero party without the hero. Where is the big lizard anyways?” she asked. Twilight started to blush at the question. “You okay sugar cube? You’re turning redder than a sun burnt apple.”

Twilight started looking around nervously. “Umm, well he stepped outside for a second, said he needed to get some fresh air. That’s all I swear!” she lied.

“Right,” said Rainbow bluntly. “You’re such a bad lair Twi, we all know he’s outside with Rarity. We’re the ones who told her where he was. We just want to know what’s taking so long.”

“Well, for your information, they’re a little busy at the moment. They’ll come out when they are good and ready,” said Twilight, steering the ponies away from the lover’s door. “I suggest we head back down stairs and let them join us when they are finished.”

Rainbow’s face went blank, wondering what she meant. It took a few seconds but soon her eyes went wide, realizing what she meant. “Oh,” she groaned, flying down the stairs. The rest of the ponies just laughed as they followed her down.

Twilight stood at the top of the stairs, she looked back and smiled before following the rest of the ponies down to the party.

The two lovers parted from their kiss, staring deeply into each other’s eyes. Rarity’s gleamed as Luna’s moon reflected in them, the stars nothing in comparison. They looked at each other for what seemed like forever.

Rarity was the first one to speak. Breaking the silence with her gentle, love struck voice. “Green certainly is a nice colour.”

Spike grinned. “You think?” he said in his playful tone, checking out his body.

“Of course darling, you made me realizes that,” she smiled, nuzzling Spike.

Slowly, the nuzzle evolved into another kiss. This one was more passionate, as the two locked themselves in another embrace, the adrenaline coursing through their bodies. Spike felt a little push on his mouth, something wet. He gladly parted his lips as she stuck her sweet tasting tongue into his mouth. Soon, he had his snakelike tongue in her mouth. She let out a moan of pleasure as the kiss became more and more passionate. The two were so busy, they didn’t even notice the rain that started to pour down on them. Seconds later, Rarity slowly pushed him to the ground. Spike let himself fall to the balcony floor as the rain poured down on his body. As soon as he hit the ground, he felt a jolt of pain in his stomach and shot back up. Rarity looked concerned but was put to ease as Spike gave her a playful grin. Rarity slid herself on to Spike’s wet body. The rain was really starting to come down and it soaked the two. Rarity’s hair started to uncurl from the rain water, somehow becoming even more beautiful. She looked up to the rainy sky.

“Most beautiful night ever,” Rarity said, looking up to the sky.

Spike smiled. “Most beautiful pony ever.”

Rarity turned her head back to her dragon. He had that heart melting smile that she loved. She dove back into his mouth as the rain showered her back.

“I love you Rarity,” Spike said between kisses.

“I love you too, Spike.”