Snowdrop was the only mare in Equestria who could make the beautiful, delicate snowflake designs that the Princesses came to love. After her death, there was nothing left to do but wait until another heir came along with the talent, the destiny, to take her place.

Then came along a sweet little filly. All there was left to do was wait and see what her talent would be, and when it would emerge.

Chapters (2)

Part two of a trilogy (The Coming of Stellas Spatium, Tirek's Reform and Starswirl's Return) that summaries how I would end the show were it up to me.

After killing his sisters, Stellas Spatium plans to enslave both Equestria and other dimensions; while his bounty hunters hunt for the group, The Mane Six, Cadance, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Spike escape to a strange dimension to formulate a plan to stop him, while an old foe ultimately decides to team up with them after Spatium declines to work with him.

Chapters (7)

Shining Armor and Cadence wants to limit their daughter’s screen time. But somehow, Flurry Heart always finds a way to get her tablet back.

After many failed attempts, it looks like Flurry Heart was going to win this war of attrition.

That was until an expert decides to help out.

(This story takes place in the Royal Three universe)

Chapters (1)

This story is about Shining Armor and Cadence’s youngest daughter 
called Sugar Star (an oc I made)
Unlike her older sister Flurry Heart (from the original mlp series)
Sugar Star is a pegasus and not an alicorn

Because of this she feels very sad and insecure
She feels like the world is against her and as if she’s not a true princess
Yet she has a best friend called Gemma. They are friends till the end 
and are always there to support each other

But even if her parents, her friend and her older sister tell her
that it doesn’t matter if she’s a pegasus
She is still Jealous of her older Sister Flurry who is an alicorn and will be the crystal queen

The young Pegasus tries so many different ways to become an alicorn
but sadly nothing works..
Until one day someone offers her a deal.. 
This mysterious pony tells her that if she brings her a magical item
she will turn her into an alicorn.
Will she do it?

All of this happens yet still including issues and also very interesting but sad and very true life things like:

-Feeling worthless
-Feeling overwhelmed 
-Long kept secrets

Chapters (4)

Spike and Flurry Heart are taking a stroll, and came upon Spike’s statue. They both knew why the statue was built. However; what they don’t know is how it was built. They may soon find that the answer is a little more complicated than neither of them could anticipate.

Chapters (1)

Part 1 of The Inheritors, a planned series that will likely span 5-6 stories.

----------------Book 2 (The Inheritors in the Heart of Winter) will be linked here when it is published--------------->

This is the story of an alternate Equestria set a little over 1,000 years after Friendship is Magic, where the order of the Alicorn Princesses was overthrown and an endless, bitter winter fell across the land. Pony society lives on in protective bubbles of magic, under the oppressive rule of the last alicorn - Queen Flurry Heart, also known as Nightmare Winter.

In the farming town of Ponyville, Prism Star, a young magic student and the secret heir of Princess Celestia, studies for her exams - completely unaware of the adventure that awaits her. Meanwhile, in Manehattan's industrial heart, teenage con pony Sour Apple cares for the orphaned heir to Luna, Midnight Shine, making hard choices that will set both colts on a collision course with destiny.

Along with the changeling Shimmerwing, the dragon Talon, and pegasus rock star Southern Storm, these ponies find themselves on a quest to find the lost Elements of Harmony, defeat the corrupt queen Nightmare Winter, and save Equestria.


Chapter Synopses (Synopses for unpublished chapters subject to change):

  • Chapter I: A Day in Ponyville - Magic student Prism Star studies for her exam with the help of dorm prefect Shimmer, and Prism's father reveals the secret history of Equestria.
  • Interlude: A Dream of Blizzards - Midnight Shine uses his ability to dreamwalk, but fails to fix his adoptive brother's nightmare. The impoverished colts strengthen their bond.
  • Chapter II: An Endless Sky - Sour Apple is invited to join a dangerous heist and meets the young dragoness Talon. Midnight Shine is captured by the secret police, only to find a mysterious savior who unlocks his hidden potential.
  • Chapter III: The Last Friendship Quest - Prism Star's exam is canceled as city shields fail across Equestria. Twilight Sparkle's map table calls Prism Star and Shimmer on a Friendship Quest.
  • Chapter IV: The Protector's Oath - In the aftermath of the Shieldfall, Prism Star learns a shocking truth about Shimmer. Shimmer formally becomes Prism Star's Protector. An Element of Harmony is revealed.
  • Chapter V: Five Tickets to Paradise - Midnight suffers from a mysterious illness en route to Las Pegasus, while Sour Apple and Talon pass the time by recounting the events of the Shieldfall from their perspective. Prism Star sees a terrifying vision.
  • Chapter VI: A Storm of Generosity - The inheritors arrive in Las Pegasus and are aided by Southern Storm. Shimmerwing is unable to shape-shift. Sour Apple and Talon spar over the Element of Loyalty, and Talon discusses it with Southern Storm.
  • Chapter VII: The House of Harmony - The inheritors connect with the Order of Harmony in Las Pegasus. Prism Star and Midnight Shine begin their studies in magic and Prism earns her cutie mark.
  • Interlude: Journal of the Descendants - Inspired by Twilight Sparkle's Journal of Friendship, Prism Star convinces her friends to keep a journal of their time in Las Pegasus.
  • Chapter VIII: To Raise the Sun - Peregrine Dive calls the Order of Harmony into a conclave to determine the fate of Prism Star and Midnight Shine. Midnight forces Prism to face her destiny. Nightmare Winter learns that Princess Twilight and Princess Luna are moving against her.
  • Chapter IX: Honest Apples - While the Conclave is in session, Talon begins seeing a ghost. She recruits Sour Apple to help her find the spectral mare.
  • Chapter X: The Elements of Harmony - With the Conclave deadlocked over how to react to Prism Star's newfound power, the inheritors take matters into their own hooves. Prism Star shares her frustrations with Princess Twilight.
  • Chapter XI : Princess Prism Star - With the help of her friends, Prism Star reluctantly claims her crown as Princess of the Sun.
  • Chapter XII-XIII: The Worst Night Ever - Southern Storm is determined to throw the best Cloudsdale Day party ever before setting out to find the remaining Elements, but Talon still has designs on his love life. Nightmare Winter ruins the night's festivities, and the inheritors lose a treasured friend.
Chapters (15)

The Crystal Empire. An astonishing place up in Nort-Equestria, where crystal ponies live and give their belief to the crystal heart. The ruler is Queen Flurry Heart, her adopted son, Prince Pinto Cloud is the heir of the royal throne.

The date is not long before this year's Hearts Warming Eve Royal Ball. As a welcomed and so beloved tradition, many treats of far-away Equestrian land are served for the guests – including the juicy, gooey honey straight from Ponyville, a small town close to Canterlot.

Only the deliverer pony is the only update in the well-known system: Honeybuzz, the second mare child of Goldenjar, the owner of Ponyville Honeyfarm. The stallion gave his daughter the task to deliver the ordered quantity for the royal ball – however, a mystery coming to daylight messes up everything planned.

How did the Prince himself and a simple mare cross paths? Why does a long-forgotten royal affair pop up right before such event?

Chapters (4)

Part three of a trilogy (The Coming of Stellas Spatium, Tirek's Reform and Starswirl's Return) that summaries how I would end the show were it up to me.
After discovering the Elements of Harmony are useless against Spatium, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Discord, Tirek, Cadance and her daughter Flurry Heart discover the key to defeating their foe is a legendary magician thought long-dead.
Whether the group save Equestria and the entire multi-verse from being enslaved or not doesn't matter...between the deaths, injuries, unrequited affection, reformed villains, and promotions to nobility, it's clear Equestria will never again be the same after this pulse-racing finale!

Chapters (11)

Scootaloo felt miserable. It was the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, but her best friend could not attend with her. And, on top of that, she was required to wear a dress for the gala, something she loathed.
It would be a lonely and embarrassing night.

Princess Flurry Heart felt miserable. It was the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, but all she could do was smile and wave and be the perfect, little princess. And, on top of that, she did not even have a gala partner.
It would be a lonely and boring night.

Such were the thoughts of Scootaloo and Princess Flurry Heart. But, maybe, there was a way how this night could become The Best Night Ever for them anyway.....

This story is set in the universe of Legends of Equestria, but stars Scootaloo and Flurry Heart. It is based on the events that happened during the Grand Galloping Gala that was held there last Saturday.

Chapters (1)

Affinity Heart knows she’s not her sister.

Flurry is better at magic, better at making friends, better at having fun and she’s even an alicorn. Affinity doesn’t hate her for it, in fact, she refuses to let herself feel that way. Has that led to her being a little more reserved then her sister? Maybe. But as long as Affinity can call herself a good pony, she’ll bottle up all the feelings she can.

But then, strange things start to happen. A disguised monster attacks Affinity while in the library. Figures are seen creeping around the edges of the Crystal Empire. Cadence is attacked by warriors who melt away into nothing before they can be captured. Top all of that off with the Empire hosting the Festival of the Two Sisters for the first time and the royal family have quite the summer ahead of them.

Affinity is determined to help, even if she knows she won’t be as useful as the rest of her family.

But what if she could? What if she could claim the power that should be hers by birthright? When a shadow from the empire’s past offers to help her, Affinity sets out to create an instrument capable of all this and more: The Crystal Staff

Chapters (1)