This story is a sequel to The Prisoner of Zebra

When Flash Sentry (HERO OF EQUESTRIA) and Carrot Top (aka Special Agent Golden Harvest) are sent to the frigid peaks of Yakyakistan on a diplomatic mission, Sentry finds himself facing a fate worse than death!

He honestly should have expected as much.

Volume 9 of the Flash Sentry Papers.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Morning Shared By Two

Sandbar visits Canterlot Castle to give a gift to someone close to him.

Completed for the Thousand Words Contest in the Angst category.

Chapters (1)

Years have come and gone, yet through all of it, six friends have remained close. From the far flung corners of the world they come together each year to visit, and reinforce that eternal bond of friendship.

Let a light shine in your window
Let me see where I have been
And if that light still shines
And if fortune smiles
I will pass this way again
I will pass this way again

Chapters (1)

Much like most griffons, Gallus is no stranger to exploiting every loophole he sees.

Even if it's to someone else's detriment.

After all, it's not his fault they didn't see it.

So when he gets an assignment aiming to practically sing the praises of Equestrian Generosity, he instead decides to prove that it only takes ten bits to destroy what most ponies hold dear.

Little does he know, Pinkie Pie's cupcakes are not meant to be trifled with.

Written for the Thousand Words Contest in the Experimental and Comedy categories.

Based, in part, on this article about cheesed sticks.

Chapters (1)

The Test that the Tree gave to the Young Six may have been unorthodox, to say the least, but it seemingly had desirable results for their friendship.

But what if things had happened differently? What if, instead of Smoulder finding Ocellus, Sandbar completed his test first? Find out inside!

Written for The Discovery - A Young Six Writing Contest, and also to help break a nasty case of writer's block.

Chapters (3)

(This story is a semi-sequel to The Pony and the Yak and Best First Date. Familiarity with them is encouraged but not required.)

The world is changing and Sandbar knows it. Events are unfolding rapidly, upending everything the pony's ever known.

In fact, these rapid and alarming changes have the young earth pony doubting himself. After all, he's only one pony. What difference can he possibly make in the grand scheme of things?

Luckily for Sandbar, he's got a supportive girlfriend in the form of Yona. And Yona will be darned if she lets Sandbar continue to doubt himself for no good reason.

Chapters (1)

Gallus the griffin nearly sabotaged his friends’ opportunity to return home to their families for the holidays due to his own lack of one. Though his friends opted to stay in Ponyville with him, Sandbar recognized that this was only a temporary fix for a more permanent problem. On the morning of Hearth's Warming, Sandbar gives Gallus a present that he hopes will make his Hearth's Warming, as well as the rest of his life, the best it can possibly be.

Written because I wanted to write a Hearth’s Warming story that wasn’t so much in the same vein as Die Hard like Lion Hearted was. Plus, I’m planning another story involving the Young Six in the near future and I thought this story would be a good way to dip my toes in with them, so to speak. Happy holidays, everyone!

Chapters (1)

Gallus T. Griffon, Captain of the Royal Guard, is forced to go on vacation by Princess Twilight. He and his second, Talon Tamer, sort out vacation plans in the showers.

Chapters (1)

I've been at the Friendship Academy for about a year now, and I've grown fond of my friends and Equestria since coming here. Of course, there are some things that I'm still confused about such as why ponies place such a big importance at dances like this Amity Ball that Headmistress Twilight is announcing.

It doesn't sound like my kind of thing. More like something a bunch of couples on dates go on. Oh, I suspect Silverstream will finally ask Gallus out, but that's about it. I doubt anyone is going to ask me out. I'm a dragon and most of the creatures here are ponies. There's no way any creature is interested me in that way.


*An AU of The "She's All Yak" episode but with Sandbar asking Smolder out instead of Yona*

Chapters (4)

Yona the Yak has a crush on her Earth Pony compatriot Sandbar, but she is unable to confess her feelings to him. Worse still, she is terrified that Sandbar might be developing the same feelings for Ocellus, and that she might just return them. As a result, she starts having nightmares about her fears. Perhaps Princess Luna can help resolve the young Yak's problem?

Chapters (2)