• Member Since 26th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I write about horses and other creatures kissing. The gayest of kissing


This story is a sequel to A Morning Shared By Two

Sandbar visits Canterlot Castle to give a gift to someone close to him.

Completed for the Thousand Words Contest in the Angst category.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

:raritydespair: Whyyyyyyyyy?!! Why so beautiful but so saddddd!

Suffering must happen so that the good times are gooder.

That and GallBar is probably the angst that I think of the most.

Fair enough, but still, I shall go cry now

Howdy, hi~!

L'oeuf, this one was a gut punch. I really feel for Sandbar here. Definitely, a solid thousand-word fic about coming to terms with grief. Great work, Meteor.

I'm glad you thought it was solid. It was hard to have Sandbar suffer alone, but I'm glad that I finally managed to do it.

Though now it means I have to write twice as much GallBar fluff to make up for it.

This... this hit me so hard. My boyfriend passed away a couple months ago, and this brought back the feelings I had in the hours and days after. Great tearjerker.

I apologize for dredging up those memories, as it must be painful.

Hi hello yes I am here for the feels trip :raritydespair:

I don't mind the memories being dragged up, because I focus on the good memories.

Every story ends eventually. "Happily ever after" is just a matter of knowing when to draw the curtain.

Excellent bit of grief. I love how much Gallus's epitaph says about his life and death, both in terms of what it tells and what it doesn't. I wish this were longer so Sandbar could run into Twilight; I imagine they'd have a lot to say to one another right now. But the contest's demands are non-negotiable, and you still put an impressive amount of heartbreak into this. Well done/How dare you. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

Sandbar hated Canterlot.

The ponies were stuck-up snobs, most of the doorways were a too small for him, and he could find nothing tolerable about their fancy haute cuisine.

aww, yeah, definitely imagine Sandbar having a lot of differences with Canterlot, just like this!

Turning into the Canterlot Castle, he was met with knowing nods from the guards posted near the entrance.

They let Sandbar through without a word, something he was immensely thankful for.

and oof, a lot said without any words

Sitting down before it, he set his saddlebags to the side before giving the stone a gentle wave.

“Heya Gally.” Sandbar said softly. “It’s been a little bit, hasn’t it?”


Gallus Lulamoon-Glimmer,

Bearer of Courage

Captain of The Guard

Taken Far Too Soon

auaugh, what a life summarized! and even the entire story told by just the last name, just love it

To distract himself, he reached over to his saddlebag and rummaged for a bit before finally pulling out a small party hat. He placed it upon the gravestone only for it to fall off and roll away moments later.

you are just piling on the heartbreak here!

But they were nice enough to let us have today to ourselves.”

and augh, yeah. life goes on, and we have other commitments, and even the birthdays of departed friends dearest to us become something on the calendar one would do if one weren't so busy. and idk, there is something haunting about that. that we are all finite beings both while living and dying

Looking up at the gravestone, he could almost picture Gallus rolling his eyes. He smiled, then shook his head.

augh, my heart! aaaaa

Popping it open, on one side was a picture of Gallus looking shocked at the camera while Sandbar nuzzled in close and took their picture. On the other side was an engraving of four words Sandbar couldn’t bring himself to read.

my heart again. dammit. augh.

Another silence, followed by Sandbar breathing a sigh heavy enough that it threatened to put a dent in the dirt beneath him.

love the metaphor. certainly feel it

All I get is an empty bed that still smells like you.”

just thoroughly heartbreaking

For a moment, Sandbar felt it beside him. A warm griffon half his size but twice as bold. A wing wrapped tightly around him. A beak pressed against his cheek.

For a moment, everything was fine.

Righting himself, Sandbar took a moment to wipe the tears from his face. He smiled, softly and sadly, at the gravestone of his beloved.

“I love you too, Bluebird.”

well this was perfectly crafted to punch me in the gut.

augh, if only that moment could stretch on into forever, and Sandbar could do nothing but feel Gallus against him, instead of having to come back to this world where he is just gone and never to return. and augh, just how meaningful that stolen moment is, that feeling of crossing the membrane between worlds and being able to forget that that is all just neurons firing in the brain and that your beloved will never be here with you in the flesh and that that will be true for your entire existence and augh.

i am so sad right now and i love every bit of it

Oh dear..

I wonder what happened that led Gallus passing away?

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