This story is a sequel to The Trainer of Friendship

After getting his motivation back for adventure, Will decides to go on a journey through the Alola Region. Fluttershy, Toby, Serenity, and Silver Spoon decide to join him in order to learn more about how to raise Pokémon.

Chapters (87)

The children of Miss Cheerilee's class are released for summer. It gets pretty weird pretty fast.

Chapters (6)

When Rarity reveals she's feeling down about not having a date for Hearts and Hooves Day, Pinkie Pie takes it upon herself to cheer her up by sending her an anonymous gift. This leads to a series of hilarious misunderstandings which break everyone's hearts and almost start an international war. Also, an evil Shakespearean Abyssinian comes to feed off the drama.

PAIRINGS: Spike x Rarity (one-sided), Rainbow x Applejack, Fluttershy x Rarity, Spike x Ember, Sweetie Belle x Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara x Sweetie Belle and Pinkie x Mane 6.

WARNINGS: In addition to violence and discussions about sexuality, contains scenes of bullying and themes of anxiety and depression.

Chapters (6)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders just entered Ponyville High School and none of them have found what makes them special. This is very troublesome as they must embark on the horrible journey of being a teenager. This means finding where you fit best, which is surprisingly hard. For one crusader, its exceptionally hard.

Scootaloo was just your average mare minus her cutie mark and anything average. With being forced to fall under her mother's hoof along with having to rely only on herself despite her financial stance, she fears that she has no ponies to rely on, most importantly, no pony that cares enough about her to help. Of course, everything changes, including views. Can one mare change her views before she turns away from all she cares for or will she eventually run away to escape her own best friends?

Join in as Scootaloo embarks on her journey to mare hood with her friends by her side.

[If you read The Puppet Maker, then the pairing is very obvious.]

Chapters (5)

<- Canon Silver Spoon is NOT amused ;P

A short collab by two great authors making a very bad Diamond Tiara/ Silver Spoon (originally only implied ship) fic, one paragraph at a time!

Diamond Tiara has been trying to seduce Silver Spoonko every time the smart silver filly comes over to her mansion. Her latest tactic (believe it or else) is to demonstrate the dexterity of her tongue on her own flanks.

But when her new tactic fails to entice her target, Diamond Tiara is sent on an epic adventure that has her seeking revenge, justice, and romance, all in one very strange special episode of-

My Little Pony Mentally Advanced Series!

Will Diamond Tiara save the day? Will Silver Spoonko's quest for infinite knowledge lead her to be abducted by Crystal Aliens from another universe, or will your narrator just get pissing drunk and all moody and close the book before she finishes her story, allowing all those within to be trapped in literary limbo for all eternity!?

Time will tell.

Your Narrator: let me tell thee of theh days of HIGH ADVENTURE! (insert Conan The Barbarian Theme..) theh good one with Arnoldschwartzawutzitz init! because we bloody like Arnold, we does!

Original authors: Mattricole and Telaros
Editor and Publisher: Silver "Serving" Spoon
Published with ALL DUE respect and full permission.
Original Story here: Me and Telaros Make The Most Amazing Story Ever
!!WARNING!! if you have a problem with ponies licking their own plots, step away from the fic and like, no pony gets hurt!
Cover Art by Bakki

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Sweetie Belle's New Experiences

It has been almost 12 years since Sweetie Belle broke up with Silver Spoon at Canterlot U because of choices that were made for her by Diamond Tiara. She has done a good job lying to and manipulating Sweetie Belle but when her betrayal was discovered, Sweetie Belle dumped her.

Ten years have passed and after losing her job and assaulting a police officer, Silver Spoon wound up serving a year in prison. Once she was released, she had no job, no home, no one to turn to and is facing an uncertain future.

Chapters (14)

A hidden room. A dusty doll. A simple rhyme. Who knew that such a small list of things could ruin Diamond Tiara's life? It began with a "tick" and ends with a giggle. Will she be Tinker Toy's friend?

Chapters (2)

Sweetie Belle wakes up one morning and tries to get to school without dropping her hat.

Chapters (1)

Is he strong? Listen bud, he's taking care of a Changeling, who seems to be more than she looks. Who is her mother? Why are people after her? Find out here, True Believers! This a post-Incursions story!

Chapters (7)

> > NOTICE < <

*This story takes place sometime before Season 3*

*Story is a One-Shot*

Story Note:
Night Mare Night is a widely celebrated holiday through out Equestria. Everypony is always so excited for it - regardless of how repetitive -

Princess Luna isn't so sure about what she plans to do, though... Something makes her second guess her usual routine and she decides to give a little extra to her role.

Meanwhile, the CMC and their fellow Schoolhouse friends, are in for quite a Night Mare Night! Mwahahahahaha!! >:)

Creator's Note:
Hey Everypony! I finally decided on an idea for a one-shot, so here it is!! I got lotsa help from my best pal Axlgx. He's awesome, so go check him out!!

Chapters (1)