• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 20,704 Views, 511 Comments

Spike on Strike - Sarcasmo

Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. But he's not gonna take the blame. Until Twilight starts appreciating him, he goes on strike.

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Gratuitous Epilogue, Just For Cheap Dawww's

Gratuitous Epilogue, Just For Cheap Dawww's

A few days later, everything had gone quiet in and around the library once again, as was appropriate for a place such as this.

Of course there was some noise that would never disappear completely, for instance the tick-tock of the clock, the clatter of dust slowly trickling off the shelves, the sound of the local librarian turning the pages of the book she was reading, the hushed whispers of spiders in the corners plotting their next takeover, and most notably, the joyful whistle of a little dragon assistant sweeping the floors.

Spike's tune and enthusiasm were contagious. Instead of being swept, the dust danced beside him, following him along as if he were their pied piper. Twilight couldn't help shooting him a casual glance every now and then and smile at the pure bliss he displayed.

But she quickly returned her attention to the books scattered across her desk. She couldn't allow for any distractions; she still had some work ahead of her.

After they had whipped the library into pre-strike and pre-Crusader shape in just two days, they had been able to finally rummage and refurbish the basement. The hidden gems they had found down there had made Twilight feel like a foal on Hearth's Warming: she couldn't wait another second to browse and categorize every one of them.

But filling the bookshelves with oldly new books meant she had to sort out and find a place for the newly old books; a matter she initially wanted to have finished by the end of the day.

Although, with things running as smoothly as they did lately, she could always put it off until tomorrow. They had practically worked off their entire week's schedule already. Back together, she and Spike worked like a well-oiled machine designed to solve any problem that walked their way.

No, for today she would give the whole thing a rest. She quickly gathered the books and levitated them downstairs.

“Spike,” she called while on her way, “would you please get me a quill and some paper and put it on my desk?”

“Sure thing!” Spike responded.

Twilight had already decided what she would do with the rest of the evening, something she had put off far too long: she would write up a friendship report. With all that had transpired, she had learned more than enough to fill a single letter. Princess Celestia would surely be delighted to hear from her. She hadn't had any chance to talk to her after her sagely wisdom had resolved the protest situation and she hadn't written a friendship report in forever. Why, Twilight hadn't even sent her the paper on thermal enchantments she had promised her almost a week ago...

She immediately dropped all the books and sprinted back upstairs. Sure, the Princess probably wouldn't mind getting Twilight's studies a little late or even a lot late, but this time things were different. She hadn't even started. If her mentor knew she would only start her research at the last moment, a proper scolding and punishment would be sure to follow.

She turned for her study and went right for her writing utensils. Fortunately, the quill, ink, and paper she needed were already provided on her desk.

“We have an emergency, Spike!” she announced as she hastily scribbled something. “We have to get to work right away. I need you to bring me every book on enchantments and thermodynamics we have. And I will also need my compass and ruler. Probably some candles too, since I'm going to be up all night. Of course, you will have to help me go through all those books and –”

“Um, Twilight?” Spike interrupted weakly.

Twilight turned around, unwilling to waste any more time on this than necessary. “What is it?”

He pointed at the clock behind him. “It's five,” he said. “I'm done for today. And I was planning to go to Sugarcube Corner and get myself something sweet.”

“But my studies!” Twilight snapped at him, shooting him a nervous glare. “And all those books! Browsing them on my own would take forever. I need you! I...”

When she saw Spike cringe before her like a fox hiding from a farmer, Twilight stopped. She could see him being torn and she was the one tearing at him. She slowly shook her head.

“You're right,” she said, turning her back to him. “I've got no right to keep you here. It's quitting time and you've earned yourself some leisure. I shouldn't have asked you. I shouldn't have pushed you like that. I'm sorry. I'll figure this out on my own. You go and have fun at Sugarcube Corner.”

And she really meant it. She was happy for him. She wanted him to have fun, even if some part of her insisted on keeping him here. A part of her was even mad at him for bringing up the end of his workday in the first place. And she was mad at herself for thinking this way. He had done so much for her today already and she had taken him for granted once again. It was no wonder that, when given the choice, he would rather go to Sugarcube Corner than help her out. If she were treated this way, Twilight would likely do the same. She could feel tears forming in the corners of her eyes.


The cold sensation of his claw on her shoulder felt like an icepack for a misdiagnosed fever. Twilight quickly snuffled and wiped a pair of tears away with her hoof. “What is it?” she asked, trying to keep her voice straight.

“If you really need my help, I can stick around for a little bit longer,” Spike said.

Twilight turned around. “But it's five o' clock,” she protested. “It's after hours. You should go out and enjoy yourself. I can't keep you here for a personal project of mine. I don't want to force you to work as my assistant.”

“I didn't say I'd work as your assistant. I said I'd stick around to help,” he pointed out. “Not because you want me to or because you ordered me to, but because I want to. Just because it's after hours doesn't mean I have to leave.”

He smiled the smile of magician who had just finished his trick. “I might be done working as your assistant for today,” he declared, “but as your friend, I'm willing to do overtime.”

Comments ( 81 )

DAWWWWWWWW that ending! I love it!

JBL #3 · Jul 4th, 2013 · · ·

Damn, this is like the 7th story I've followed that's been completed in the past two days! What is happening?! :derpyderp1:

777 upvotes -> jackpot of adorability.

John Bradshaw Layfield happened


2819990 Do not speak to your Wrestling GAWD with such impertinence! :trixieshiftright:

D'Aww! Adorable ending. Wonderful end to a wonderful story.

My apologies for my insolence my lord. Please forgive me oh diety of sports entertainment. And if it is not to big of an ask, grant Wade Barrett a win at MITB, oh noble one.


2820150 Well, unless Barrett's is willing to join the European chapter of the Vince McMahon's Kiss My Ass Club, I don't see it happening. :rainbowlaugh:

Sadly, neither do I. Frankly, its a relief to find another WWE fan among the MLP fandom.

Perfect end to a perfect fic. Everything got resolved that needed to get resolved and no one escaped karma. :pinkiehappy:

*Sigh* if only all stories could end that way. :fluttershbad:


2820188 Indeed it is. Only one other person has ever called me out on the username.

Dawwww is right. Excellent pandering and excellent ending, author! :heart:

Nice to see a happy ending for the primary parties involved. Besides Twilight you'll be fine after he fetches the books, candles, compass, and ruler it's unlikely you'll even notice he's gone. Who knows he might even find some courage to ask a certain white mare with a purple mane out to join him. Anyways very good end and proof that Celestia is always the best answer to most any question.:eeyup:

Oh my god that ending was sweet.:fluttercry:

A cherry on top would have been with a smile, thank you and a hug.:rainbowkiss:

Yaaay happy end. Much d'aaaaawwws were had.

From the format, the comedy, down to the friendship lesson, this would make a good actual episode of the show. That's not something most fanfictions here can say about themselves. Kudos to you for accomplishing that!

This story was so great. Thanks for the chapters and the good reads. I hope to see more of you soon with another story as cool as this one.

This story should have a warning in the description.

I was innocently reading it and I got feels all over me. :twilightsmile:

:) D'awww...

The conversation at the top of their stargazing hill was pleasurable and gratifying (although in these last two chapters you spelled hatchet “hatched” somewhere in there, capitalized the b in “bashfulness”, and typed “books” when you clearly meant “bookshelves”). Spike yet again brings up some good points. Seeing these things addressed in the show would be marvelous, as well as seeing Twilight faced with the reality of the questionable ways she treats him sometimes. It was also a big relief that motherhood was never brought up.

The fight scene was just funny as hell. You did a pretty good job of describing all the “violence” in as light a manner as it would appear on the show; even better than Sam Cole's description of the battle of Troy. I also found the image of Spike prodding and yanking Twilight all over to be pretty amusing. Thanks for writing this. :pinkiesmile:

Short and Sweet.

Just like this story. I liked this story very much, and was happy that you took it father than just Twilight and Spike in the beginning but included the rest of the friends as well. As well as some other ponies...

The little side story with the licorice prices and "hippy/red scare" ponies was a brilliant addition to the story.

Thanks so much for this excellent read.

I have to agree, this story deserved a 'd'awwwww' moment~! You did a great job with this, I love the silliness and the sweetness that the story 'displayed'. You deserved those thumb-ups, that for sure. Keep up the awesome job and good luck with future project(s)!

That was a sweet ending for a really nice story.

Very well done!

A very sweet and touching ending. Now that is true friendship. :twilightblush:

...dat .. ending...:fluttercry: :fluttercry: *sniff* :fluttercry: ...:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

But it did, but it did!:flutterrage:

...at least in the very last chapter...

Better late than never I guess.:unsuresweetie:

At this point, I want to thank you all for all the views, favorites, likes, and dislikes you have given me.
And comments. Especially all the comments. Whenever I didn't know where I was going with a chapter, it was reading all the comments in the previous chapters that inspired to go on. So many people putting their confidence in me (and some their doubt) is what really kept me going. I can't thank you enough.

...Or I could. At least I could start by thanking each of you commenters individually, but I'm too lazy (and it always feels a bit intrusive to me).
But at least a few people I wanted to single out. Thanks to:
2821477 2821371 2820270 2756032 271186>>25167559 2527188 2504824
and everyone I might have forgotten for serving as impromptu proofreaders and correcting my mistakes, something I should have forced someone else to do.:ajsmug:

So I guess all I'm really trying to say is:
Thank you for not smoking Thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

HUZZAH An ending worthy of the gods! :yay:

-Kiryu :moustache:

Hmm, I was kinda hoping we'd see the rest of their friends at least once more, but I guess their roles in the story were done. I actually spent a lot of the story wondering if Fluttershy would somehow resolve the conflict, as the only one who refused to take sides. I suppose perhaps she played a part in helping Twilight get the information that likely got her out of the library, though. All Spike and Twilight really needed was to really talk to each other, so it was nice to see them finally have that conversation. And this last little bit was a nice way to end the story.

Decent resolution.
Thanks for writing such an interesting and zany story.

Awww, that was an adorable ending!

Damn it! I d'aww as well! But Celestia did have point you know, the price of licorice IS in fact, too damn high!
And glad they managed to resolve that issue.

An endearing epilogue. My only criticism would be that Spike might have thought that Twilight cried because he'd stop helping her instead of because she felt 'mad at herself for thinking this way.'

I like these lines;

'the clatter of dust slowly trickling of the shelves,'

'the hushed whispers of spiders in the corners plotting their next takeover,'

'Instead of being swept, the dust danced beside him, following him along as if he were their pied piper,'

'Back together, she and Spike worked like a well-oiled machine designed to solve any problem that walked their way,' where you forgot the period at the end,

'Twilight turned around, unwilling to waste any more time on this than necessary,'

'she saw Spike cringe before her like a fox hiding from a farmer'


'The cold sensation of his claw on her shoulder felt like an icepack for a misdiagnosed fever.'

I think we can agree that this fanfic needs to be made into an episode of the show. We can call it "Spike`s first good episode".

That is how you end a story. Awesome. That last line was perfect too.

Heh, the cover art has Spongebob's "sky" background.


The perfect ending. :twilightsmile:

So what ever happened to Red Coat? She was the one who originally protested Celestia's fascist regime. If Celestia really is trying to change everyone's minds like how they did last chapter by changing the licorice prices and reducing pollution to the environment, then how is she going to react to Red Coat's suggestion? Considering that this entire thing was created because of her, it should mean that either Red Coat should be thrown in prison for inciting a civil war, or that Celestia would have to step down from the throne. And neither of those seem like very likely choices.

I'd say that the Red Coat isn't the only one to be blamed for the fight. It was more of a collective effort that blew the protests out of proportion on both sides. (The scene with the Red Coat was supposed to be more of an excerpt of what everypony was doing all along.)

As for any potential punishment: for the sake of this story, I pictured the Equestrian justice system as somewhat tame and leniant. As long as everypony learns their lesson and there isn't too much collateral, there is no need for throwing anypony in prison. (And what better way of punishment is there than having someone realize just how ashamed they should be of themselves:raritywink:)

Just read the whole story and I shall now give you the first upvote that is above 1000 :rainbowdetermined2:

Comment posted by 1stChosenStar deleted Jan 4th, 2014

And it has already multiplied like parasprites since. :derpyderp1:
Glad you liked it.

Finally finished this.

I think I d'awwwwed a couple times.

I'm glad you liked it despite that grievous error that managed to slip in.:derpytongue2:

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