• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 460 Views, 0 Comments

The Trans-Dimensional War - Moon Dash

When Warp Gates are opened from Earth to a Mysterious new Realm, Total war breaks out between the Humans and new Inhabitants of this planet, that have Hooves...

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Chapter 1: First contact

So, you want to know my story from the great war, eh? Well, kick back and relax, This story is amazingly filled with action, capturing... love and loss, and kicking some misunderstood ass... It all started with the Warp gates that the scientists opened... thousands of brightly colored things poured out of the gate... we found that they were pony like things, with Unicorn, Pegasui, and their leader was a mix between the two, an Alicorn they called it, but now where I come in...

Fifteen long years... fifteen long years of war and disappearances. We (the humans) have been at war with the demonic Pegsui and other versions of ponies for fifteen years. At the start of the war, I was only three years old. Today is my eighteenth birthday. Me and my friends celebrate by doing what any other 18 year old would do, smashing mailboxes in the middle of the night with a cricket bat. We generally have a fun time until the police catch up. We have two punishment choices. 1, we get shipped off to fight for our country or 2, pay for all the damages and sent to jail for two months, and thus the real story begins...

Two months after smashing the neighbors mailboxes, Logan and I (the only two that chose to fight) are suiting up in our standard, top of the line Forest Green battle suits. A full helmet with a Silver visor is also standard issue along with battle rifle with ten clips are allotted to us
As were Riding into battle, Logan asks me "How do you think the Ponies attack? I'm positive they won't kill us on the battlefield."
I reply "I hope you're right, this war, according to the news has had only MIA's, actually makes ya' think what's happening out there

Suddenly, the sarge gets on the Drop Ship's intercom and blazes out of his mouth "WE ARE LANDING NOW, GIT YOUR ASSES OFF THIS SHIP AND GIT SHOOTING OR WE’LL PUSH YA OUT RIGHT ONTO THE ENEMY.”

“ He seems nice” I mutter to Logan “think he’s first one gonna be snatched up by the ponies?”

“If he gets taken we’ll be screwed, we gotta keep him” Logan replies “Whatever, lets get ready for this damn drop”

“LOCK N’ LOAD BOYS” Sarge shouts as he’s walking down through the middle of the drop ship. "THEY WON'T LET THIS BIRD ALONE IN ONE SPOT FOR LONG." He says in almost a joking tone.

"where's Jon? He should be suited up by now..." I mutter to Logan as we glide into the battlefield. Suddenly, a massive THUMP! Smashes down onto the top of the crew deck, slightly denting the top of the deck ceiling. "There he is" I state, Jarrett chuckles at this. The Sarge splits us up, and sends us in geared up in Promethean style equipment, the best addons that money can buy for our suits, it comes equipped with a Full HUD Interface like on every stereotypical shooter game out there.

Looking back on it, that was the last time I saw sarge. But that mysterious masked man, Jon saved me on Numerous occasions... but now back to the story...

The morning after is the first contact we had with the pegasui, they swooped down, grabbing us by the arms and carrying us away... The world seemed blank to me in that moment. The last thing I remembered seeing before being taken myself was Jon... saving Jarrett from an otherwise, what I would have thought at the time as doom. As that Cyan colored pegasui slowly rose because of my gerth, rainbow colored mane and all, I wrapped around on top of her and snapped one of her wings with a big SNAP! As blood rushed out where the skin was slightly torn, falling to the ground almost 2 Kilometers away

"unh..." the Cyan pony moans as I get up off her, I realize all of a sudden, this is one of the Alicorn's top advisors

"Who are you, and why did you take me away from my friends" I scream at the Cyan pony with the rainbow colored mane, pointing my Assault rifle at her

"I'm Rainbow Dash, and you don't understand our tactics, do you? Twilight, fix my wing, Galaxy, take down our friend to take him to base." Rainbow Dash says to the other ponies now standing inexplicably next to her, looking at their foreheads suggests that they must have teleported to Dash, one almost completely purple with a lighter purple streak going through her mane, and the other moving towards me, with a mishap mash of red, white, pink and orange in her mane and a dark pink engulfing her body. Her eyes twinkle with the dark night stars, as beautiful as they are in the moonlight, the pony bearing them are as a gryphon poised to kill. That was the last thing I remember before the ponies evil spell sending massive writhing, burning, red hot pain going through my body.

"How do you like that?" Says the one coming towards me, her Horn lit up as it becomes clear she is causing the pain, I throw a random punch trying to break the horn... SNAP!! goes the cream coloured object, flying off the filly's head. Dark red blood starts gushing out of the opening left by the by the now snapped off horn. All three ponies now starting to charge as the purple pony starts to cast the same spell, but... weaker, her spell has almost no effect on me as I charge up to her to snap her horn off, suddenly I am met with a strong and... well, annoyingly ticklish feeling, knowing that my end may be near, I take my last concussion grenade and throw it to the ground and run as fast as sonic to get out of the range of the explosive. The grenade goes off with a loud, earth shaking BOOM! The ponies are stunned as I pick up my assault rifle and blast randomly behind me, I'm sure most of the bullets hit the ground until I hear another groan from Rainbow Dash, I sprint off into the misty jungle. In the Jungle, there is no clear path, ecspially if there is a misty haze hanging over the jungle floor, shrouding all wildlife and all the roots, downed branches, and living plants that could impede my movement, but they do not chase me so that they don't fully get their hooves dirty

"Wusses" I think to myself as I slow down to a jog, I find a small clearing to see up a camp, so I pitch the tent and roll out everything that I'll need for the night. Then I sit out, with my Assault rifle at the ready to kill anything that tries to attack me or steal from my camp.

Author's Note:

AUTHOR’S NOTE: If there is another fanfic that is like this, I’m not copying, I’m relatively new to the fandom, and I don’t mean to step on anybody's hooves or copy them, Have fun with the story and stay technicolor my friends PS. I wrote most of this on a kindle fire, if they are any grammatical errors, please feel free to send me a PM to tell me to fix it, thanks :D