• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 3,916 Views, 67 Comments

20% Sweeter - VinylWub67

On the surface, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are complete opposites. Maybe that's what makes them such good friends. But when Rainbow Dash begins having stronger feelings for Twilight, will she risk their friendship to pursue these feelings

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Chapter 3: Late Night Flight

As the sun set over Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle found herself walking alone back to her library home. She was still fuming a little about how rudely her afternoon with Rainbow had been interrupted, but she couldn't really hold a grudge. She decided it would just be best to bury herself in her studies. Princess Celestia was expecting a report any day now, so she really needed to get to work. Hopefully Spike was still with Rarity so she would have some peace and quiet.

She summoned a heavy volume from one of the shelves and opened it to a bookmarked page. She scanned the words, looking for a logical place to begin. "I do love working for the Princess," she said out loud, "but sometimes I wish I could take a break from studying." Sighing, she slowly closed the book and decided to retire early. The sun had long been down, but it wasn't unusual for Twilight to be up all hours of the morning, completely enveloped by her work. After settling in and getting comfortable, she drifted into wonderful dreams featuring her favorite rainbow maned pegasus.


As Rainbow Dash struggled with the many thoughts that were flying around her brain faster than a Wonderbolt, she decided that sleep was just not going to come to her that night. It had to be well into the early hours of the morning, probably in that awkward stage between when the night owls got to bed and the early birds wake up.

Well I'm not going to get any sleep, and I really need to clear my mind. I guess a short fly around wouldn't hurt anything.

She slowly ascended into the sky surrounding her cloud home right outside of Ponyville, and took off at a rather slow pace. Sometimes, flying was the best way to work out things she had internal conflicts about, and boy was this a big one. For the majority of her life, she had always assumed the role of tomboy. She enjoyed competitive flying and aerial acrobatics, and enjoyed hanging out with colts in general. But there was never a time she could really remember having a coltfriend. But this was just crazy talk. No way in the world could she be attracted to another mare, let alone her best friend. Besides, even if she was attracted to other mares, Twilight would be the last person Rainbow Dash would expect to be gay too.

The more she thought about Twilight, the more Rainbow started to want to see her. She knew it was late, and knew she was in the bed, but it was worth a shot. She picked up her pace, a sudden excitement welling inside her at the thought of seeing her best friend.

Rainbow Dash landed on the patio on the upper level of the library as quietly as she could. She peeked inside the window to see the silhouette of a unicorn peacefully dreaming. She stood there for a moment, again admiring the beauty before her. Twilight shuffled around a bit in her sleep, and turned to where her face was visible. Rainbow's heart fluttered a bit as she noticed a cute grin on her best friend's face. She couldn't stand it any longer. She had to talk to her.

"Twilight! Wake up, Twilight!" she nearly screamed as she rapped on the window of the doors leading into the bedroom. Twilight shook awake with a slight start, and inhaled sharply at the sight of Rainbow Dash standing outside of her bedroom.

"What in Equestria are you doing here Rainbow Dash? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Twilight said sharply as she climbed out of bed to unlock the door, allowing the pegasus to enter.

"Oh you know, just out for a little late night fly. Thought I'd pay you a visit and, you know, chat, and stuff," Rainbow replied nervously.

"Couldn't it have waited until morning, seeing as that's only about two hours away?"

"Well if I could maybe get to sleep that wouldn't be too hard, but I've got to tell yah, sleep doesn't want to pay me a visit tonight."

Twilight rubbed her eyes and sat down on her bed. She patted the empty space beside her, indicating for Rainbow Dash to come sit beside her. "Why can't you sleep?"

"Ah no reason I guess. Just some silly thoughts I've been having. But I just really felt like talking to you Twilight. You always know how to make me feel better," with that, she shot the pony beside her a sincere smile. As she looked deep into the gorgeous pair of violet eyes across from her, she felt the butterfly return to the center of her chest. Nopony had ever had this effect on her, not even a handsome young colt.

Is this what it's like to be attracted to somepony? Is this what it means to like somepony past the point of friendship? To want a relationship with them?

A faint voice off in the distance brought Rainbow Dash to her senses. Twilight was trying to get her attention, but was failing to do so. "Hey! Are you okay, Rainbow?" she asked gently.

"What? Oh...yeah I'm great. Just got distracted for a moment."

Twilight placed her hoof on Rianbow's, and this sent a wave of warmth up the pegasus's arm.

So soft, so warm, so gentle.

Rainbow Dash yawned wide and laid back on the bed. Twilight let out a little laugh, and sat there until her friend drifted off on her bed. She got up, closed the door to the outside, and covered her best friend up.

You look really tired, Rainbow Dash. I won't wake you.

"Sleep tight, dweeb," she playfully jabbed at the sleeping image of Ponyville's best flyer. She retreated downstairs and curled up underneath a throw blanket on her couch.

Author's Note:

There is a bit of a jump back in the story at the very beginning since the last chapter ended with Rainbow Dash being unable to sleep, but it was completely intentional.

That being said, I've tried to take some of your guys' advice and slow things down a bit in terms of the descriptions and what not. I'm trying to make it seem more like you're experiencing the events with the ponies as opposed to reading a summary.

Since this is going up in the early afternoon where I am, I might try and write chapter 4 today. As always show your appreciation with a thumbs up and a favorite, and leave any advice/criticism in the comments section below.