• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 2,744 Views, 19 Comments

A Secret Crush - Kill Joy

The coltcuddlers writing contest winners!!!

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Second Place


by: Fimbulvinter

Safe in his bunk at the Wonderbolts’s HQ, Soarin’ quickly looked around to make sure that he was alone. Most of the others were still out celebrating the success of the show they had just done. The Wonderbolts had been hired to perform at the birthday party for a noble’s child, but Soarin’ had needed to sit it out, having sustained a wing strain during the last show and the staff doctor hadn’t cleared him to perform today. From what he had heard, it had gone off flawlessly and the noble had tried to book them again for their other child.

’Easy money’, he thought.

Assured that he was alone in the dorm, Soarin’ gently reached under his cloud and pulled out a strongbox. The box contained his most precious memories or items of value: a feather from his first moult, a signed poster from the last generation of Wonderbolts, a menu from a cafe where he had eaten the best pie ever, but the one that he was taking out tonight was by far the most valuable thing he had ever put into it.

Unlocking the box, Soarin’ reached in and pulled out a small, slightly beaten photograph. It wasn’t a very impressive photo to look at, but it was a memory of a time that he held dear to his heart. The photo depicted two stallions, with Soarin’ being one of them. The other one was his mentor and best friend in the whole world, his fellow Wonderbolt and captain of the team, Flamethrower. They had shared a beach vacation together a few years back, when Soarin’ had finally made the team and he had set up a camera to grab a picture of them as the sun went down. Flamethrower was smiling broadly, holding up a golden yellow surfboard while Soarin’ just looked happy to be there. Soarin’ remembered that day perfectly. Flamethrowers rugged good looks and highly muscled chest; the way he had handled the board with practiced ease.

Soarin’ hugged the photo to his chest, taking care not to crease or damage it. Ever since that day, he had been carrying a secret torch for Flame, and he wished that he could go back in time to that moment so he could tell Flamethrower just how he felt. Flamethrower was kind, funny, a great flyer and fun to be around. Soarin’ was sure that he would also be a great lover in bed, but Flame had made it very clear that he liked the mares. Soarin’ had bedded a few mares in his time; it came with the job of being a Wonderbolt, but he didn’t feel anything for them. Sure it felt good at the time, but his heart would always be among other stallions. That’s why he wanted Flamethrower. He was the sexiest stallion he had ever seen and Soarin’ could easily picture the two of them spending many pleasure filled days exploring every inch of each other’s bodies.

A few times, he had considered just telling Flame how he felt about him. Better to get it out in the open and get Flamethrowers reaction over and done with. At least that way, they could both get on with their lives or have some form of closure. Every time he tried to talk to Flame about it however, he just froze up and either began to talk about something else, or walked away entirely. The timing never seemed to be a right as it had been that day on the beach.

He had viewed and replayed the scene in his mind thousands of times, each one slightly different than the one before it. In some, he would confess his feelings for Flamethrower and the pair of them would instantly fall deeply in love, get married and live happily ever after. In others, Flamethrower would fire him from the team and tell him to never show his face around Canterlot again.

“Tomorrow; I’ll tell him tomorrow. Flamethrower, I love you,” he promised himself, just as he had every night that week. He knew that it was unlikely that Flamethrower would ever love him back, but it needed to be said. He needed to be honest with himself and let Flamethrower know just how much he loved him. Maybe Flamethrower would surprise him and they could spend the rest of their lives in each others hooves. He would never know until he tried.

Soarin’ replaced the photo into his box and curled up in his bed. He hoped that he would have the dream again tonight, the one featuring him, Flamethrower and an industrial size bottle of massage oil. Soarin’ closed his eyes and saw Flamethrower waiting for him, lying on a beach towel in the sun. Gleaming oils dripped off of his golden bronze body and Soarin’ eagerly moved in to join him. Flamethrower rose up onto one side and gently ran his slick hoof down Soarin’s face before leaning in and softly kissing him.

Soarin’ reached forward and embraced his lover, eagerly reciprocating the kiss before rolling Flamethrower on top of him. An increasing pressure at his loins indicated just how much Flamethrower was enjoying their encounter. Soarin’ moaned as he started grinding his hips against his lover’s, their hooves exploring each others bodies as their tongues merged into one.

At least they could always be together in his dreams.