• Published 8th May 2013
  • 19,815 Views, 466 Comments

Letters From a Secret Admirer - Subsolar Drift

Twilight receives anonymous love letters.

  • ...

The Plot Thickens

Several Days Later

Twilight Sparkle was not a morning pony. Yet, everyday without fail, she forced herself up right at seven so she could go out grab the newspaper and her mail, come back in and go through them with a cup of coffee. It was torture, but it was routine and had to be done.

She set her mail down on the table. Still somewhat braindead, she shuffled over to her coffee pot and poured herself a cup. Why do I do this to myself? She asked herself that every day, and every day she could only tell herself it was her routine so it had to be done.

She yawned, levitated her mail towards her and shuffled through it. Bill, magazine, bill, bill, my subscription to Science Monthly, bill, anonymous letter, bill, maga- She stopped, her thoughts fading off into oblivion. Levitating the letter back up to her, she could only stare blankly at the letter, a sense of wariness overcoming her.

Another one of these? She floated the letter towards the trash, but thought again. I guess I really should read it. If somepony went to the time to write it, I can't just throw it away. With that, the letter was torn from its envelope, and hung before Twilight's eyes.

Dearest Twilight Sparkle,
Firstly, I would like to sincerely apologize for my previous letter. I must say that it was a far cry from anything that you so deserve, and I only truly realized once it was too late. I fear I was caught up in my thoughts as I wrote and I was not able to properly convey the message I desired to. I hope you can forget that letter, as I have tried to, and focus on this one.

It is difficult to write this to you, and yet I must. Twilight Sparkle, I fear I have fallen for you. I am in awe of you and all you do. Your magic is incredible, more powerful than any I have seen before in my time. And yet with all this power you are still so modest, it is stunning. You are truly one of a kind. Everypony I have spoke to would agree that you are the smartest pony in the entire town, and yet you deny it. All those amazing features in a mare who is beautiful as well. I guess it’s no surprise I’ve fallen for you. Forgive me for sending this letter, I could hold in how I felt no longer, but couldn’t work up the nerves to tell you.
An Admirer

Twilight simply sat in complete shock at the letter. Her mind refusing to process what she had just read, not knowing what to do with the information. And so her mind did what it always defaulted to in the mornings. It made her drink more coffee.

Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud once again, high above the ground with a pair of binoculars in hoof. She frowned as she watched Twilight just sit there at her table, sipping coffee and staring into space. Darn it! Why is she just sitting there! I could’ve sworn she was blushing while she was reading it. Dash let out a sigh. I hope I haven't spent all that time practicing for nothing.

A change in the kitchen broke Dash from her thoughts. The unicorn was blushing furiously with her coffee set down on the table while still levitating the letter.

I knew it! I knew this one would work! Dash threw her hoof in the air, accompanying it with a mental celebration. She turned back to the library, still dancing inside her head. Twilight looked shakily around her kitchen and then vanished in the blink of an eye. Dash's eyes scanned the kitchen. Dash watched the room like a hawk to see if Twilight would reappear. When she didn't, Dash frowned. I wonder where she went.

With a flash of light and a loud pop, Twilight materialized in her room. Unfortunately for her, teleporting with her mind still on the letter wasn't the smartest thing she'd ever done. She squealed as she fell the four feet from the air to her bed, letting out a yelp as she bounced off and came crashing to the floor, waking Spike.

“Twilight?” he groaned, groggy from sleep. “What are you doing?” He let out a huge yawn and looked at the clock. He scratched his back as he stood.

“Oh, sorry for waking you Spike." She smiled guiltily. "Everything's fine, I just mis-teleported.” She got to her hooves and moved over to her desk. Note to self: don't teleport when flustered. Blushing from both the letter and embarrassment from the failed spell, she turned her back to Spike and set the letter on the desk.

Having decided that it wasn't worth going back to sleep, Spike shuffled over to join Twilight at the desk, looking curiously at the letter. “Whatcha got there?”

Even more blood rushed to Twilight’s face as she panicked at the question. “What? Where?! I haven't g-got anything!" she stammered as she flailed her hooves to cover up the letter.

Spike stared at her deadpan before shaking his head. He shrugged and sighed. “Whatever Twilight, If it’s something private I don’t want to know.” With that, he turned and left the room.

Twilight became more red than she thought was possible as she yelled after him. “Spike! I-I-It’s nothing of the sort!” She stuttered as he went down the stairs.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever Twilight. I’m gonna go grab some breakfast.” he retorted.

“But Spike, it really isn’t!” She called out the door after the dragon, but received no reply. Grumbling under her breath, she returned her attention to the letter. Who would ever send me an anonymous love letter? She looked over the letter again, checking to see if she'd missed a return address or anything of the sort, but her search brought no results.

Well, whoever this pony is they sure are flattering. They make me out to be some amazing pony. She looked carefully down at the letter, still thinking. Either way, it’s kinda nice to know that somepony likes me.

She took the letter and placed inside a drawer in her desk. She smiled as she put it away and that smile stayed with her the whole day.

The Next Evening

Dash sat down at her desk with great gusto. She had a fresh stack of paper, a copious supply of ink and a set of nice quills which she “procured” from the quill shop. She still felt kinda guilty about the quills, but she shrugged it off. It's not like I won't pay for them, I just don't get paid til Friday and bits don't grow on trees. With that settled, she cracked her neck, took a deep breath in and began to write.

“Dear Twilight.” She mumbled, voice somewhat muffled by the quill in her mouth. She often spoke aloud to help her think, whether she was reading or writing, everything just seemed to flow better when she spoke it to herself. The words flowed smoothly, but she couldn’t help but feel something was off. She'd followed all the book's advice. She had been formal, kind, and flattering. She had used all the correct grammar and punctuation, but something still felt wrong.

Once again, Dash put herself in Twilight's place and imagined getting the letter, Dash groaned as she realized the problem. “Of course you idiot!” she chastised herself, “It’s not personal enough! If you're writing a love letter you have to be all sweet and personal, Dash."

Dash grabbed the paper, still damp with ink, crumpled it up and chucked it at her trash can. It bounced off the side and went in. A quick victory celebration later and she was back to work.

“Alright, if I was Twilight Sparkle and I got a random love letter, what would I want it to say?” She closed her eyes and focused on what would make her, and by extent Twilight, happy. A soft smile found its way to her face and her muscles relaxed ever so slightly. She knew what to write, and she knew Twilight would adore it. "I can't wait to see the look on her face when she reads this one!" Dash cackled.

She grabbed the next piece of paper and began to write, not with haste, but with a patience and calmness nearly no one had seen Rainbow ever exude. She smiled as she wrote, enjoying the flow of the words onto the paper. What seemed like no time at all later, she looked down over her completely finished letter. It was short and sweet, but Dash felt it said so much more.

Dear Twilight
You are like a lighthouse on a dark stormy night. A beacon that calls me towards you, one that promises safety soon, but warns of danger. There is a dark sea between us, fraught with sharp rocks and vicious creatures. All I want is to reach that promising land, and you lead my way. I heed your call and try to come close, but the rocks scrape at me and the the creatures nip at my hooves and so I must stay in the darkness far from you, always yearning for the light, and its warm embrace.
An Admirer

“Perfect!” Dash grinned. “It’s short and sweet, this is the one!” With that, she folded up the letter, placed it in it’s envelope and sealed it away. With a yawn, she headed off to bed, the last of her business for the day finished. The last thought that went through her head before sleep claimed was that Twilight's blush would be the cutest thing when she read that letter. That night, she dreamed of Twilight Sparkle, rough seas, and soft sands.

The Next Morning

Spike yawned as he walked down the stairs, his stomach begging to be fed. He glanced out the window and stared in shock at the sun well on its way to the its zenith. How can it be this late without Twilight waking me up? As he reached the bottom of the stairs he stopped dead in his tracks. Something has to be wrong, she'd never let me sleep in this late. He slowly made his way to the kitchen, shaking slightly. Did somepony break in? Did they hurt Twi? What if she's been ponynapped! I'll have to get everypony together and then we'll go an fin-

He opened the door and looked in. Well, that was a little too easy. There Twilight sat at the table, her jaw agape, her eyes slightly glazed over, staring at a letter on the table. Deciding to make the best of the situation, he headed to the cupboards and grabbed a couple gems.

“I’ll see you later Twi!” he said while munching on his breakfast. “I’m gonna see what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are doing. They, uhh... Asked for my help the other day.” He waited a moment for a reply, but getting none he smiled. “Cool, see you later.” With that he left the unicorn still staring at the letter.

Twilight’s brain had left her. Her eyes scanned the letter over and over again, desperately hoping that if they took in the information enough times, it would somehow help her think again. Only when the lower half of her body had lost feeling did something finally click in her mind. In an instant, it analyzed all of the information the eyes had given it, and produced the correct reaction.

Twilight blushed furiously. Another letter from her secret admirer, but this one was so much more than any other. It was amateurish, but sweet and surprisingly eloquent. But it was the thought behind it that really got moved Twilight.

Somepony out there had real feelings for her. Somepony, has to have feeling for me if they wrote this, right? She asked herself, but found no answer forthcoming. This mysterious pony really wanted to try a relationship, but they were afraid of unknown dangers and so they had to send these letters instead. It was flattering, not to mention romantic, to say the least.

She rose to her hooves to go leave this one with the last letter. Halfway up the stairs, an errant thought made it’s way through her mind. I wonder who he is? She paused, taking a good minute to contemplate it.

What stallion would like me? She continued up the stairs, unable to put the question out of her mind. I have to find out who's sending these letters, or it'll drive me crazy. She finally told herself. Tomorrow, I camp out the mailbox and see who it is when they leave it there. There was no return address so they have to be delivering it personally.

Smiling at her plan, she put the letter safely in the drawer with the others and went to begin her day's work. "Spike!" she called, but frowned when she got no reply. She tried again, this time yelling a little louder. "Spike! Come on! It's time to start the day's work." Still no Spike. Huh, I guess he must be out. He shouldn't do that without letting me know where he's going. I'll tell him off later. And with that, Twilight began to sort the library.