• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 6,235 Views, 130 Comments

The Truth About Scootaloo - NintendoGal55

Scootaloo comes to reveal the truth of her lineage

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Scootaloo looked around the schoolyard a bit nervously, biting her lip, a tense feeling of anxiety washing over her. But she managed to keep her cool, at least long enough, in front of her friends. Taking a breath, she sat down, took another look around, then over at the other two fillies.

"So, we're all agreed? Tomorrow, we go Laser Tag?" She grinned a bit for effect.

"Yeah! Laser taggin's gonna be a blast!" Apple Bloom declared excitedly. "An' we're gonna get our cutie marks as...uhhh...hmm..."

"Laser taggers?" Sweetie Belle supplied with a squeaky grin.

Scootaloo blinked, thinking of that for a moment. "They have those?"

Apple Bloom shrugged. "Ah dunno. But maybe we'll be tha first ta discover 'em!"

"Yes! That'd be so cool!" Sweetie Belle bounced in place excitedly.

"Yeah! Yeah, it'll be cool!" Scootaloo nodded with agreement. She stole another nervous glance around the school grounds. Relieved to see that her worries were still null, she sighed with relief.

"Ah got it! Cutie Mark Crusader sharpshooters!" Apple Bloom announced, looking to her two friends for approval.

Sweetie Belle grinned. "Yeah! I like it! What do you think, Scootaloo?"

The pegasus filly didn't respond for a moment, considering she thought she'd seen-no, it was just a pair of parents picking up their colt.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I like that!" Scootaloo nodded.

"Then it's settled! Tomorrow we get our laser tag sharpshooter cutie marks!" Apple Bloom put out her hoof.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle put her hoof on Apple Bloom's.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo placed her hoof over both of theirs.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Laser Tag Sharpshooters!!" The three fillies threw their hooves in the air, and then high-hoofed each other.

For the moment, Scootaloo forgot about her anxiety and managed to relax with her friends. At least she had tomorrow to look forward to, if nothing else.

"Sweetie Belle!" Came a sing-song voice from nearby.

Over the small hill came Rarity, walking alongside Applejack.

"Rarity!!!" Sweetie Belle eagerly ran to her sister. "Are we gonna go to the spa? I wanna take another mud bath!"

"Again?" Rarity's eyes went wide at the suggestion. "Well... I suppose an pre-weekend spa trip shall be in order!"

"Apple Bloom, c'mon!" Applejack beckoned her sister to her.

"Ah'mma comin'!" Apple Bloom eagerly ran to her older sister, as well. "See ya tomorrow, Scootaloo! Remember! Laser taggin'!"

"Uh, yeah! See you guys later!" Scootaloo waved at them nervously.

"Yer gonna have fun at that laser tag arena tomorrow, Sugarcube." Applejack chuckled, mussing her sister's pinkish-red mane. "Rainbow Dash an' Ah play there occasionally, an' it's a real blast!"

"Yay!" Sweetie Belle bounced on the spot. "See you later, Scootaloo!"

Scootaloo waved again as her friends walked away with their sisters. She sighed in relief, no longer feeling worried. At least now, nopony would be around to see what was inevitably to come, and she could handle this on her own.

However, she was soon met with a dreaded chill coursing up her spine. That usually meant one thing. Scootaloo closed her eyes, hoping against all hope that the dreaded source would go away. She was in no mood for that, most especially dealing with it herself.

"Well, well, well! Look what we have here, Silver Spoon!" Sneered the haughty voice of Diamond Tiara, as she and the gray filly approached Scootaloo. "The flightless blank flank, all alone. What's the matter, Scootaloser? Did your lame so-called 'friends' abandon you?"

Giving them a look, Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes they did. Why else would I be sitting here, after their sisters picked them up, all by myself? Really, tell me. If you have a theory, I don't care!"

Silver Spoon blinked, having no real comeback.

But Diamond Tiara smirked nastily at the pegasus filly. "Awww, so you're all alone, without even your two lame friends to keep you company." She mock-pouted, quivering her lower lip. "Why, that's so sad, I think I might just cry!"

"Applejack and Rarity picked them up, big deal! I can handle a few minutes by myself, thanks." Scootaloo muttered. "Now, go away! I'm sure you have much better things to do!"

"Well, actually..." Silver Spoon spoke up, but was nudged roughly by Diamond Tiara.

"It must be sooo hard, to be all alone, all the time..." Diamond Tiara continued, still smirking. "I'm sure even your two lame 'mommies', Fluttercry and Rainbow Crash must find you to be absolutely pathetic. I mean, really? A pegasus who can't even fly? Face it, Scootaloser, you're not even a real pegasus! You're just an earth pony with wings!"

As much as she knew that the bullying filly was only saying that to get under her skin, but even that hurt her a little bit. Even worse off, insulting Rainbow Dash, her idol, and big sister figure, was going too far. Especially since Fluttershy, her favourite foalsitter and other big sister, was also being insulted. She was not going to stand for this!

Anger boiled within her, over-lifting the sadness. She turned to face the two earth fillies, glaring at them.

"Don't talk about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy like that!! They don't care that I can't fly! They still help me! The only wingless ponies I see here are you two! You're just jealous, because I've got great friends like them!"

"Jealous?! Me?! Of a flightless pegasus?!" Diamond Tiara laughed hard, beating her hooves on the ground. "You MUST be joking! Why would I be jealous of somepony as lame and pathetic as you, Scootaloser?! You're so lame, I bet even the Wonderbolts couldn't teach you to fly!"

"Yeah! A lame Blank-Flank pegasus like you couldn't even get the Wonderbolts to train you!" Silver Spoon sneered.

Tears pooled in Scootaloo's eyes, feeling heartbreak eating at her gut. "J-Just...GO AWAY!!!" She screamed.

"You know I'm right, Scootaloser!" Diamond Tiara laughed, trotting away with Silver Spoon at her side. "Blaaank flaaank!!!"

"SHUT UP!!!" The pegasus filly yelled, turning away so she could cry in peace.

The bullies' laughter continued to ring in her ears, even after they were long gone from the schoolyard.

Scootaloo shook, feeling helpless, weak, and so alone. It was a moment like this that she wished Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hadn't left yet. But there was no more she could do to mend the situation. All she could do was sit there, cry, trying to tell herself that it would be okay. Even if the taunting of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon continued to try to push those reassurances away.

It was as if anytime she felt assured with the ponies in her life, Diamond Tiara's sneering gaze always came out to ruin it.

By now, Scootaloo was crying so hard, she didn't even hear the sound of hooves touching down on the ground, or the soft hooffalls approaching her from across the schoolyard. She did, however, feel a gentle hoof on her quaking shoulders, and hear the soft, comforting voice that spoke to her.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Are you all right?"

Scootaloo froze a little upon hearing the voice. But she didn't have much time to register it when a second voice spoke up.

"What's wrong, kiddo?"

Smiling down at the crying filly was a golden yellow pegasus with a fiery mane and tail. Kind amber-brown eyes met tear-filled purple, as the mare reached out to gently stroke her mane.

"Why are you crying, honey?"

Sniffling, all Scootaloo could do was embrace the mare, trembling a bit. She wasn't used to being this vulnerable, but it was what she needed at the moment. The warmth of the older pegasus comforted her, allowing her to take some deep breaths.

"M-Mom... It was...bullies..." She managed, sniffling.

"Bullies?" The golden pegasus frowned, stroking her mane in comfort. "Why don't you tell us all about it, sweetie?"

The stallion, a light blue pegagus with a darker blue mane and light green eyes looked surprised.

"What happened, kiddo?" He asked, sitting down beside the filly and rubbing her back comfortingly.

More sniffles escaped the filly as she told them what happened, trying to keep herself in check. In doing so, both the mare and stallion listened attentively, offering any physical gestures of comfort that they could.

"Sounds to me like we're going to have to have a talk with that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's parents," said the stallion, nodding to the mare.

"Agreed." Nodded the mare, sighing. "We can't let these bullies keep picking on you and your friends like this."

"B-But Mom...Dad.....if you do that....! They'll know! I-I'll just get Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to do it!" Scootaloo protested.

"Oh, honey..." The mare giggled, looking to the stallion for a moment. "I think we're more than capable of handling this situation. We are your parents, after all, and we can take care of this as responsible parents. We won't even bring up our status to use as a trump card. Isn't that right, Soarin?"

Soarin' grinned and nodded. "Of course, Spitty! You know that, don't you, Scoots? We just want to make sure you'll be okay at school."

"But they'll still know..." Scootaloo said with uncertainty, wiping her eyes.

"And that bothers you, Scootaloo?" Spitfire poked the filly's snout. "Are you embarrassed about good ol' Mom and Dad?"

"Scared your old man might embarrass you?" Soarin' playfully ruffled Scootaloo's mane.

"No, I just-! It's just...well I... I don't know how they'd react if they knew my parents were two of the Wonderbolts!" Scootaloo squeaked.

"Ohhh, is that it?" Spitfire seemed to understand this. "You don't want to be treated differently because you have famous parents, right?"


"Don't even worry about that, sweetie. If your friends are really your friends, then they're not going to care who your parents are. All that will matter to them is that you're happy."

Scootaloo sniffled a bit, but nodded. "...Okay... But can we go now, anyway?"
Spitfire nodded, smiling and crouching down on the ground. "Of course we can, honey. And how about we pick up your favorite to make for dinner?"

Almost immediately, the orange filly grinned as she climbed up onto her mother's back. "Yeah! Okay!"

"That's the spirit, kiddo!" Soarin' grinned, spreading his wings as they prepared for takeoff.

Spitfire stood up and spread her wings once Scootaloo had settled onto her back. "All right, then let's be off! And no more tears now, right sweetie?"

"Yes, mom...no more tears..." Scootaloo mumbled.

"Atta girl." The gold mare nuzzled her daughter lovingly. "Let's go, then!"

The family took off into the skies, bound for the majestic sky city of Cloudsdale. Despite her earlier worries, Scootaloo soon felt them melt away as she finally had some time to spend with her parents.

Author's Note:

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. How in the world does this work?! Well, let me tell you something. There are times that we have twist around canonical factors in order for a story to work. And this is one of them. While we can use some of the fact that Scootaloo's parents are never revealed, we're also taking creative licensing. Now, why don't you sit back and let the story unfold, if you're interested in reading?

That comic we linked to in the description is what inspired us, and took it on as our headcanon. With Spitfire and Soarin' being Scootaloo's parents. :D