• Published 2nd May 2013
  • 3,838 Views, 38 Comments

Dancing with flames. - destroyer-of-pineapples

After being accused of the crime he didn't comit, Spike goes to the dragon's land to start his new life. He discovers that all he knew about dragon's was a lie. Spike is trying to adapt in dragon's civilisation.

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Chapter 1


Once I had a name. I had home, friends and family. But now, all I have is these useless pieces of paper. Once they were making me the most powerful dragon in Drakhia. I threw them into the fire and watched them becoming black and turning into ash. Here is all my power.

I was powerful, I was respected, I was loved and hated... now I am traitor.

Four years ago I left my home and friends to start a new life. Drakhia seemed to me like a paradise. Mystery land of dragons. Place where I can live on my own...

Four years earlier...

When the storm stopped I came out of the cave. The fresh snow and ice crystals were reflecting the sunlight with hundred of colours. I looked at the Great Moutains above. They said that here, at that height, there was no life. It was good thing cause I was exhausted running from wolfs or mountain trolls.

I checked the ice. It was hard enough to withstand my weight. I took two small axes out of my bag and started climbing.

It was second month of my exile. When I was running away from Canterlot I didn’t think I will get this far. For two months I was hiding in the caves and forests. But the royal guards weren’t my only problem. For few weeks I was chasing by wolfpack and other carnivors. As long as I was in the forest I didn’t have to care about food. There were apples, blueberries and once I even caught a rabbit but here on the north there was only snow and ice. Luckily I had few rubies which I stole from one full-grown dragon but only one of them left.I had also some more serious problem. My hand was injured and it seemed to be infected.

Suddenly I frozed in terror. What I thought was eagle turned out to be a pegasi. Now I could see his gold painted armor. I didn’t move hoping he won’t see me. Again I had a good luck becaue the pegasus flew away. Maybe he wasn’t even chasing me, he cold be border guard. If it was true it meant I was very close to my destination.

I was climbing until I reached rock shelf. I took a short break because I was extremly exhausted and my hand was bleeding again. I started to think about my situation. There was no chase behind but I was injured and starwing. But also I was to close to go back.

-Shining Armor-

“ Have you found him” asked Shining Armor when two soldiers entered his tent.

“ No, our people are patroling the hole Snow Plains and nobody would be unnoticed.” said one of the guards.

“He went through the mountains.” said the second guard.

“Great. Now tell me something I don’t know.” Shning Armor was getting very angry. For two months they were following this wretched dragon and every time he somehow got out of the chase. They knew he was going to Drakhia becase it was the only place where he could get without crossing the sea. All Equestria was searching for Spike and also griffons and zebras. Northerm border was his only chance.

Suddenly the grey unicorn ran into the tent.

“We lost him captain!” he said and sat tired on the gound “We found him 4 miles from the border but then there was avalanche. Two of my men were buried alive. We couldn’t help them.”

“What about Spike? What about the dragon?”

“He got away.”

“You idiots!” Shining Armor was furious “How long are you going to play with him!”

“Captain.” one of the guards cutted in “I think our job is over.”

“What do you mean. We didn’t capture him.”

“Yes but if he’s dead there is nothing more to do.”

“He is alive, you know it!”

“But Celestia doesn’t. Anyway he is injured and hungry. He could already broke his neck or freeze.”

Shining Armor was thinking for a while. Soldier was right. It wasn’t their problem anymore.”Take your men, we’re going home.”


I was standing on the peak. Before me was laying Drakhia. I saw only endless snow plains but I knew behind them was my new home. My asylum.

I found a big cave 200 metres below the mountain peak. I made small fire to warm myself. I couldn’t believe that two month’s has passed since events in Canterlot.


Young dragon was standing next to the throne. It has been a week since he became a Royal Guard and he still took his duties very seriously. Suddenly the doors to the throneroom opened and two guards entered in the company of unfamiliar pony.

“That’s him.” The pony showed at Spike.

“What’s going on?” Celestia stopped reading royal documents.

“Your Highness, this pony claims that Private Spike is... Maybe it would be better to talk without Private.” said one of the guards.
“Spike do you want to leave?” asked Celestia.

“No, I want to hear this pony.” Spike didn’t like all this situation but he had to know what is going on.

“Private Spike, you’re suspected of espionage and selling informations to the Diamond Dogs.” the guard took out his sword “Don’t resist.”

Suddenly drake’s entire life crumbled into pieces. He has been thrown to the dungeon and next few weeks he was interrogated. The officer told him that pony he saw in the throneroom saw him stealing documents.

“We have also found Royal scrolls in your house.Admit it, you will get lighter punishment.”

Spike was trying to explain but nobody was listening. Even his sister Princess Twilight turn her back on him.

One day Royal Guard visited him. It was Thunderlane.

“How are you Spike?”

“What? Don’t tell me you wil be my interrogator now.”

“You still claim you didn’t do anything.”

“I’ve told you everything. Don’t make me repeat.”

Thunderlane entered the cell and handcuffed him. When they went out of the dungeons he opened handcuffs and whispered “Run!”

“What are you doing! They will...” Spike was shocked.


He didn’t have to repeat. Spike somehow got into his house and took everything he needed. He didn’t remember how he escaped the city.


Spike frozed in terror when loud roar came through the cave. He couldn’t move while huge mountain troll came out of a shadow.

-Rainbow Dash-

“We are here to farewell our brother. Spike wasn’t only Royal Guard he was also a faithful friend and he will stay forever in our hearts...” Celestia continued her speech while Twilight and her friends were standing next to the coffin.

“I want to see him. I have to see my friend.” cried Pinkie.

“Pinkie Pie, I told you that the coffin is empty.” Applejack tried to be confident but her eyes were full of tears.

“I didn’t say goodbye to him.” yelled Pinkie.

“Look at all these suckers.” murmured Rainbow Dash.

“What do you mean Dash?” asked Rarity.

“They’re treating him like a hero but two months ago all of them would spit at him. Am I right Twilight?”

“Rainbow, leave her...”

“No! When he needed her the most she left him! Am I lying your Highness.”

“Let me farewell my brother.” Twilight voice was very weak.

“Your brother killed Spike!”

“It was an avalanche. Shining Armor would never...” Fluttershy was trying to calmher friend but Rainbow was too furious.

“I’m sick of you. All of you!” shouted Rainbow and ran out of the ceremony. She was running for a few minutes when she finally stopped and started crying. All memories returned. “You said that you loved me! And now you’re lying in your snow tomb and I...” she cried.

“Is everything alright?”

Rainbow looked at the pony “What do you want Thunderlane?”

“Spike was also a friend of mine. And it’s my fault. I hoped it will turn out different.” She saw quilt in his eyes.

“Yes, it’s your fault. You called him the traitor but YOU betrayed him!”

“You were very close to each other.”

“What do you want from me?” asked Rainbow with irritation.

“We gradueted together and as I said he was afriend of mine. I doubt that anything what they said about him was true.” he looked at her with saddness.”I let him free. And all this funeral is my fault.”

Comments ( 38 )

This is great! But I think you need an editer, you tend to skip words on occasion and misspell a few words but still great!:moustache:

The grammar problems really got bothersome and started to make reading this hard. I really do suggest you get an editor. If you can't find anyone, I would gladly be the editor for this. This story really has potential, but the grammatical errors really got in the way, as I said. It also lacks a good bit of detail. Work on the detail, and get an editor, and you might make a great story. This story can become an amazing one, and might even get on EQD some day. The things I stated previously are the only problems I see with this story besides the shortness.

~Gin Ichimaru~

Good story bro

I'm with PurpleLightningIchimaru on this one. Would gladly proofread for this if you want and fix the punctuation grammar I could fix but I'm not always the one for the job with things of this sort. Still I will gladly proofread, I have a lot of free time due to the fact I keep re editing fixing lengthening and shortening that damn draft I have stored for a story.

That was good. Please continue.

Please continue.

Interesting, although I gonna need some explainations as to why Twilight and Celestia let things get to where they are.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

I will explain it in the next chapters. Don't worry:pinkiehappy: It's going to be a huge story but I will try to leave nothing unreaveled.:rainbowdetermined2:

I don't know "pimpin':eeyup:" means... but thanks for commenting. I hope you enjoyed it!:pinkiehappy:

it needs more details, more past, more things from chars. But, it's good too.:rainbowkiss:


means its fucking awesome

Bugger! You used the Spike Pic i was going to use!

Are you still working on this?

I am and I was going to post new chapter but it seemed a bit rush.

I have a feeling this story is gonna be a huge success in the future. I shall continue waiting :rainbowdetermined2:

Comment posted by spike the mustache deleted Nov 7th, 2014

5238565 Couldn't be closer to the truth if you tried. :rainbowlaugh:

Cant wait for the next chapter. It's a good story

Great job man. This is going good so far but I wish you could continue this story.

Awesome story! Cant wait for the next one! Btw, whens that coming?

8124399 aww you wanna GO TO SLEEP?

Yes! I'm working half-time and attend uni. I forgot what sleep is! Take my problems away...and let's hope Jesus exist... or not, wait a sec... by my count I'm going to hell so I better switch to atheism

8124507 i....ok.....you just have fun with that. *slits your throught*

*choking with blood* It's 'throat' not 'throught'! Goddamit you illiteral piece of... *dies*
But now seriously, I'm trying to fetch some update trust me

8124567 oops....and ok! Cant wait for it! :raritywink:

Also, have a stach :moustache:

Love the story. When is the next chapter coming out

When is the next update?

Is this story dead?

Yeah I don't do bestiality.

Pacing is a little too quick, but this story definitely has potential.

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